
1 New HSK word(s): HSK3 图书馆 + tu2shu1guan3 library; CL:家jia1,个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): A N * tu2shu1guan3 library



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Grade E word(s):

图书馆 [tu2 shu1 guan3] Bibliothek (S, Lit)

Häufigkeit: 6.49 Komposita

我喜欢在图书馆学习。 I like to study in the library.
我们在图书馆外边见面. Let's meet outside the library.
我要去图书馆还这些书。 I'm just going to check in these books at the library.
那城市有自己的公用图书馆和公园。 The town has its own public library and public gardens.
这一千本书将构成学校新图书馆藏书的基础。 These 1000 books will form the nucleus of the new school library.
那个图书馆从上午9点到下午6点开放。 The library is open from 9 to 6.
你从图书馆借的书上的戳记表明,这本书必须明天归还。 The stamp in your library book shows it must be returned tomorrow.
图书馆每周五对读者开放。 The library is open to readers on every Friday.
图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 The books in the library are classified by subject.
这个图书馆星期一至星期六都开放。 The library is open on weekdays only.
这家新图书馆上星期正式落成起用。 This new library was officially opened last week.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
市长主持了市图书馆的落成仪式。 The city library was inaugurated by the mayor.
今年香港将为教师开设一家图书馆以提供防止青少年自杀的教学资料。 A library of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.
新图书馆建在校园的中心。 The new library was built in the centre of the campus.
市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。 Citizens may have free access to the library.
星期五之前我必须把这两本书归还图书馆。 I must give back the two books to the library before Friday.
主任管理人或监督人,作为某一收藏品展览或图书馆的行政主管 One that manages or oversees, as the administrative director of a museum collection or a library.
图书馆最近增添的书籍是一位百万富翁捐献的。 The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.