
0 New HSK word(s):
2 Old HSK word(s): B N * guo2min2dang3 the Nationalist Party/ the Kuomintang (KMT) D N * guo2min2 citizen


Grade E word(s):

国民 [guo2 min2] national, Inland...Staatsbürger (S)Volk (S)bürgerlich (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 1.78 Komposita

国民财富在很大程度上取决于一个国家的教育水准。 National wealth depends to a high degree on a country's educational standard.
在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。 A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.
人们聚集起来,组成国民自卫队来保卫他们的城镇。 People gathered to form a militia to protect their town.
那位公主赢得了全体国民的心。 The princess captured the hearts of the nation.
国民大会已对这一危机进行了讨论. The national assembly has/have met to discuss the crisis.
总统的讲话激励国民更加努力. The President's speech impelled the nation to greater efforts.
我的助听器是国民保健署资助的. I got my hearing aid on the National Health (Service).
这一税收制度一旦施行,必定会危害国民经济。 This tax can not be introduced without detriment to the economy.
驱邪仪式古罗马每五年普查人口后对全体国民进行的净化仪式 A ceremonial purification of the entire ancient Roman population after the census every five years.
如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民公决。 If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar.
英国国民18岁始有选举权. UK nationals get the vote at 18.