
2 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + wei4 interjection: to call attention; hello (when answering the phone) HSK1 + wei4 verb: to feed (an animal, baby, invalid etc)
2 Old HSK word(s): A interj * wei4 hello B VA * wei4 feed/ breed


Hey +


Hey +
Grade E word(s):
喂奶 喂养
喂 [wei4] Hallo 喂 [wei4] füttern (V)geben, verpflegen (V)

Häufigkeit: 49.13 Komposita

饲养员正在喂动物。 The keeper is feeding the animals.
那儿有很多喂牛的饲料。 There is much forage for the cattle.
孩子喂饱后不哭不闹的满足状使疲惫的母亲很满意。 The quiet contentment of a well-fed child satisfied the tired mother.
猪已喂过了吗? Have the pigs been fed yet?
请帮我喂我的猫好吗? Will you feed my cat for me?
喂,我要订一个(份)大的乳酪比萨。 Hello, I'd like to order a large cheese pizza, please.
喂,把桥牌轰出去吧;让咱们找个更愉快的方式一同难受好了。 I say banishing bridge; let's find some pleasant way of being miserable together.
这只猫毛很光滑,看来喂得很好。 The cat looked very sleek and well fed.
喂,服务员,这汤太咸了。 I say, waiter, the soup is too salty.
一位老人坐在公园的长凳上喂鸽子。 An old man sat on the park bench and fed the pigeon.
他们把麦麸和玉米粉混合起来喂猪。 They mix the bran and corn powder together to feed the pigs.
喂,鲍勃。是的,这是因为线路不好。我再说大一点声音。好些了吗? Oh, hello, Bob. Yes, the line is not very good. I'll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?
家禽已经喂过饲料了. The poultry have been fed.
畜牧主义以喂养或放牧家畜为基础的社会和经济系统 A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock.
喂,玛丽,何时有喜事?快了吧。 Hello, Mary, when's the happy event? It can't be long now.