
10 New HSK word(s): HSK1 商店 + shang1dian4 store; shop; CL:家jia1,个/个ge4 HSK4 商量 + shang1liang5 to consult; to talk over; to discuss HSK5 经商 + jing1shang1 to trade; to carry out commercial activities; in business HSK5 商品 + shang1pin3 good; commodity; merchandise; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 商业 + shang1ye4 business; trade; commerce HSK5 商务 + shang1wu4 commercial affairs; commercial; commerce; business HSK6 协商 + xie2shang1 to consult with; to talk things over; agreement HSK6 磋商 + cuo1shang1 to consult; to discuss seriously; to negotiate; to confer; negotiations; consultations HSK6 智商 + zhi4shang1 IQ (intelligence quotient) HSK6 商标 + shang1biao1 trademark; logo
16 Old HSK word(s): A N * shang1dian4 shop/ store B N * shang1chang3 market/ bazaar B VA * shang1liang consult/ discuss/ talk over B N * shang1pin3 commodity/ goods B N * shang1ye4 commerce/ trade business C N * shang1ren2 merchant/ business person/ trader D VA * cuo1shang1 negotiate D n;v * shang1 quotient/ business D N * shang1biao1 trademark D VA * shang1que4 discuss/ deliberate D VA * xie2shang1 negotiate about/ consult with D VA * shang1tao3 discuss D VA * shang1yi4 consult/ discuss D * jing1 shang1 be in business/ trade D N * chang3shang1 manufacturer D * tong1 shang1 have trade relation


Cửa hàng +


Thảo luận +

Kinh doanh +

Hàng hóa +

Thương nghiệp +

Kinh doanh +

Tư vấn +

Vấn +

IQ +

Thương hiệu +
Grade E word(s):
百货商店 承包商 出版商 工商 工商界 工商业 供应商 逛商店 好商量 奸商 建筑商 军火商 客商 零售商 拍卖商 皮包商 批发商 皮货商 洽商 商埠 商城 商船 商定 商队 商贩 商港 商贾 商会 商家 商界 商品化 商洽 商数 商谈 商亭 商务 商业化 商业区 书商 投机商 外商 文具商 小商品 信托商店 杂货商 智商 中间商 注册商标 自选商场
商 [shang1] Geschäft(-sleben) (S, Wirtsch)Handel, Kaufmann (S)Shang (Eig, Fam)

Häufigkeit: 8.07 Komposita

孩子们假装开商店玩儿. The children were playing at keeping shop.
他想当医生或者经商. He wants to be a doctor or go into business.
这家新开的商店里挤满了顾客。 The new store is crowded with customers.
这个商人收到了一船茶叶。 The merchant had received a shipment of tea.
我在这家商店里买了一品脱牛奶。 I bought a pint of milk in the store.
这家商店因公平交易而获好名声。 This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.
在资信方面, 这家商行还是很可靠的。 In respect of financial standing, this firm is reliable.
我的部分工作是同我们的供应商保持良好的关系。 Part of my job is to maintain good relationship with our suppliers.
那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。 The chiffonier in that shop looks special.
我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。 I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
许多富商靠极其残酷地践踏别人而爬了上去。 Many a rich businessman reached the top by trampling on others in the most brutal way.
他从商店里得到了几张优惠券。 He redeemed several coupons at the store.
各商行互相竞争以招揽顾客。 Businesses vied with each other to attract customers.
这台机器的制造商在哪? Where is the manufacturer of the machine?
顾客赊帐簿商人登记顾客购买的商品的本子 A book in which a merchant records credit sales.
我基本上同意你的建议, 但是有几个小问题有待商榷. Basically I agree with your proposals, but there are a few small points I'd like to discuss.
这些商品大量供应。 These goods are freely available.
我和她商量过我的报告。 I consulted with her about my report.
我在商业广播电台工作. I work for a commercial radio station.
我有点私事和你商量。 I have something personal to discuss with you.
供求规律决定商品的价格. The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
这个商人说服我买了他的货物。 This trader persuaded me into buying his goods.
劳资双方仍在商谈制订和解方案. Managers and workers are still working out a peace formula.
亲爱的,过街到那个商店去买些酱油。 My darling, come over the street to that shop to buy some soy.
商店趁一时缺货而提高价格从中获利。 The shop is cashed in on temporary shortage by raising price.
我建议你不要和那个不诚实的商人合作。 I advise you not to cooperate with that deceitful businessman.
在所有商品中, 我对棉布特别感兴趣。 Among all the merchandise, I was interested in the cotton piece in particular.
那位作家拒绝和他们的出版社进一步商讨。 The writer refused to make further negotiations with their publisher.
为了消磨时间等待展览开始, 我们逛了逛商场。 To kill time until the exhibition opened, we looked round the shops.
他似乎比较像一个军官,而不像一个商业行政主管。 He seems more like a military officer than a business executive.
政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。 Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.
这个商店专门出售巧克力。 This shop specializes in chocolates.
要鼓励消费者对劣质商品投诉. Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.
家庭小商业遭到大公司的吞并. Small family businesses are often gobbled up by larger firms.
在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。 Our goods are second to none on the world market.
这家商店起初只出售报纸和杂志,后来又增售青少年读物。 At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books.
我们的商行正处在十字路口,倘若此番交易不能成功,我们将会破产。 Our business is at the crossing, if this deal does not succeed, we shall be bankrupt.
商品交易兴旺. Trading in commodities was brisk.
我们学校同最近的一家商店每月订购50盒粉笔。 Our school contracted with the nearest shop for50 boxes of chalk a month.
我们用了一下午的时间逛商店, 疲惫不堪地逛了一家又一家. We spent the afternoon traipsing from one shop to another.
在美国,华盛顿是政府所在地,纽约是主要的商业中心。 In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce.
我得同委托人商量後才能接受你的建议. I must consult my prinicipals before agreeing to your proposal.
我们的商号正处在紧要关头: 倘若此番交易成功, 前途自无问题, 否则就要破产. Our business is at the crossroads: if this deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt.
商店为了迎合“自己动手”的狂热心理,为消费者提供可以在家里组装的零件。 Shops cater for the do-it- yourself craze by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home.
我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。 I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience.
但是我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。 But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise.
合伙契约两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失 A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.
他是一个不诚实的商人。 He is a dishonest merchant.
商人向他们供应货物。 The merchant supplies goods to them.
杂货商有种类繁多的存货。 The grocer's has plenty varieties of goods in stock.
这家商店供应各种野营用品。 The shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.
他们直接从厂商那里购买了这台机器。 They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer.
这些商品现正供应不足,价格会上涨。 These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.
他是一个精明的商人,深知自己的利益所在。 He was a shrewd businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.
那家商店里没什么可买的。那里没有衬衫,没有背心,没有牛仔裤,也没有睡衣。 There was nothing to buy in the store. There were no shirts, no vests, no jeans, and no pajamas.
他就财产与他们进行商议。 He bargained with them for the property.
商人决定用骆驼载运货物穿过沙漠。 The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.
商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货. The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.
新近发生的这一悲惨事件使药品厂商受到指控. This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动 One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.
大浅桶主要供酿酒商用的一种浅的盆或缸 A shallow vat or tub used chiefly by brewers.
春季出口商品交易会在5月15日于广州闭幕。 The Spring Export Commodities Fair closed in Guangzhou on May15.
那商人对一些宝石垂涎欲滴. The dealer was slavering over some precious stones.
该商行於八月份公布会计帐目. The firm publishes its accounts in August.
不知道这附近有没有便利商店? I wonder if there is a convenience store nearby.
盐酸氟胺安定商标名,用于为失眠而指定的安眠药 A trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia.
"商务剑桥英语考试一部分是笔试,一部分是口试。" "The Cambridge Business Exams are part written, part oral."
王子斥责土地开发商破坏了伦敦市建筑物映在空中的轮廓线之美. The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.
赫伯特靠在大峡谷附近开的一家对旅游者大敲竹杠的商店而变得富有起来。 Herbert become rich by opening a tourist trap near the grand canyon.
商品促销商品销售的促销,如通过协调生产与销售以及做广告、办展览和制订销售战略 The promotion of merchandise sales, as by coordinating production and marketing and developing advertising, display, and sales strategies.
娱乐场,游乐场在商品交易会、狂欢节、马戏团或展览会所在地提供杂耍表演和其它娱乐活动的地方 The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
吉隆坡马来西亚的首都和最大城市,位于马来半岛的西南部、新加坡西北。于1857年由锡矿工人建立,现为该国的商业和工业中心。人口937,817 The capital and largest city of Malaysia, on the southwest Malay Peninsula northwest of Singapore. Founded by tin miners in1857, it is the commercial and industrial hub of the country. Population, 937,817.
这家商店里的人们大都是游客。 People in this shop are mainly tourists.
批发商店大的,常从事批发业务的商店 A large, usually wholesale shop.
他的职业是经商。 He is a merchant in occupation.
工资问题可商议解决. The salary is negotiable.
我过去和他合伙经商。 I associated with him in business.
她已创业成为书商. She has set up in business as a bookseller.
现在请注意它的商标。 Now pay attention its brand please.
这家商号是优质的保证. The firm is a byword for excellence.
出版商们总吹捧他们的新书 Publishers who puff their new books.
这个商店有许多家用用具。 There are many household appliances in this shop.
这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。 The business is owned by two partners.
制造厂商的名称在盘子背面. The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate.
飞机没有沿通常的商业航线飞。 The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.
回音测深仪一种声音测深仪的商标 A trademark used for a sonic depth finder.
我队要求暂停,以便商讨新的对策。 Our team asked for time out to discuss a new plan.
我叔叔给了我一些钱让我开始经商。 My uncle gave me some money to start me out in trade.
小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤. Small shops are being crowded out by the big supermarkets.
无结果的,无成效的不产生商品或有用结果的 Not productive of a good or useful result.
设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购买。 The equipment must be bought from a supplier approved by the company.
如果货物品质不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。 If goods were not well made, you shall complain to the manufacturer.
合并两个或多个商业上的利益集团或法人团体的合并 The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations.
关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此引起重视。 About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.
当地一家商店的老板担心新开张的超级市场会抢走他的饭碗。 The man in the local shop is worried that the new supermarket will take the bread out of his mouth.
据说由于原材料市场上升且捉摸不定,制革商们不愿报出实盘。 The tanner is said to be reluctant to quote firm price because of a rising and uncertain raw material market.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
因我们订购的是季节性商品,贵方务必于十月前装运,不然我们就赶不上季节了。 Be sure to ship the goods before October as what we ordered is seasonal goods. Otherwise we will not be able to catch the season.
商行生意衰退,最后倒闭了。 The business faltered and then failed.
零售商须承受耗损的费用. The retailer has to absorb the cost of wastage.
那家制鞋厂商有几家代销店。 The shoe manufacturer had several outlets.
有两个商人让恐怖分子绑架了. Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists.
那个废品商有个压碎汽车的机器. The scrap merchant has a machine which crushes cars.
会诊商议,尤指医生们参予的会诊 A consultation, especially one involving physicians.
渡船上有个挺不错的免税商店. There's a good duty-free shop (ie one selling such goods) on the ferry.
我们向经销商出售汽车, 不卖给一般人. We sell cars to the trade, not to the general public.
请书面申报你在国外购买的全部商品。 Please make a written declaration of all the goods you bought abroad.
参加协商的人花了十个小时才敲定一桩生意。 It take the negotiator ten hours to nail down a deal.
双方之间的任何争议都应通过友好协商来解决。 Any dispute between the two parties shall be settled by friendly consultation.
折叠式婴儿浴盆一种商标名,用于婴儿的轻便洗澡用具 A trademark used for portable bathing devices for infants.
这个商店可用支票和信用卡付帐, 当然也收现金. The shop will accept cheques and credit cards, not forgetting (ie and also) cash, of course.
假若贵方愿意接受我们的建议,请通知我们,以便进一步商讨合作的细节。 If this proposal is acceptable to you, please let us know so that we can discuss details.
即使要求很高的市场对不同种类的商品,也需要有各种档次的货色和价格。 Even highly demanding markets require a wide range of quality and price levels for any group of products.
曾有两位年轻人非法侵入了大学网络,创建了一个公告牌,并在上面装入了流行的商业软件,还邀请因特网上的用户下载这些软件包。 Once two lads broke into the university network, created a bulletin board, loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.
这个商人向他行贿。 The businessman offers bribes to him.
这家商店也销售廉价珠宝。 The shop sells baubles as well.
我们的供应厂商已迁往巴斯. Our suppliers have removed to Bath.
商店连同其商誉一并出售. The goodwill is being sold together with the shop.
商业周期就是淡旺期交替。 The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.
出版商付给他雇佣的文人很低的费用。 The publisher paid his hacks low.
会前磋商谈判之前进行的会谈或讨论 Conversation or discussion preliminary to negotiation.
他们之间存在的分歧应通过协商解决。 The difficulty among them should be resolved by consultation.
公社主义公社所有权的信仰或实践,如对商品和财产 Belief in or practice of communal ownership, as of goods and property.
这些推销员可从推销的商品上获得一定百分比的佣金. The salesmen get a percentage (ie a commission) on everything they sell.
寄送,托运派遣或寄送船只给代理商店或代理人的行为 The act of dispatching or consigning a ship, as to an agent or a factor.
我很高兴经过反复磋商我们就合同条款取得一致意见。 I am glad that we have agreed on term of the contract after repeated negotiation.
富豪,政治家在商业或政治上获得杰出成绩而闻名的人 One who is known for achieving excellent results, as in business or politics.
展示贩卖货物的地方零售商店中商品陈列和销售的部分 The part of a retail store in which merchandise is displayed and sales are made.
您只要把我们的报价与其他供应商的开价相比较就会知道我方价格多么优惠。 If you compare our quotation with those offer by other supplier, you'll see how favorable ours be.
中立船证由联盟的外国政府颁发给船只的一种官方文件,尤指战时授权中立商船在特定水城内自由进出和航行的文件 An official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely.
分析家说,通过影艺公司向哈考特提出的优厚条件似乎颇有成功的希望,并应可解除这家困难重重的出版商的庞大债务负荷,而使基本上健全的营业得到生机。 A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt.
你知道这箱商品的商标吗? Do you know the trade name of this box of merchandise?
这家商店获许,可经销啤酒、葡萄酒及烈酒。 The store is licensed to sell beer, wine and spirits.
你要是到商店去,可以给我捎些香烟来吗? If you're going to the shops, could you bring me back some cigarettes?
丹在学校是个好学生;我们期望他经商成功。 Dan was a good student at school; we expect him to go places in business.
如您急需这类商品,我想向您推荐A58号产品。 If you were in urgent need of the goods, I'd like to recommend article a58.
兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。 I send you my revised catalog and price- list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you.
海上养殖在海洋生物的天然栖息地养殖这些生物,通常是出于商业目的 Cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats, usually for commercial purposes.
他不像典型的城市商人那样, 穿一身深色的套服、 带一把收好的雨伞. He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
还从没有一个出版商主动来与我接洽,这种屈尊有点让我受宠若惊。 I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.
水产养殖在控制条件下,科学、艺术及商业性培植海水或淡水食用鱼或介壳类,如牡蛎、蛤、鲑及鳟鱼 The science, art, and business of cultivating marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish, such as oysters, clams, salmon, and trout, under controlled conditions.
发行公债,发行股票发起或创立的行为或事例,尤指流动股票、债券或由流动股票、债券支持的商业资金 The act or an instance of launching or initiating, especially the floating of stocks or bonds or the financing of a business venture by floating stocks or bonds.
国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。 IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.