
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): A pron * na3li where/ wherever


Grade E word(s):

哪里 [na3 li3] wo?ach was! (Int)
哪里 [na3 li3] wo?
哪里 [na3 li5] Nein, nicht doch ! ( höfliche Antwort auf Kompliment ) (Int)Wo ? (Int)

Häufigkeit: 63.42 Komposita

我不知道该从哪里着手。 I don't know where to begin.
不论你在哪里,我都会想念你。 Wherever you are, I will miss you.
你去哪里度假了? Where did you go for your vacation?
你从哪里学会说英语的呢? Where did you learn to speak English?
警方无法确定当时他在哪里. The police can't establish where he was at the time.
不论你到哪里,语言几乎是相同的。 The language is almost the same wherever one goes.
我们现在究竟到哪里了? Where on earth have we fetched up now?
那个欠你一百块的人住在哪里? Where is the man that owes you $100?
看,你这是往哪里走?差点儿把我撞倒了 Can't you look where you're going? You nearly knocked me over!
惯常想知道自己的孩子在哪里的旧式母亲,如今有了个想知道自己的母亲在哪里的孙子。 The old-time mother who used to wonder where her boy was now has a grandson who wonders where his mother is.
他哪里是在赔钱,他几乎无法计算其利润呢! Far from losing money, he can hardly count his profits.
出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。 Be recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for is famous.
每逢他晚归, 妻子总要追问他晚上到哪里去了. Whenever he comes in late his wife cross-examines him about where he's spent the evening.
我们近期的信件卷宗在哪里? Where's the file of our recent correspondence?