
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * xiang3sheng1 noise/ sound


Grade E word(s):

响声 [xiang3 sheng1] Getöse, Lärm, Krach (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.82 Komposita

他听到身后有响声,便转过身来。 He turned around as he heard a noise behind him.
最小的响声也会吓着这个胆小的孩子的。 The least noise would startle the timid child.
这间老房子的地板发出吱吱嘎嘎的响声。 The floorboards in the old house creaked noisily.
那响声把我吓坏了. That noise scared me.
后台传来的响声把南希吓坏了,她忘记了台词。 The noise backstage scared Nancy and she blew her lines.
时钟鸣响声打破了寂静. The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock.
灌木丛中突如其来的响声把她的马吓惊了. The sudden noise in the bushes startled her horse.
金属门猛一关上时发出 光的响声. The metal door rang as it slammed shut.
那个胖子坐下时,旧椅子发出嘎吱的响声。 The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it.