
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + ya5 (particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)
3 Old HSK word(s): A interj * ya1 ah/ oh/ creak A part * ya ah B interj * ai1ya1 1. oh, used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s surprise 2. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s disgust, pain or displeasure


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Grade E word(s):
呀 [ya5] (Finalpartikel)

Häufigkeit: 38.09 Komposita

你在那不停的噪声中怎麽能工作得下去呀? How can you continue to work/continue working with all that noise going on?
哎呀,我把毛活儿落在公共汽车上了。 Oh dear, I've left my knitting on the bus!
哎呀, 我又犯了愚蠢的错误. Oh dear, I've boobed again.
他是一位多么能干的经理呀! What a capable manager he is!
哎呀!没想到价格这么高! Dear me, I didn't know the price is so high!
德位的手指撕扯着绳子和包装纸。然后是一声狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!紧接着又变为满脸的泪水。 Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears.
千万要警惕呀, 我恳求你. Be on your guard, I conjure you.
我要再婚了,可要保密呀,行吗? I'm getting married again, but keep it dark, will you?
这个新款式是多么新颖呀! How fashionable this new style is!
斯克鲁奇是多麽可恶的吝啬鬼呀! What a miserable old devil Scrooge was!
哎呀,不要这样死要面子啦,告诉我真心话吧! Oh, don't be so respectable! Tell me what you really feel.