
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 吞吞吐吐 + tun1tun1tu3tu3 to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as if hiding sth; to speak and break off, then start again; to hold sth back HSK6 狼吞虎咽 + lang2tun1hu3yan4 to wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour ravenously; to gorge oneself
1 Old HSK word(s): C VA * tun1 swallow/ devour/ gulp down/ annex

Ngập ngừng +

Gobble +
Grade E word(s):
囫囵吞枣 狼吞虎咽 慢吞吞 侵吞 忍气吞声 私吞 吞并 吞服 吞没 吞食 吞噬 吞吐 吞吐量 吞吞吐吐 吞下
吞 [tun1] einnehmen, ergreifenhinunterschlucken, verschluckeTun (Eig, Fam)

Häufigkeit: 6.63 Komposita

那次失败是一次难以吞咽的苦果。 The defeat was a bitter pill to swallow.
吃东西不要狼吞虎咽. Don't wolf down your food.
这个港口每年货物吞吐量达1亿吨. This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year.
家庭小商业遭到大公司的吞并. Small family businesses are often gobbled up by larger firms.
火焰吞没了房子。 The fire swallowed up the house.
他用开水吞服药丸。 He washed down a pill with water.
她忍气吞声地继续进行下去。 She swallowed her anger and carried on.
他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。 He screwed the others out of their share of the money.
问起他收入的来源, 他就有些吞吞吐吐. He was a bit coy when asked about the source of his income.
食物吞下去之前先要细细咀嚼。 You must chew your food well before you swallow it.
那鱼轻咬[浮向/咬著了/吞下了]鱼饵. The fish nibbled at/rose to/took/swallowed the bait.
圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 An Australian-administered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britain in1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in1958.
拥挤的车辆慢吞吞地穿过狭窄的隧道。 The heavy traffic crawled through the narrow tunnel.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.