
1 New HSK word(s): HSK1 同学 + tong2xue2 to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate; CL:位wei4,个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): A N * tong2xue2 fellow student/ schoolmate



Học sinh +
Grade E word(s):
同学 [tong2 xue2] Klassenkamerad, Klassenkameradin, Mitschüler, Mitschülerin (S)Kommilitone (S)

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他胜过他班中的同学。 He got the better of his classmates.
她和我在学院里是同学。 She and I were contemporaries at college.
老师给全班同学作了听写。 The teacher dictated to the whole class.
他喜欢拿他的同学开玩笑。 He likes playing jokes on his classmates.
校长表扬男同学服装整齐. The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
即使多年没有看见我的同学,我也马上认出了他。 Even though I hadn't seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately.
我在旅行期间舆同学们保持联系。 I kept in touch with my classmates during my journey.
班长把试卷分发给同学们。 The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.
要想赶上其他同学, 我得特别努力才行。 I have to work hard to catch up with the other students.
今天早上我在超级市场碰见了一个老同学。 I ran into an old schoolfriend at the supermarket this morning.
老师给全班同学朗诵这首诗歌。 The teacher read the poem to the class.
我想寻找我的一个老同学。 I want to search out an old school friend.
当被介绍给全班同学时,玛丽很害羞。 Mary was shy at her introduction to the whole class.
她发觉很难与她的老师和同学们相处融洽。 She finds it difficult to relate to her tutors and fellow students.
那孩子见他妈妈当着同学们的面亲亲热热、婆婆妈妈的对待他,感到害臊,不知如何是好。 The child was ashamed of the affectionate fuss his mother was making of him in front of his schoolmates and didn't know where to turn his eyes.