
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * jiao4han3 cry/ clamor


Grade E word(s):

叫喊 [jiao4 han3] Aufschrei (S)Ausruf (S)Kampfruf (S)Zuruf (S)ausrufen (V)rufen (V)schreien (V)zetern (V)

Häufigkeit: 1.27 Komposita

人们叫喊著为选手打气. The crowd yelled (out) encouragement at the players.
她一反常态, 向他愤怒地叫喊. She lost her usual equilibrium and shouted at him angrily.
他们打开包裹, 高兴地叫喊起来. They opened the parcel with whoops of delight.
他伸手捂住她的嘴, 不让她叫喊. He put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming.