
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C Adv * zhi3de2 only-must/ be obliged to/ have to/ have no choice but


Grade E word(s):

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店主给我们的分量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤. The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.
比赛因天气不好只得取消。 The match had to be cancelled because of bad weather.
他们从这次实验中只得到了一组不完整的答案。 They only got an incomplete set of results from the experiment.
骚乱恶化,政府只得宣布进入紧急状态。 The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.
销售开始下跌,公司财务不久便出现赤字,他们只得把那幢大楼卖掉。 Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red. They had to sell the building.
我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。 I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience.
我们喜欢的饭馆已客满, 所以我们只得到别处去. Our favourite restaurant was full, so we had to go elsewhere.
我只得把他让进客厅。 I felt obliged to invite him into the parlor.
我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。 We have to put up with her bad temper.
如果我们准备采用新工序的话,我们将只得吸取那些已有这方面工作经验的人们的成果。 If we are to start the new process, we shall have to pick the brains of those who have had some experience of doing the job.
公路干线遭水淹没,我们只得择乡间小径绕行。 The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes.
他以为他的构思最好,可是还是差了一点;它只得了二等奖。 He thought his idea was the best, but it was a near miss; it only won second prize.