
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): A * bian4 cheng2 change into/ turn into


Grade E word(s):

变成 [bian4 cheng2] werden, sich wandeln in, sich verändern zu (V)

Häufigkeit: 50.3 Komposita

你或许也会发现阅读已经变成是有趣的事,而不是工作。 You may also find that reading has become more fun than work!
他们把自己的家变成了无家可归的孤儿们的避难所。 They have made their home a haven for the homeless orphans.
这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。 The paper turned green as if by magic.
魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。 The magician transformed the frog into a princess.
秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色。 In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.
她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可能把它变成有礼貌与客气。 She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
广大的地区均已变成沙漠. Vast areas of land have become desert.
争论演变成了公开的论战。 The argument boiled over into open war.
这场讨论演变成了激烈的争吵. The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel.
我希望你最近转变成的这样子永远不要再变。 I hope you'll never change back from the person you have recently become.
这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵. The argument developed into a bitter quarrel.
这件文物,接触空气之后,变成了粉末。 The relic, when exposed to air, turned to dust.
万一太阳消失了,地球会变成什么样子? If the sun were to disappear, what would the earth be like?
显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。 Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
他那些模糊的想法变成了一个明确的计划. His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan.
中国教育的主要目的是教授所需的科技知识以把中国变成现代化的社会主义国家。 The min purpose of Chinese education is to teach the science and technology needed to made China into a modern socialist nation.
水沸腾而变成蒸汽. When water boils it turns into steam.
水受热变成水蒸汽。 Heat evaporates water into steam.
那液体先变成绿色, 又变成棕色了. The liquid turned green and then brown.
在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。 In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.
艾奥宙斯所爱的少女,被赫拉变成丁小母牛 A maiden who was loved by Zeus and transformed by Hera into a heifer.
那场争论已演变成过分的人身攻击了. The argument was becoming too personal.
古时认为一般金属能变成黄金. In former times it was thought that ordinary metal could be transmuted into gold.
那片田地又变成了荒地。 The fields have reverted to moorland.
它展示了从幼虫变成蝴蝶的过程。 It shows the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly.
感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。 Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.
膨胀凝固性一种粘性物质在压力下变成凝固的现象 The phenomenon whereby a viscous substance solidifies under pressure.
考克斯兄弟雇了一个尽职的鬼魂替他们干了大部分事情,这件事终于变成了公认的事实。 In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.
巫婆把王子变成了青蛙. The witch changed the prince into a frog.
毛虫能变成蝴蝶或蛾子. Caterpillars change into butterflies or moths.
我屡次梦见自己变成了大象. I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant.
雪融化时, 山间溪流变成山洪暴发. When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge.
毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。 A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.
把黄油加热,直到变成褐色为止。 Heat the butter until it browns.
蜂蜜水水和蜂蜜的混合物,混合物发酵时变成蜂蜜酒 A mixture of water and honey that becomes mead when fermented.
`他说:  我要来. '在间接引语中变成`他说他要来.' In indirect speech, `He said, ``I will come''' becomes `He said he would come.'