
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 发财 + fa1cai2 to get rich
1 Old HSK word(s): D * fa1 cai2 make a fortune/ make a pile


Tài sản +
Grade E word(s):
发财致富 升官发财
发财 [fa1 cai2] Reichtum erwerben, reich werden (S)

Häufigkeit: 2.43 Komposita

他发财之後把老朋友都抛弃了. When he became rich he threw over all his old friends.
许多人力求发财但都未成功。 Many a man has tried to get rich without success.
现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。 Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.
她生活的唯一目的似乎是发财。 Get rich seem to be her only purpose in life.
亲眼看见这一派兴旺繁荣景象的穷人们也开始想沾光发财了。 The poor, who can see this boom with their own eyes, are starting to want their share of the cake.