
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 反问 + fan3wen4 to ask (a question) in reply; to answer a question with a question; rhetorical question
1 Old HSK word(s): C VA * fan3wen4 raise a rhetorical question/ ask (a question) in reply


Câu hỏi tu từ +
Grade E word(s):
反问 [fan3 wen4] rhetorische Frage

Häufigkeit: 0.3 Komposita

我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。 Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.