
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 原始 + yuan2shi3 first; original; primitive; original (document etc)
1 Old HSK word(s): C VS * yuan2shi3 original-initial/ original/ firsthand/ primeval/ primitive


Bản gốc +
Grade E word(s):
原始人 原始森林 原始资料
原始 [yuan2 shi3] Ur..., Ausgangs-, erstens (S)primär (Adj)primitiv (Adj)uranfänglich (Adj)urzeitlich (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 5.46 Komposita

原始社会的结构并不一定就是简单的。 The constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple.
原始人用尖石块和兽骨为自己制作原始的工具。 Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones.
这本书是原始民族神话集。 The book is about the mythologies of primitive races.
营地的生活条件甚为原始. Living conditions in the camp were pretty primitive.
他的著作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。 His book describe the march of the civilization of a primitive society.
原始人,未开化的人被其他民族或群体视为拥有原始文化的人 A member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization.
移情作用;情感转移一种防卫机制,情感、影响、愿望从原始目标潜意识地转移到一个立即或更可接受的替代对象 A defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions, affect, or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute.