
4 New HSK word(s): HSK4 卫生间 + wei4sheng1jian1 bathroom; toilet; WC; CL:间/间jian1 HSK6 捍卫 + han4wei4 to defend; to uphold; to safeguard HSK6 卫星 + wei4xing1 satellite; moon; CL:颗/颗ke1 HSK6 保卫 + bao3wei4 to defend; to safeguard
7 Old HSK word(s): B n;VS * wei4sheng1 hygiene/ health/ sanitary/ hygienical B N * wei4xing1 satellite B VA * bao3wei4 defend/ safeguard D VA * han4wei4 defend/ guard D VA * shou3wei4 guard/ ward D VA * jing3wei4 guard D VA * zi4wei4 self-defense



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Grade E word(s):
防卫 放卫星 公共卫生 红卫兵 后卫 护卫 警卫队 警卫室 警卫员 门卫 前卫 人造卫星 侍卫 卫兵 卫道士 卫队 卫冕 卫生护垫 卫生间 卫生巾 卫生纸 卫戍 卫星城 卫星国 卫星通讯
卫 [wei4] bewachen, schützen, verteidigen (V)sich wehren (V)sichern, beschützen (V)Wei (Eig, Fam)

Häufigkeit: 2.9 Komposita

他们拿起武器保卫祖国。 They took up arms in defence of their country.
人们应经常洗澡以保证个人卫生。 People should wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.
犯人从大门口的警卫身旁溜过逃走了. The prisoner slipped past the guards on the gate and escaped.
一旦迈克采取了防卫态度,就很难使他相信没有什么可怕的。 Once Mike's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that's nothing to be afraid of.
月球是地球的卫星. The moon is the Earth's satellite.
导弹在护卫之下转移. The missiles were moved under convoy.
卫生当局正调查这件事. The health authorities are investigating the matter.
这些勇敢的士兵会保卫我们的国家的。 These gallant soldiers will protect our country.
总统有六名警卫员时时刻刻在左右保卫. The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance.
这个餐馆有公共卫生部门官员定期前来检查. The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers.
狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。 The dog guarded the house against strangers.
法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。 Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.
近些年来, 很多通讯卫星被送上轨道。 In recent years a number of communications satellites have been put into orbit.
我也认为不卫生,但是我对病菌的抵抗力很高。 I don't think so, either, but my resistance to germs is high.
在漫长的世界历史中,只有少数几代人在自由处于最危急的时刻被赋予保卫自由的责任。 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
已请他来加强後卫力量. He has been brought in to strengthen the defence.
藉助卫星可观察到部队的调动. Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite.
爱国者热爱、支持和保卫自己国家的人 One who loves, supports, and defends one's country.
有多少颗人造卫星已送入绕地球轨道? How many satellites have been put into orbit round the earth?
大卫的家离环球剧院很近。 David's house is quite close to the Global Theater.
皇家园林卫队保护皇家森林和公园的看守者 The keeper of a royal forest or park.
政府为到访的元首派出了武装卫队. The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State.
卫兵派驻在监狱四周。 Guards were stationed around the prison.
那狗扑向我时, 我用棍子自卫. When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.
总统的汽车由摩托车警卫护行. The President's car was flanked by motor-cycle outriders.
人们聚集起来,组成国民自卫队来保卫他们的城镇。 People gathered to form a militia to protect their town.
有效的防卫是不待对方导弹击中我们而先行将其拦截. Effective defence is a matter of intercepting their missiles before they can reach us.
卫兵们奉令不得离开岗位. The guards were ordered not to leave their posts.
国王命令侍卫长马上把犯人带来。 The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately.
那些警卫都是残暴的野兽, 他们的首领是个魔鬼的化身. The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
护卫队,仪仗队,护送者陪同别人,进行引领、保护或表示尊敬的一个或若干人 One or more persons accompanying another to guide, protect, or show honor.
他冒充警卫逃走了. He escaped by passing himself off as a guard.
她示范最有效的自卫方法. She demonstrated how best to defend oneself.
参议院已经投票支持总统的防卫计划。 The Senate has voted to support the President's defense plans.
流行病通常是和不良的卫生条件有关的。 Epidemic disease is often in connection with bad sanitary conditions.
哨站,岗位如卫兵或哨兵的指派的站岗位置 An assigned position or station, as of a guard or sentry.
在打斗中为了自卫把人打死是一回事,残酷无情地开枪杀人是另一回事。 It's one thing to kill a man in a fight, in self-defence, another to shoot him in cold blood.
派遣了一些士兵守卫右翼. A number of men were detached to guard the right flank.
他看来是贿赂了守卫而逃跑的. He had apparently escaped by bribing a guard.
新闻界是捍卫我们自由的卫兵。 The press is a sentinel of our liberty.
他遇上了警卫犬, 把他吓坏了. His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him.
防盗警报器一响,警卫就放出了警犬。 The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off.
窃贼把夜班守卫员捆住, 把他的嘴也堵住了. The thieves left the night-watchman tied up and gagged.
捍卫性道德的运动正在转化成对持异议人士的迫害. The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch-hunt.
四个士兵守卫灵柩. Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin.
有半数卫戍部队在执勤. Half the garrison is/are on duty.
有两个囚犯设计欺骗了警卫而逃走了. Two prisoners outwitted their guards and got away.
防卫技巧,自卫保护自己的技术或技巧;自卫 The science or art of defending oneself; self-defense.
封锁线驻扎于一个地区周围包围或保卫它的一列人、军事岗位或船只 A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.
生物卫星设计用于运送和搭载人、动物或其他生物的、人造可返回式卫星 An artificial, recoverable satellite that is designed to carry and support humans, animals, or other living organisms.
参照今日和你方的谈判记录,兹随函寄上详细叙述订购卫生衣的订单2份,请查收。 Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
我们可以合作发射各种新型卫星,包括用于导航、气象预报、广播、电子计算机技术等方面的卫星。 New satellites can be launched for use in navigation, weather forecasting, broadcasting, and computer technology.
警察局说该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]公司的策略颇感兴趣。 The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.
移情作用;情感转移一种防卫机制,情感、影响、愿望从原始目标潜意识地转移到一个立即或更可接受的替代对象 A defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions, affect, or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute.
走马疳,坏疽性口炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生条件极差或营养状况不良的孩子 A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.