
5 New HSK word(s): HSK4 占线 + zhan4xian4 busy (telephone line) HSK5 + zhan1 to observe; to divine HSK5 + zhan4 to take possession of; to occupy; to take up HSK6 占据 + zhan4ju4 to occupy; to hold HSK6 占领 + zhan4ling3 to occupy (a territory); to hold
6 Old HSK word(s): A VA * zhan4 occupy/ seize/ take/ constitute C VA * zhan4ling3 occupy-administer/ seize/ occupy/ capture/ possess C VA * zhan4you3 take-possess/ own/ hold/ have (a certain status)/ grasp D VA * qin1zhan4 invade and occupy D VA * ba4zhan4 seize/ forcibly occupy D VA * zhan4ju4 hold/ take up/ inhabit


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Grade E word(s):
独占 攻占 强占 占卜 占地 占卦 占理 占领军 占满 占便宜 占上风 占为己有 占先 占线 占星家 占星术 占用
占 [zhan1] wahrsagen (V)
占 [zhan4] ausmachen, einnehmen, innehabenetw. in Besitz nehmen, erobern, sich aneignen (V)

Häufigkeit: 10.49 Komposita

发言共占去三小时. The speeches occupied three hours.
这座城市已被敌人占领。 The city is held by the enemy.
海洋几乎占地球表面的四分之三。 The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.
他从巴黎回来,发现他的办公室被别人占了。 He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's occupation.
这堡垒占据控制地位. The fort occupies a commanding position.
占星家声称能预知祸福. Astrologers claim to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us.
他的新房子侵占了我的土地。 His new house encroached on my land.
我部队已深入到敌占区. Our troops have penetrated (into) enemy territory.
她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。 Her good look gave her a pull over other girls.
两家互相竞争的纺织公司中,奖金较多,管理较好的一家很快就占了上风。 Of two rival spinning companies, one is richer and better managed than the other, and therefore soon gets the upper hand.
既然死人占多数,我们在死人之中比在生人之中有更多的朋友,就是理所当然的事情。 The dead being the majority, it is natural that we should have more friends among them than among the living.
敌人占据了这个城镇。 The enemy occupied the town.
恐怖分子占领了大使馆. The terrorists have occupied the Embassy.
十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。 The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.
阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。 Reading occupies most of my free time.
屡次侵占我的闲暇时间, 我很反感. I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.
罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。 At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe.
军队占领了敌国首都. The army occupied the enemy's capital.
领土被侵占者瓜分. The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.
敌军在数量上占优势. The enemy forces were superior in numbers.
我们吵架时她总是占上风. She always gets the better of our quarrels.
他们被禁止穿越占领区. They were denied passage through the occupied territory.
地产的发展逐渐占据了农田. Increasingly, farm land is yielding to property development.
他在英国文学中占有独特的地位。 He occupies a unique place in English literature.
在上届国会中社会党人占优势. The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.
理奇比你占优势, 因为他会讲德语。 Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German.
我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。 I'm sure he took my parking space just to spite me.
石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一,十年后预计这个数目还要加倍。 Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the chemicals made, in ten years this amount is expected to double.
侵占,泛滥,超过限度 An act of overrunning.
法国一度是占有殖民地的强国. France was once a colonial power.
该房供出售并能立即占有。 The house is for sale with vacant possession.
这座城市被占领使国人大为震惊。 The capture of the city shocked everyone in the country.
我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地. Our troops took up defensive positions on high ground overlooking the river.
天文学是一门严谨的科学, 与占星术完全不同. Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science.
他们挑战那家公司在电子学领域中占据的领先地位。 They challenged that company's supremacy in the field of electronics.
过渡过渡点或过渡时间,尤指占星术的两个天宫之间的 A transitional point or time, as between two astrological signs.
无产阶级工业社会中挣工资的阶级,他们既没占有资本也没有生产资料,必须通过出卖劳动谋生 The class of industrial wage earners who, possessing neither capital nor production means, must earn their living by selling their labor.
请挪过去一点,你占了大半张凳子啦。 Move up, please; you are taking up more than half the bench.
一位占星家对说她将在二十多岁时遇到自己的终身伴侣。 An astrologer tell her that she will meet her lifelong companion in her twenties.
一种诉讼案。在此案中一方当事人要求获得被另一当事人所占有的财产或货物。 Court case in which one party claim property or goods in the possession of the other.
山自然形成的高出于地面的一块高地,占地广大,通常外侧陡峻且比丘陵要高 A natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill.
请挪过去点,你占了大半张凳子啦! Move over, please: you are taking up more than half the bench!
我们彼此误解了: 我谈的是天文学, 你谈的是占星术. We're at cross-purposes: I'm talking about astronomy, you're talking about astrology.
幸福并不在于单纯地占有金钱;幸福还在于取得成就后的喜悦,在于创造努力时的激情。 Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.
投票反对该提议的人占少数。 A small minority voted against the motion.
罢工的办公室人员占据了整座建筑物。 The striking office workers have occupied the whole building.
他惯常坐在桌旁的位置被一个陌生人占据了。 His habitual place at the table was occupied by a stranger.
他的财产被他叔叔霸占了。 His property was seized on by his uncle.
日本公司有能力在发展与生产方面,较美国公司投资为多,是他们在半导体方面占上风的一个主要原因。现在,英泰尔计划在经济不景气时大量投资以压倒弱小竞争者。 The ability to outspend American companies on development and production has been a big reason Japanese companies have made gains in the semi-conductor business. Now Intel plans to borrow a page from the Japanese by spending heavily through a recession to gain ground on weaker competitors.
不占空间的摄像机;小型汽车 A compact camera; a compact car.
科学研究表明90%的肺癌是由抽烟引起。肺癌患者死亡率估计占85%。 A scientific research shows that90% of lung cancer is caused by smoking and85% of lung cancer patients are expected to die.
(古罗马)占卜官古罗马宗教官员的一员,可通过观察并解释某些信号及预兆来预言事情 One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.