
12 New HSK word(s): HSK3 面包 + mian4bao1 bread; CL:片pian4,袋dai4,块/块kuai4 HSK3 + bao1 to cover; to wrap; to hold; to include; to take charge of; to contract (to or for); package; wrapper; container; bag; to hold or embrace; bundle; packet; CL:个/个ge4,只/只zhi1 HSK4 包子 + bao1zi5 steamed stuffed bun; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 包括 + bao1kuo4 to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of HSK5 包含 + bao1han2 to contain; to embody; to include HSK5 包裹 + bao1guo3 wrap up; bind up; bundle; parcel; package; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 打包 + da3bao1 to wrap; to pack; to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant) HSK6 承包 + cheng2bao1 to contract; to undertake (a job) HSK6 包围 + bao1wei2 to surround; to encircle; to hem in HSK6 包庇 + bao1bi4 to shield; to harbor; to cover up HSK6 包袱 + bao1fu5 cloth-wrapper; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden HSK6 包装 + bao1zhuang1 to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging
19 Old HSK word(s): A N * mian4bao1 bread B N * shu1bao1 schoolbag B n;m * bao1 bag B n;m * bao1 bag B VA * bao1kuo4 include/ consist of/ comprise B N * bao1zi steamed/ stuffed bun C VA * cheng1bao1 contract (with)/ assume full responsibility C N * you2bao1 postal-parcel/ parcel C N * ti2bao1 carrying-bag/ handbag/ shopping bag/ valise C N * bao1fu a bundle wrapped in cloth/ burden C VA * bao1han2 contain/ embody/ include C VA * bao1wei2 surround/ encircle C N * bei1bao1 knapsack/ backpack/ rucksack D N * mian4bao1che1 microbus D * da4bao1 da4lan3 undertake the whole thing/ take on every thing D VA * bao1ban4 be the whole show D VA * bao1gan1'er be responsible for a task until it is completed D N * bao1guo3 package D VA * bao1zhuang1 pack/ put up/ make up


Bánh mì +


Gói +


Bánh +

Bao gồm +

Chứa +

Gói +

Gói +

Ký hợp đồng +

Được bao quanh bởi +

Chứa chấp +

Hành lý +

Đóng gói +
Grade E word(s):
包庇 包产 包场 包抄 包车 包工 包/苞谷 包管 包裹单 包涵 包伙 包机 包价 包间 包揽 包罗 包罗万象 包皮 包票 包容 包厢 包销 包心菜 包修 包扎 包扎 包装纸 包租 背包袱 草包 承包商 存包 存包柜 打包 打包票 掉/调包 公事包 公文包 狗胆包天 荷包蛋 黑面包 红包 黄包车 烤面包 烤面包机 挎包 旅行包 蒙古包 面包房 面包片 面包圈 面包师 面包屑 脓包 皮包 皮包公司 皮包骨 皮包商 钱包 软包装 三包 受气包 手提包 汤包 淘气包 掏腰包 土包子 小包 小提包 腰包 针线包 转包
包 [bao1] Packung, Paket, Päckchen, Sack (S)einpacken, einwickeln, verpacken (V)

Häufigkeit: 31.35 Komposita

布已经打成包。 The cloth was packed in bales.
把面包切成小片,然后给我两片。 Cut the bread into small rounds and give me two.
我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃。 We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.
面包主要是由面粉做成的。 Bread is chiefly made of flour.
我们用他给我们带来的面粉做了一些面包。 We made some bread with the flour he bought for us.
我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。 I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
她戴了那么多首饰,看上去象是包在金子里似的。 She wore so much jewellery that she seemed to be covered in gold.
一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。 A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him.
他到那里喝一瓶汽水和吃一块汉堡面包。 He go there to drink a soda and eat a hamburger.
这只汉堡包不但气味好闻而且味道好吃。 The hamburger not only smells good but (also) tastes delicious.
流行歌星总是抱怨他们受到歌迷的包围。 Pop stars are always moaning about being mobbed by their fans.
包饺子前,我把瘦肉细细剁碎。 I minced the lean meat finely before making dumplings.
她提 一个棕色的纸包,里面是书。 She was carrying a parcel of books done up in brown paper.
真不幸,上午我的自行车丢了,下午钱包又被偷了! It's luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon!
她把书包了起来. She parcelled up the books.
这本书有红色的包装。 The book has a red wrapper.
他是自己掏腰包的。 He paid for it out of his own pocket.
他在面包上涂黄油。 He spread butter on his bread.
我们把奶油涂到面包上。 We spread butter on bread.
他把包放在行李架上。 He put his bag on the luggage rack.
他在面包上涂上苹果酱。 He spread some apple jam on the bread.
我吃了两片烤面包当早餐。 I had two slices of toast as breakfast.
他把钱包放在里面的口袋里. He kept his wallet in an ,inside pocket.
以上各点均包括在建议中. The foregoing have all been included in the proposals.
这本书包含你所需的一切资料。 This book contains all the information you need.
这辆新车包含了许多改进的项目。 The new car embodies many improvements.
市民们进行突击,试图冲破包围。 The citizens sallied out in an attempt to break the siege.
参赛者中包括三名世界记录保持者。 The field includes three world record holders.
这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。 The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.
那个流浪者把所有的东西捆成一包背在背上. The tramp carried his belongings in a pack on his back.
我用毯子把病人的腿包了起来,让他暖和一点儿。 I wrapped the rug around the sick man's legs to keep him warm.
保险单内容不包括正常使用所导致的损坏。 The insurance policy do not cover damage cause by normal wear and tear.
她向我讲述了他是怎样跑到她跟前抢走她的手提包的. She described to me how he ran up to her and grabbed her handbag.
只因为我的新书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。 He called me a copycat just because my schoolbag looks like his.
运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之间的运输费用。 Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.
这工作的附加福利包括一辆小汽车和免费健康保险。 The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
要使这份报告包括最新资料,我仅有几点事实需补充。 I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.
他把包裹扛上了肩。 He hoisted the package over his shoulder.
他用绳子把包裹扎紧。 He tied the package with a cord.
他收到一个扎得很紧的包裹。 He received a compact package.
她的懒丈夫成了她的一个包袱。 Her lazy husband is a millstone round her neck.
我们用粗绳把所有包裹捆扎妥当。 We tied up both package well with heavy cord.
他很有礼貌地帮助那个老太太扛包裹。 It was courteous of him to help the old lady with her bundles.
她一定已经收到包裹了, 我是用挂号寄的. She must have received the parcel: I sent it by registered post.
我对一直放在走廊里的那个包裹有些怀疑。 I'm a bit suspicious about the package that's been left in the corridor.
一接到敌人要来的消息,我们便纷纷将各自家里的东西打成包裹,连忙撤到附近的山里去了。 At the new that the enemy was approaching, we parceled up our belongings and hurried to the nearby mountains.
伤口用绷带包扎着。 The wound was bound up by bandage.
一片浓密的森林包围着城堡。 A thick forest girdled the castle about.
蚕茧是由昆虫制造的一种由丝组成的外包层。 A cocoon is a kind of silk covering made by an insect.
俄罗斯是被包藏在一个闷胡芦里面的神秘物体之中的谜。 Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
宠爱的对象包含爱意的东西 An object of the affections.
他们有没有投标争取承包合同? Have they put in a bid for the contract?
土地的与土地有关的,包含土地的或拥有土地的;土地的 Relating to, containing, or possessing land; landed.
一个小贼在黑暗的街上拦住玛丽,把她的钱包拿走了。 A thief stopped Mary on a dark street and made off with her wallet.
好主意。我们或者吃汉堡包或者吃中餐。你更喜欢哪一样? Great idea. Let's have either hamburgers or Chinese food. What's your preference?
德位的手指撕扯着绳子和包装纸。然后是一声狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!紧接着又变为满脸的泪水。 Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears.
种族隔离制南非共和国实行的一种官方的种族隔离政策,包括在政治、法律和经济诸方面对非白色人种的歧视 An official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任 Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
生物学生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含植物学和动物学及所有的分支 The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions.
部队已将该城包围. Troops have surrounded the town.
我的手提包的扣坏了. The catch on my handbag is broken.
他们出动军队包围了该城. They have surrounded the town with troops.
我们的样品是通过邮包寄送的。 By parcel post our samples were sent.
他抢走我手中的提包就跑了. He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off.
部队包围了这城市好几个月。 The army has laid siege to the city several months.
我们太忙, 许多工作得招人承包. We're so busy we have to farm out a lot of work.
这个月的数字已包含在总数之内。 This month's figures are comprised in the total.
这一章包含著作者论证的主要部分. This chapter contains the meat of the writer's argument.
这个小岛包含著小而完整的自然界. This small island contains the whole of nature in microcosm.
战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺. Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
您一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。 I think you'll find the packing beautiful and quite well-done.
邮包一定投递错了,因为她一直没有收到。 The parcel must have miscarry, for she never receive it.
休息了一会儿之后,他们又背起背包上路了。 After a short rest, they took up their knapsacks and went on.
我们自己无法做这项工作, 所以要承包出去. We haven't the resources to do the work ourselves, so we'll put it out to contract.
飞地一个国家的与其主要部分分离的并被外国领土包围的一部分 A part of a country that is isolated from the main part and is surrounded by foreign territory.
他希望去掉这个包袱。 He hoped to get rid of the burden.
她很高兴去掉了这个包袱。 She was glad to be relieved of this burden.
今天上午她买了一个烤面包片的电炉。 She buy an electric toaster this morning.
包装瓷器时在周围多放些包装材料。 Put plenty of wrapping round the china when you pack it.
政府对每包香烟额外提价十便士. The Government has clapped an extra ten pence on a packet of cigarettes.
多岛屿的海包含有大量分散岛屿的海,如爱琴海 A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands.
经过长时间包围之后,这个小镇已被起义军攻克。 After a prolonged siege, the town was rendered up to the insurgents.
植物生长素一种调节多种功能,包括细胞伸长的植物激素 Any of several plant hormones that regulate various functions, including cell elongation.
与其说给人面包很有帮助,倒不如说教导他如何谋生才重要。 It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to make a living.
聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子 Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
上述价格不包括佣金在内。 The above price excludes your commission.
她背起帆布背包就上路了. She shouldered her rucksack and set off along the road.
奖学金包括八十美元的书籍费津贴。 The scholarship includes an allowance of 80 dollars for books.
铝箔用于包装食物。 Aluminum foil can be used for wrapping food.
她把帆布背包转到身後. She swung the rucksack (up) onto her back.
这是我们一直在期待的(从纽约来的)邮包. This is the parcel which we have been expecting (from New York).
英语的元音字母有a,e,i,o,u,有时也包括y。 The vowels in the English alphabet are a,e,i,o,u, and, sometimes, y.
民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。 Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies).
承包合同批给了总会计师的朋友, (可谓)各有好处、 串通一气. The contract went to a friend of the chief accountant: it's (a case of) you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
维拉罗伯斯,海特1887-1959巴西作曲家,他的作品受到巴西传统民间乐影响,包括交响曲、歌剧及歌曲 Brazilian composer whose works, including symphonies, operas, and songs, were influenced by Brazilian folk traditions.
奥布赖恩,埃德纳生于1932爱尔兰作家。作品包括孤独的姑娘和约翰我几乎认不出你了(1977年),探索今日爱尔兰的女性生活 Irish writer whose works, including The Lonely Girl(1962) and Johnny I Hardly Knew You(1977), explore the lives of women in modern-day Ireland.
课程包括:电力系统,90分;讯号处理,88分;系统控制,92分;电力能源系统,92分;固体电子学,88分;通讯,94分。 Curriculum included: Electric power systems,90; Signal processing,88; Systems and control,92; Electric energy systems,92; Solid-state electronics,88; Communications,94.
指南针用于确定地理方向的设备,通常包括一个或多个水平安装或悬挂的磁针,可在枢轴上自由活动直到与地球磁场在一条线上 A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
印度支那半岛东南亚的一个半岛,包括越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸和马来西亚的大陆部分。历史上这一片地区曾受印度(尤其是印度教文化)和中国的影响 A peninsula of southeast Asia comprising Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and the mainland territory of Malaysia. The area was influenced in early times by India(particularly the Hindu culture) and China.
食物,粮食通常是源于植物和动物的物质,包含有人体营养物的必不可少物质或由其组成如:糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维他命和矿物质等,由产生能量、促进发育和维持生命的组织消化和吸收 Material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life.
一种包含三个实体的组合。 A group containing three entities.
入境时,我的提包受到了检查。 My bags were examined when I entered the country.
他们的产品总是包装得非常精美. Their products are always attractively packaged.
她追问那小孩让其说出把包放到了何处。 She pumped out of the little boy where he had put the bag.
有几家公司在投标争取承包建桥工程。 Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge.
关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此引起重视。 About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.
这些附件及专用工具的费用应包括在该品目的基本价格之中。 The cost of these accessories and special tools shall be included in the basic price of the item.
指一个其价格已包含在计算机或产品的价格中的软件或硬件产品。 Pertaining to a software or hardware product that is included in the price of a computer system or product.
他用细绳来捆扎包裹。 He tied the parcel with twine.
我想把这个包裹马上交邮。 I want to get this package off at once.
我们用锡纸包装以保持原味. Our foil packets seal the flavour in.
他们打开包裹, 高兴地叫喊起来. They opened the parcel with whoops of delight.
数据库中包含有某个实体信息的字段。 In database, a field that contain information about an entity.
烤面包片,煎面包片一种烤的或油煎的脆面包片 A small crisp piece of toasted or fried bread.
为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。 Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation.
表处理语言用于处理包含有表格的数据的编程语言,被广泛地运用于人工智能研究 A programming language designed to process data consisting of lists. It is widely used in artificial intelligence research.
曾有两位年轻人非法侵入了大学网络,创建了一个公告牌,并在上面装入了流行的商业软件,还邀请因特网上的用户下载这些软件包。 Once two lads broke into the university network, created a bulletin board, loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.
马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
麻雀啄食著面包屑. Sparrows picked at the crumbs.
他受到各种诱惑的包围。 He was surrounded by temptations.
他放在后裤兜中的钱包被偷了。 His wallet is stolen from his back pocket.
我的报销申请中包括 15 英镑杂项支出. My expenses claim includes 15 for sundries.
汉堡包连锁店声明他们只用上等牛肉。 The hamburger chain say it only use premium quality beef.
自私的野餐者乱扔包装纸使海滩杂乱不堪 Selfish picnickers litter the beach with food wrappers.
这包应装有十个螺丝钉, 可是短了两个. This packet is supposed to contain ten screws, but it's two short.
桌上那包糖果对那孩子是个难以抗拒的诱惑. The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.
膜,包袋包裹性的结构或包皮,如膜或病毒的外壳 An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane or the outer coat of a virus.
她早饭一向吃得不多。她通常喝一杯咖啡,啃一片面包。 She never had much for breakfast. She would drink a cup of coffee and nibble at a piece of bread.
原生质体植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜 The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.
他吃完面包後,去外套上的面包屑。 After eating the loaf he whisked the crumbs off his coat.
面包、土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨。 Bread, potato and other staple continue to rise in price.
面包、 土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨. Bread, potatoes and other staples continue to rise in price.
"入境时,我的提包在海关受到了检查。" My suitcases were examined at the Customs when I entered the country.
联合王国包括英格兰、 威尔士、 苏格兰、 北爱尔兰. The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
我们必须使承包者遵照他们的预算办事(不许超支). We must hold the contractors to (ie not allow them to exceed) their estimates.
封锁线驻扎于一个地区周围包围或保卫它的一列人、军事岗位或船只 A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.
尽管如此,最近一个现代雕塑品展览会使有些人--包括我自己--感到吃惊。 In spite of this, some people including myself- were surprised by a recent exhibit of modern sculpture.
希伯莱圣经;托位包括伯莱经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道 A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
诉讼要点,案情摘要包含与案件有关的所有证据、论点的文件,由律师出庭辩论时提出 A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.
芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花 A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
我们的全部电机都包换1年;如出现机械故障,任何有故障的零部件均由制造厂无偿更换。 All our electric motors are guaranteed for one year; in the event of mechanical failure, the makers will replace any faulty part free.
我们可以合作发射各种新型卫星,包括用于导航、气象预报、广播、电子计算机技术等方面的卫星。 New satellites can be launched for use in navigation, weather forecasting, broadcasting, and computer technology.
水门事件包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图防碍司法的丑闻 A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice.
有氧健身法旨在增强循环和呼吸功效的生理调节体系,包括有力的、持久的锻炼,例如慢跑、游泳或骑自行车,从而提高肌体对氧气的利用 A system of physical conditioning designed to enhance circulatory and respiratory efficiency that involves vigorous, sustained exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, thereby improving the body's utilization of oxygen.