
5 New HSK word(s): HSK5 勤奋 + qin2fen4 hardworking; diligent HSK6 勤劳 + qin2lao2 hardworking; industrious; diligent HSK6 勤俭 + qin2jian3 hardworking and frugal HSK6 后勤 + hou4qin2 logistics HSK6 辛勤 + xin1qin2 hardworking; industrious
9 Old HSK word(s): C VS * qin2lao2 hardworking/ diligent/ industrious/ assiduous C VS * xin1qin2 hardworking-diligent/ industrious/ hardworking D VS * qin2 diligent D VS * qin2fen4 hardworking D * qin2 gong1 jian3 xue2 part-work and part-study D VS * qin2jian3 hardworking and thrifty D VS * qin2ken3 earnest and assiduous D * zhi2 qin2 be on duty D N * hou4qin2 rear service/ logistics

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Khó +
Grade E word(s):
出勤 地勤 考勤 空勤组 内勤 勤俭节约 勤俭起家 勤快 勤勉 勤勤恳恳 勤务兵 勤学苦练 勤杂工 全勤 缺勤 缺勤率 外勤 献殷勤 殷勤 值勤人员
勤 [qin2] emsig, fleißig, oft, Dienst... (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 2.39 Komposita

他靠辛勤劳动而获得成功. His success was achieved by hard work.
中国人民是一个勤劳的民族。 The Chinese are industrious people.
这个勤奋的学生每天天亮以前就起床了。 The diligent student gets up before dawn every day.
通过勤查字典,他掌握了这些单词。 He mastered these words through the arduous consultation of the dictionary.
他还告诉我说你的辅导课和讨论课出勤率不高。 He also tells me that your attendance at his tutorial and seminar have been poor.
我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。 I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.
那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。 The scribe worked hard to support his family.
耐心结合勤奋是成功所必需的。 Patience combined with diligence is necessary to success.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
虽然他拼命向她求爱,但她还是拒绝了他的殷勤。 Although he tried desperately to make love to her, she repulsed his attentions.
她的勤奋为其他人树立了榜样。 Her diligence has set an example to the others.
与其说成功在于运气不如说是辛勤努力。 Success lies not so much as in luck as in hard work.
他的儿子已成长为一个健壮勤劳的小伙子。 His son has grown up into a sturdy hardworking young man.
成功的唯一途径是勤奋及过健康的生活. The one way to succeed is to work hard and live a healthy life.
时髦花样的变迁,是穷人的辛勤对有钱人的虚荣征收的税款。 Change in fashion is the tax which the industry of the poor levi on the vanity of the rich.
诚实、勤劳和善良是幸福生活的要素。 Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.
成功来自勤奋。 Success comes with industry.
我敬佩他的勤奋。 I respect him for his diligence.
勤奋常会引向成功。 Diligence is often the door to success.
辛勤工作是通往成功之路。 Hard work is the gateway to success.
与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋。 He is not so clever as diligent.
他的成功是勤奋工作的结果。 His success was consequent on his hard work.
他之所以成功是因为他工作勤奋。 He achieved because he was a hard worker.
杰克打算勤工俭学读完大学。 Jack planned to work his way through college.
他殷勤地侍候她。 He danced attendance on her.
【谚】勤力佳运之母。 Diligence is the mother of good luck.
有半数卫戍部队在执勤. Half the garrison is/are on duty.
她的追求者几乎是争先恐后向她献殷勤。 Her admirers almost fell over each other with offers of hospitality.
他粗糙的双手,被太阳哂得发黑的健壮四肢,均表明他十分辛勤,非常耐劳。 His hard hands and sinewy sunburnt limbs told of labor and endurance.