
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 加油站 + jia1you2zhan4 gas station
1 Old HSK word(s): C * jia1 you2 oil/ lubricate/ refuel/ add more gas/ try harder/ cheer



Trạm khí +
Grade E word(s):
火上加油 加油站
加油 [jia1 you2] ölen, tanken, bunkern (V)jdn. anfeuern, 'Tempo !' (V)

Häufigkeit: 21.53 Komposita

他们大声地为自己的足球队喊加油。 They cheered loudly for their football team.
所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行. All aircraft must fuel before a long flight.
大家都在给他们心目中的热门参赛者加油, 暗使劲儿使之获胜. The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win.
他无动於衷使她心中的怨恨火上加油. His indifference was a fuel to her hatred.
我们在给学院的棒球队加油. We're rooting for the college baseball team.