
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B v;Conj * jia1yi3 (used to invert the sentence)/ moreover/ plus


Grade E word(s):

加以 [jia1 yi3] erledigen (V)außerdem

Häufigkeit: 1.51 Komposita

把这条句子的各个成份加以分析。 Analyze the sentence into its constituent parts.
那项要求很有意思,可是你有证件加以证明吗? That's a very interesting claim, but can you document it?
把食品装罐加以保存。 Food is tinned to preserve it.
把这句子的各个成分加以分析. Analyse the sentence into its constituent parts.
政府已经对进口加以了限制。 The government has imposed limitation on imports.
夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。 In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.
把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异. Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences.
她干起活来倒是相当不错, 不过有时需要加以督促. She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasionally.
将这两首诗(的风格)加以比较. Compare (the style of) the two poems.
该函已退给(我方)要求对某问题加以解释. The letter was referred back (to us) with a query.
一切情况都可依据现行章程的结构加以考虑。 All the cases can be considered within the framework of the existing rules.
这门课程除了讲课外,还有综合性的现场实习加以补充。 The lectures of this course are to be backed up by a comprehensive programme of field work.
法律界人士对变革总是加以抵制. The legal profession (ie lawyers) has/have always resisted change.
总编将他的采访记者所写的文章加以修改。 The editor-in-chief blue-penciled the article written by his reporter.
这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压. The dictator represses all opposition as illegal.
她干起活来倒是相当不错,不过有时需要加以督促。 She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prod occasionally.
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".
赫德并未讨论限期,可是他告诉英国广播公司说,国际联盟“行将达到的阶段是:大家都对现局加以估计,看我们所建立的以和平方式施压是否有效。” Mr.Hurd did not discuss deadlines, but he told the BBC that the international coalition was"approaching the stage when we all take stock and see if the peaceful pressures which we have been constructing are going to be good enough."