
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * qian2hou4 in front of and behind/ around/ about/ altogether


Grade E word(s):
前后颠倒 前后矛盾 前后一致 前后左右

Häufigkeit: 1.97 Komposita

在选举前后政客们总要许愿讨好民众。 Politicians bid for popular favour around election time.
我将在圣诞节前后去拜访你。 I will visit you around Christmas.
他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。 He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.
前后摇晃摇摆不定的动作或实例;不稳定的行动 The act or an instance of wobbling; unsteady motion.
空中交叉跳跃一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿 A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.