
18 New HSK word(s): HSK4 顺利 + shun4li4 smoothly; without a hitch HSK4 流利 + liu2li4 fluent HSK5 权利 + quan2li4 power; right; privilege HSK5 有利 + you3li4 advantageous; to have advantages; favorable HSK5 利用 + li4yong4 to exploit; to make use of; to use; to take advantage of; to utilize HSK5 利息 + li4xi1 interest (on a loan); CL:笔/笔bi3 HSK5 利益 + li4yi4 benefit; (in sb's) interest; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 利润 + li4run4 profits HSK5 胜利 + sheng4li4 victory; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 专利 + zhuan1li4 patent HSK6 盈利 + ying2li4 profit; gain HSK6 水利 + shui3li4 water conservancy; irrigation works HSK6 锋利 + feng1li4 sharp (e.g. knife blade); incisive; to the point HSK6 利害 + li4hai4 pros and cons; advantages and disadvantages; gains and losses HSK6 利害 + li4hai5 terrible; formidable; serious; devastating; tough; capable; sharp; severe; fierce HSK6 急功近利 + ji2gong1jin4li4 seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return HSK6 便利 + bian4li4 convenient; easy; to facilitate HSK6 福利 + fu2li4 (material) welfare; well-being; benefits
23 Old HSK word(s): A v;n * sheng4li4 victory/ triumph A VA * li4yong4 use/ utilize/ exploit/ make use of B VS * liu2li4 fluent/ smooth B VS * you3li4 advantageous/ beneficial B VS * shun4li4 go smoothly/ successful B N * li4yi4 benefit C VS 便* bian4li4 convenient/ easy/ facilitate C N * shui3li4 water resources/ water conservancy C N * quan2li4 right C N * li4 benefit/ profit/ interest C N * li4run1 profit C VS * bu2li4 disadvantageous/ unfavorable D v;n * ying2li4 profit/ gain D VS * rui4li4 sharp/ acuminate D N * zhuan1li4 patent D VS * feng1li4 incisive/ sharp D N * li4bi4 advantages and disadvantages D N * li4hai4 gains and losses D N * li4xi1 accrual/ interest D VA * hu4li4 mutually benefit D N * fu2li4 welfare D * sun3 ren2 li4 ji3 harm others to benefit oneself D * zi4 si1 zi4 li4 self-concern/ selfish


Mịn +


Thông thạo +

Đúng +

Thuận lợi +

Sử dụng +

Quan tâm +

Sở thích +

Lợi nhuận +

Chiến thắng +

Bằng sáng chế, +

Lợi nhuận +

Nước +

Sharp +

Bị đe dọa +

Bị đe dọa +

Một nhanh buck +

Thuận tiện +

Lợi ích +
Grade E word(s):
澳大利亚 奥/澳地利 暴利 比利时 薄利 纯利 纯利润 放高利贷 福利院 干净利落 高利贷 高利贷者 功利 功利主义 红利 厚利 获利 尖利 见利忘义 既得利益 吉利 净利 利比亚 利害冲突 利害关系 利己主义 利令智昏 利率 利/俐落 利器 利钱 利润率 利/俐索 利他 利他主义 利诱 利于 利欲熏心 麻利/俐/力 毛利 美利坚 名利 名利场 牟/谋利 年利率 切身利益 轻利重义 群体利益 生利 失利 势利 势利 势利眼 实利主义 私利 天时地利人和 威逼利诱 惟/唯利是图 威胁利诱 犀利 雪利酒 眼前利益 一本万利 意大利 营利 营利性 因势利导 有利可图 有利有弊 战利品 争名夺利 争权夺利 重利 专利法 专利权 追名逐利
利 [li4] scharf (Messer)bekommen, erhalten (V)Vorteil, Gewinn, Profit

Häufigkeit: 14.62 Komposita

我们确信能胜利。 We are confident of victory.
你应该好好利用这个机会。 You should take advantage of it.
我们应该更好地利用现有设备。 We should make a better use of the existing equipment.
讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。 It took years of hard work to speak good English.
如今,我们可以利用太阳能做很多事情。 We can use solar energy to do many things today.
队长带领我们队取得了胜利。 The captain led our team to victory.
我们应充分利用丰富的人力资源。 We shall take full advantage of our rich source of human beings.
这个人为了赢得胜利进行了英勇的斗争。 The man put up a valiant fight for victory.
充分利用自然资源的愿望终究会实现。 The wish of fully utilizing the natural resources will eventually come true.
他搭乘便车往南去意大利,然后从那里进入法国。 He hitched south towards Italy, and thence into France.
他们试图利用更好的方法和工具来增加生产力。 They tried to increase production by using better methods and tools.
生产者与消费者之间的利益冲突将永远存在。 The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。 If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.
现在卖报纸利润很少。 There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
以音乐和舞蹈庆祝他的胜利。 His victory was celebrated with music and dancing.
新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的权利。 The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street.
拉丁语系, 例如法语, 意大利语, 都起源于拉丁语。 The Roman languages such as French, Italian, are all derived from Latin.
在合作社中, 利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force.
咱们考虑一下搬家的利弊吧。 Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house.
这位将军被誉为领导全国赢得胜利的人。 The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.
美利坚合众国保证合众国各州实行共和政体。 The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government.
澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。 Australia is an English speaking nation.
【谚】一朝得了利,痛苦便忘记。 Pain is forgotten where gain follows.
玛利把许多吃的放在冰箱里了。 Mary put a lot of food in the refrigerator.
公众的利益高於个人的利益. The needs of the community must take precedence over (ie must be met before) individual requirements.
这沙土地利於排水, 适於种植块根作物. This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.
利物浦队因对方一队员用手触球而得到一个罚球。 Liverpool were given a penalty when one of their opponents handled the ball.
比分为3比1, 对我方有利。 The score was 3 to 1 in our favor.
他能准确流利地说英语。 He can speak English fluently and accurately.
对我们来说那是有利的结果。 It's a beneficial result to us.
我们可以利用风力发电. We can harness the power of the wind to make electricity.
现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。 Modern music was first developed in Italy.
正因为他操一口流利的英语,她更爱他。 She likes him all the better for his fluent spoken English.
我们进展顺利. We're getting along swimmingly.
他操一口流利的德语。 He speaks fluent German.
典礼进行得很顺利. The ceremony went off without a hitch.
那位母亲生产顺利。 The mother had an easy delivery.
这笔生意是无利可图的。 This business is unprofitable.
我们希望长期获利。 We hope to make great profit in the long term.
战士们为取得胜利而欢跃。 The soldiers exulted at their victory.
他们兴高采烈地庆祝胜利。 They celebrated their victory cheerily.
运动对于各年龄段都很有利。 Exercise is profitable in all ages.
他们充分利用旅馆的设备. They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities.
共同的利益把这两人联系到一起。 me in strength but Common interest brings these two together.
我们为了双方的利益签订这项合同。 We entered into this contract in the interests of both parties.
你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。 You should make good use of every precious minute to study.
我们根据有效法律保护投资者的利益。 We protect the interests of investors by the legislation in effect.
商店趁一时缺货而提高价格从中获利。 The shop is cashed in on temporary shortage by raising price.
这些情况不利于公司的进一步发展。 The circumstances were not propitious for further expansion of the company.
他不断要求我们帮助他,过分利用了我们对他的好意。 His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill.
她丰富的经验使她比其他求职者具有有利条件。 Her rich experience gave her an advantage over other applicants for the job.
我们的计划顺利完成了,于是我们很快就控制了局面。 Our plan succeeded, and soon we were in complete control.
这工作的附加福利包括一辆小汽车和免费健康保险。 The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
我谨祝您一切顺利。 I'd like to wish you every success.
自由是我们与生俱来的权利 Freedom is our birthright.
她说的斯瓦希里语非常流利. She speaks Swahili with great fluency.
他获得了这项发明的专利权。 He got a patent for this invention.
弓箭手向空中射出利箭。 The archers sent their shafts through the air.
他号召工人为争取自己的权利而斗争。 He called on the workers to fight for their rights.
维多利亚女王的统治持续了六十多年。 The reign of Queen Victoria lasted more than sixty years.
法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。 Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.
一所现代化的监狱取代了那所维多利亚时代的监狱. A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.
出于个人利益考虑, 男子开始介入女子的工作领域。 Men begin to enter female jobs out of consideration for personal interest.
短期内我们会赔钱,但从长远看,利润将会是丰厚的。 In the short term we will lose money, but in the long term the profits will be very large.
利用权力压服别人并非永远是上策, 运用说服方法或许更为可取. Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.
寓言一种通常短小的故事,用来表示启发或谨慎的观点,常利用说话或有人的行为的动物为角色 A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.
印象主义一种文学风格,其特征是利用对细节和感情的描述而不是通过对客观的现实的再创造,来唤起主观的或感觉的印象 A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality.
为讨吉利我老是带著一个. I always carry one for luck.
他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点. They use the press to disseminate right-wing views.
这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。 The development was adverse to our interests.
新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。 The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability.
法国和英国争夺北美洲的战争以英国的胜利而告终。 The contest between France and England for North America ended in victory for England.
我的外籍教师来自澳大利亚。 My foreign teacher came from Australia.
违反一项合同;侵犯专利权 Infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
澳大利亚比英国更民主吗? Is there more democracy in Australia than in Britain?
别把澳大利亚和奥地利混淆了。 Please don't confuse Australia with Austria.
她打算毕业後从事社会福利工作. She wants to do social work when she finishes college.
为了防止牟取暴利而 实行了租金管制. Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering.
德语和意大利语课程分别设於慕尼黑和罗马。 German and Italian courses are held in munich and rome respectively.
她在西部(如加利福尼亚州)到现在已住了十年了. She's lived in the West (eg California) for ten years now.
分娩进行得很顺利,一会儿她就抱着一个女婴儿了。 The birth proceeded smoothly. Soon she was holding a baby girl.
在维多利亚时代, 许多人对於人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
嘿!我有一个非常好的主意:我们进行投资,这会给我们带来很多的利润。 Hey! I've got this really good ide we make this investment which will bring us a lot of benefits.
约翰和利兹二人把奖金分了--约翰用他分到的那一半奖金购买了文字处理机. John and Liz shared the prize money between them John used his half to buy a word processor.
那位百万富翁是从很少的钱开始的.但是在最充分利用机会方面表现出他的本领。 That millionaire started with very little, but showed a skill in playing his cards right.
据说轮船严重受损,详情正在调查之中,但我方利益已完全保住,请电告伦敦公司。 Steamer report seriously damaged now ascertain particulars however our interest fully protected transmit to London
埃阿斯加拿大安大略省东南部的一城镇,位于多伦多东北部伊利湖上。是制造业中心。人口25,475 A town of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Erie northeast of Toronto. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 25,475.
刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层 The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.
合伙契约两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失 A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.
能看很远的,目光锐利的 Able to see far; keen-sighted.
他因得到胜利而洋洋得意。 He gloried in his victory.
他在做些无利可图的投机生意。 He makes some unprofitable speculations.
这些天我运气好, 一切都进行得很顺利。 I am in luck these days and everything goes well.
他对他们的候选人发表了一些有利的评论。 He made several favorable comments about their candidate.
另一候选人的主要不利条件是她的年龄问题. The other candidate's main disadvantage is her age.
他们那一球进得漂亮, 鼓舞了全队的士气夺取胜利. The magnificent goal spurred the team on to victory.
他是一个精明的商人,深知自己的利益所在。 He was a shrewd businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.
由于过剩的人力, 这一体制使公司处境不利。 The system puts the firm at a disadvantage because of its overmuch manpower.
在产品设计和质量上, 意大利人大大超过了他们. In design and quality of manufacture they were outclassed by the Italians.
他们的动机很快就能看出, 完全是自私自利. Their motives, as will soon become apparent (ie as you will soon see), are completely selfish.
他们利用他怕失掉工作的心理, 让他做他们想做的事. They played on his fears of losing his job to get him to do what they wanted.
他在这笔交易中的失利完全是由于他自己的粗心大意。 His failure in this transaction was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.
意大利的近代史始于一八六年,从那一年起这个国家得到了统一。 The modern history of Italy begins in1860, when the country became united.
资产阶级政客们为了要在自己政党内确立有利地位而钻营策划。 The bourgeois politicians jockeyed about in order to establish advantageous positions within their party.
奥地利以音乐而闻名。 Austria is famous for its music.
权利和职责是分不开的. Rights are inseparable from duties.
你一定要维护自己的权利. You must stand up for your rights.
要求承认某些权利. There is a call for the concession of certain rights.
她让我吃些药片以利睡眠. She prescribed some pills to help me to sleep.
委员会工作伊始即十分不利. The committee began its work under unfavourable auspices.
她的小说是描写势利小人的讽刺作品. Her novel is a satire on social snobbery.
报纸的报道往往不尊重私人权利. Newspapers often don't respect the individual's right to privacy.
我们如果想增加利润,就必须削减开支。 We have to trim our cost if we want to increase our profit.
科学家利用计算机计算了火箭可能运行的轨道。 Scientists have computed the probable course of the rocket.
最贫贱的劳动者享有和最富的地主同样的权利. The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner.
威利玩他父亲的手枪时不小心走火了, 把墙壁打出一个洞。 Willie accidentally lets off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
银行经理说,为了使我从幻想中清醒过来并控制我的开支,将不给我有透支的便利,并还将收回我的支票卡。 The bank manager said that, in order to bring me down to earth and control my spending, I would have no overdraft facility and my cheque card would be withdrawn.
猫有锋利的爪子。 Cats have sharp claws.
这件事上,利远大于弊。 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in this case.
英国和法国之间隔著英吉利海峡. England is separated from France by the Channel.
英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来. The English Channel divides England from France.
倘若没有指南针, 可利用星辰引路. If you haven't a compass, use the stars to guide you.
他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费。 He was paying out half his profits as protection.
你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。 You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.
仓库中的失窃使利润损失了百分之二. Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent.
利息单证券上的代表一定数目利息的可流通证书 A negotiable certificate attached to a bond that represents a sum of interest due.
对居住在加利福尼亚的爱好导致她放弃重返纽约的机会。 Her affinity for living in California led her to reject a chance to return to New York.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
英格兰队负于澳大利亚队。 England lost to Australia.
比利时被称作欧洲战场。 Belgium has been called the cockpit of Europe.
我们能否将利润汇寄到国外? Can we remit our profit to foreign countries?
他从利兹远道而来寻找工作. He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job.
不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了. Don't confuse Austria and/with Australia.
不知道这附近有没有便利商店? I wonder if there is a convenience store nearby.
主队以悬殊比分垂手赢得(这场比赛的)胜利. The local team won (the match) hands down.
我利用在伯明翰的机会探望了我的姨母。 I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham.
他哪里是在赔钱,他几乎无法计算其利润呢! Far from losing money, he can hardly count his profits.
从群山之颠看到的匈牙利景色非常壮丽。 The Hungarian view is magnificent from the summit of the mountains.
反对党利用内阁的分歧而捞取(政治)资本. The Opposition parties made (political) capital out of the disagreements within the Cabinet.
这家公司一年以後才能赢利, 现在至少已不赔不赚了. It will be a year before the firm makes a profit but at least it's breaking even.
阿诺德在预赛中跑得太好了,因此完全有把握赢得决定的胜利。 Arnold ran so well in the heats that it's a moral certainty he'll win the final race.
亨利八世决定开放若干公爵猎园,把它们改作更加有益的牧场。 Henry VIII decided to dispark the Duchy parks and turn them more profitably into pasture.
亨利认为他总是对的,如果有人敢于反驳他的话,他就摆出一副盛气凌人的架势。 Henry thinks he is always right and gets on his high horse if anyone dares to contradict him.
合作社(组织)由使用其便利设施或服务项目的人共同拥有或管理的企业或组织 An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services.
卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙 An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.
麦利诺精纺毛纱一种柔软质轻的织物,原先是用麦利诺羊毛纺成的,但现在用任何优质羊毛都可织成 A soft, lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool.
蒙塔古,阿什利生于1905英裔美国人类学家,其著作如女性的自然优越性(1953年),促进了人类学的普及 British-born American anthropologist whose books, such as The Natural Superiority of Women(1953), helped popularize anthropology.
圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 An Australian-administered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britain in1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in1958.
欧洲新闻界常把里根先生描绘成钉住卡扎菲上校不放,譬如说对叙利亚则睁一眼闭一眼。据说叙国也有化学武器,并与恐怖活动有关。 And in the European press, Mr. Reagan was frequently portrayed as fixated on Colonel Qaddafi, turning a blind eye, for example, to Syria, which is also said to have chemical weapons and has also been tied to terrorism.
(湖泊等)优氧化的水中富有矿物有机物,有利于植物,特别是藻类的增殖,但藻类往往使分解的氧含量过低,从而使别的有机物灭绝。用于指湖泊或池塘 Having waters rich in mineral and organic nutrients that promote a proliferation of plant life, especially algae, which reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms. Used of a lake or pond.
他在社会福利部工作。 He worked in community welfare department.
我坚信我们最后会胜利。 I fervently believe in our eventual victory.
科学家正在设想一种新的利用太阳能的方法。 The scientist is thinking of a new way of tapping the solar energy.
我相信通过双方的努力,交易往来定会朝着互利的方向发展。 I am convinced that with joint effort, business between us will be developing to our mutual benefit.
那是我的专利发明. It's my patent.
法庭的判决对他有利. The court decided in his favour.
他是个自私自利的人。 He is a lump of selfishness.
他对她投以锐利的眼光。 He shot her a sharp glance.
将利息寄到她的新地址 Remit the interest to her new address.
这项专利期限为3年。 The patent runs out in three years time.
能看透黑暗的锐利眼睛 Keen eyes that penetrate the darkness.
政府准备提高利率。 The government is going to drive interest rates up.
祝愿你来年一切顺利. Here's wishing you all the best in the coming year.
水手很利落地把绳子放出去了. The sailor ran the line out neatly.
英国队和意大利队并列第二. Britain are tied with Italy for second place.
她极力反对别人说她势利眼. She protested strongly at being called a snob.
利率常以周期方式浮动。 Interest rate generally fluctuates in a cyclical manner.
这道菜很有意大利餐的风味。 The dose has a distinctive italian flavor.
这次海战以我们的胜利而告终。 The naval warfare ended in our victory.
人人为自己的利益着想或行事。 Every miller draws water to his own mill.
将军向胜利者办理了移交手续。 The general handed over to the conqueror.
我们的足球队取得了压倒性的胜利。 Our football team has won an overwhelming victory.
这些都是与社会福利有关的问题。 These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community.
我们很高兴,我们的足球队获得了胜利。 It was a happy day when our football team was victorious.
利息一下降给公司带来了一个新的问题。 Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.
使者被派去代表另一个人的利益完成某使命的人 An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another.
合并两个或多个商业上的利益集团或法人团体的合并 The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations.
他们利用自己的实践经验,设计了一台气冷柴油机。 Drawing on their practical experience, they designed an air-cooled diesel motor.
我可不知道在这地球上有什么东西比七厘利息更无情的。 I do not know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest.
让我们更紧密地团结在党中央的周围,去争取更大的胜利。 Let us rally closer round the Party Central Committee to win still greater victories.
我希望我们之间的贸易将在平等互利的基础上进一步发展。 I hope the trade between us will be further developed on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
在春天,我们通常将钟表向前拔一小时,以利用夏天的日光。 In spring, we usually set the clock ahead one hour, to take advantage of the summer daylight.
如果我们采取措施在互利的基础上恢复业务关系,对我们都是有利的。 It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.
资方准备谈判工资问题,并且充分利用谈判带给他们的机会,提出劳动生产率的问题。 The employers were prepared to discuss wages, and they pressed home the advantage this gave them by raising the matter of productivity.
假如他们在十年或十五年以前来到这我儿的话,他们就可以在许多生意上获得与创办人同等的利益了。 If they have come along here ten or fifteen years ago they might have been let in on the ground floor of a lot of things.
公司的结算显示利润大增. The company's results show a huge jump in profits.
这些权利不受新法规的影响。 These rights are unaffected by the new laws.
人们有集会和发表言论的权利。 People have the rights of assembly and expression.
他宁愿送分数,也不愿要求利益。 He would rather give away a point than claim an advantage.
法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益. The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.
我们所珍视的权利之一是言论自由。 One of our cherished privileges is the right of free speech.
教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。 The Pope has no temporal power in modern society.
在这条街上停车是此处居民特有的权利. Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents.
在公众场所遗弃杂物是妨害公众利益的. It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.
违法,犯罪对于别人法律权利的侵犯或侵害 An invasion or a violation of another's legal rights.
经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利. They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord.
本市的市民举行了盛大的晚会庆祝他们的胜利。 People in the city held a great party to celebrate their victory.
我们为在村中保留一所学校这一权利进行请愿. We're petitioning for our right to keep a school in our village.
英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得公正审判的权利. One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial.
他乘机利用她的无知和单纯,这种做法是不光明正大的。 He takes advantage of her ignorance and simplicity; it isn't cricket.
给予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下降这一点为前提的. Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.
我们的房子只住我们两人实在太大了,所以我们利用周末抽空外出看看是否有合适的套房,想买一套。 Our house is too large for just the two of us and so we spent part of the weekend seeing over some flats with a view to buying one.
超声波心动描记器一种用来显示详细的大脑图象的仪器,利用超声波发送和反射的差异来测试并无伤无痛 An instrument that in a painless and noninvasive manner uses the differential transmission and reflection of ultrasonic waves to create a detailed visual image of the brain.
那是胜利的预兆。 It's an omen of victory.
最严重的最严峻的或最不利的 Most severe or unfavorable.
渡船定期往返于英吉利海峡。 Ferryboats ply across the English Channel.
请勿在本店吸烟以利健康. In the interests of hygiene, please do not smoke in this shop.
我希望你们权衡一下一切利弊。 I want you to consider all the pros and cons.
董事长假装他知道决算利润。 The chairman pretended he know the final profit.
她用一把锋利的刀削去厚厚的果皮. She pared off the thick peel with a sharp knife.
劫掠物,战利品战时取自敌人的战利品 Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war.
加利福尼亚有许多来自其他州的移民。 California has many immigrants from other states.
倘若我们进行干预,那可能弊多利少。 If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.
那把锋利的刀上把我的手指划了道小口子. I snicked my finger on the sharp knife.
本年度的盈利将与上一年度的亏损相抵. This year's profits will balance our previous losses.
墨索里尼一伙使意大利倒退了好多年。 Mussolini and his group set back the progress of Italy many years.
胜利的,凯旋的关于胜利的或有胜利的性质的 Relating to or having the nature of a triumph.
他利用那机会表达了对主席积压已久的怨气. He used the occasion to express all his old grievances against the chairman.
集团的大部分利润是由远东的子公司缴纳。 Most of the group profit is contributed by the subsidiary in the far east.
这场重要战役的失利是我们败局已定的前兆. Defeat in this important battle was the beginning of the end for us.
英国第一台打字机专利证书是一七一四年颁发的。 The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in1714.
在专利局, 我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。 In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.
公众舆论的趋向看来是转向不利于政府的方向。 The tide of public opinion seems to be turning against the government.
英国货币可能贬值,如果果真如此,利率就会上升。 Sterling may fall, if (this should be) so, interest rates will rise.
这个参赛者下定决心无论如何要赢得500公尺赛跑的胜利。 The racer meant to win the500-meter race at all risks.
不,我要去看一出国剧,比利昨天给我一张招待券。 No, I'm going to see a Chinese opera. Billy gave me a complimentary ticket yesterday.
雷吉参与了这个公司的创办,公司发展了,他也获利了。 Reg had got in on the ground floor, and as the firm had progressed, so had he.
在加利福尼亚州发现金矿一事掀起了一场淘金者蜂拥而至的热潮。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
我宁肯选择安全储蓄计划,而不愿意冒很大的风险以获取高利率。 I'd rather go for a safe savings plan than one with a high rate of interest but a lot of risk
人道主义,博爱精神对人类福利的关注,尤指通过慈善活动表现出来的 Concern for human welfare, especially as manifested through philanthropy.
人道主义,博爱主义认为人类唯一的道义责任是提高人类福利的信仰 The belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare.
焦炭,煤气和汽油是更加有效地利用煤和石油的第二级燃料的范例。 The gas and petrol are examples of secondary fuels by which coal and oil may be more effectively used.
利昂没完成几何作业,因为他思想总在开小差,想着班上新来的女生。 Leon didn't finish his geometry homework because his mind kept jumping the track to think about the new girl in class.
酗酒成性的人承认饮酒过度是弊多利少,他这样说实际是自己打自己的嘴巴。 By admitting that excessive drinking does more harm than good, the man who indulged in the practice was condemned out of his own mouth.
1979年这个期限临近了,最初支持平等权利修正案的一些州后来改变了主意,投票反对这个法案。 As the1979 deadline came nearer, some states which at first had backed up the Equal Right Amendment changed their mind and voted against it.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
刻薄的;尖锐的;锐利的 Tart; sharp; cutting.
剃刀锋利刮得就乾净. A sharp razor gives a close shave.
投资的收益投资获利;回报 A profit obtained from an investment; a return.
亨利英勇奋战,可是打败了。 Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten.
他的所作所为皆取决於一己之利. Self-interest governs all his actions.
这笔生意应於明天顺利成交. The deal should be buttoned up by tomorrow.
亨利写给父亲的信简明扼要。 Henry's note to his father was short and sweet.
滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。 The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.
小小蜜蜂多忙碌/利用良机不放松。 How doth the little busy bee/Improve each shining hour.
利物浦足球队和英格兰足球队实力相当。 Liver-pool and England are neck and neck in strength.
在加利福尼亚居住的好处就在於气候宜人。 The beauty of living in California is that the weather is so good.
所有这些说明一点--他是一个自私自利的人。 It all adds up to this-he is a selfish man.
独裁统治者一个有着无限权利的统治者;专制者 A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.
二等兵琼斯(因勇敢)被授予维多利亚十字勋章. Private Jones was awarded the Victoria Cross (for his gallantry).
纳税人:如果双方组建合资企业是否有利呐? Taxpayer: what will happen if the two companies establish equity joint venture?
社会主义的政策有利於在煤炭工业中推行公有制. Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry.
解放运动为某一个团体谋求平等权利的运动;解放 A movement that seeks to achieve equal rights for a group; liberation.
肥缺能带来优势,如利益或威望的职位、任命或地位 A position, an appointment, or a rank giving advancement, as of profit or prestige.
实业家拥有、管理工业企业或对某个工业产业拥有实际经济利益的人 One who owns, directs, or has a substantial financial interest in an industrial enterprise.
对伽利略来说,地球上和太空中有不同的运动法则是没有多大意义。 It didn't make much sense to Galileo to have different rules for motion on earth and in space.
牟利罗,巴托洛米奥·埃斯特巴1617-1682西班牙风俗、肖像和宗教题材的画家,比如圣灵怀胎1668 Spanish painter of genre scenes, portraits, and religious subjects, such as Immaculate Conception(1668).
埃米特,罗伯特1778-1803爱尔兰爱国主义者,他为爱尔兰天主教的权利而战,在反对英国的事件中,因失败而被处决 Irish patriot who fought for the rights of Irish Catholics and was executed for his part in a bungled uprising against the British.
其功能可以利用程序建立或改变的,有时也称智能的(例如“一个可编程终端”,“一个可编程的机床”)。 Also, sometimes, intelligent. With a function that can be established or changed by means of a program;("a programmable terminal";"a programmable machine tool").
民事的,民法的关于个人隐私权及相关于这些权利的法律诉讼程序的,区别于刑事的、军事的或国际的条例或诉讼程序 Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings.
国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。 IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
有氧健身法旨在增强循环和呼吸功效的生理调节体系,包括有力的、持久的锻炼,例如慢跑、游泳或骑自行车,从而提高肌体对氧气的利用 A system of physical conditioning designed to enhance circulatory and respiratory efficiency that involves vigorous, sustained exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, thereby improving the body's utilization of oxygen.
海涅,亨利希1797-1856德国作家,自1831年之后生活在巴黎。他的浪漫主义诗歌及社会论文充满了他对自己祖国土地和人民的热爱,对众多德国现代研究机构的嘲笑 German writer who lived in Paris after1831. His romantic poems and social essays are marked by his love for the German land and people and derision for many modern German institutions.
在计算机安全学中,一种计算机程序,表面上或实际上有某种有用的功能,而含有附加的(隐藏的)可能利用了调用进程的合法特许来危害系统安全的功能。 In computer security, a computer program with an apparently or actually useful function that contains additional(hidden) functions that surreptitiously exploit the legitimate authorizations of the invoking process to the detriment of security.
利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。 In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame.