
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D * fen1 lei4 assort/ classify/ sort


Grade E word(s):
分类 [fen1 lei4] Einteilung (S)

Häufigkeit: 2.1 Komposita

图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 The books in the library are classified by subject.
分隔物,分界线分界物或分割物,用作分配或分类 Something, such as a boundary or partition, that serves to divide or keep separate.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
我们只有分类菜单. We only have an a la carte menu.
一切生物均可按等级分类. There is a hierarchy in the classification of all living creatures.
命名者命名的人。如在科学分类中 One who assigns names, as in scientific classification.
动物分类的门界的一个基本分支,如动物界的,在范围上大于纲 A primary division of a kingdom, as of the animal kingdom, ranking next above a class in size.
岩性学对岩石的微观研究、描绘和分类 The microscopic study, description, and classification of rock.
范畴亚里士多德所描绘的可以放置所有事物的基本状态或分类之一;范畴 One of the basic states or classifications described by Aristotle into which all things can be placed; a category.
重组父母没有表现而其子嗣自然形成基因重组之现象,这是由于采用了杂交或独立分类的方法而出现的 The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents, by the processes of crossing over or independent assortment.