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几点 [ji3 dian3] Um wieviel Uhr?

一个小男孩在街上拦住了我,问道;“先生,现在几点了?” A little boy stopped me in the street and asked me, "What's the time, mister?"
要使这份报告包括最新资料,我仅有几点事实需补充。 I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.
你平时下班几点到家? When do you normally get in from work?
动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。 Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.