
1 New HSK word(s): HSK3 几乎 + ji1hu1 almost; nearly; practically
1 Old HSK word(s): B Adv * ji1hu1 almost



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Grade E word(s):

几乎 [ji1 hu1] fast, beinahe, so gut wieannähernd, ungefähr

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我们在那儿几乎没看见学生。 We saw few students there.
我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。 I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet.
海洋几乎占地球表面的四分之三。 The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.
几乎所有的成员都同意这项提议。 Virtually all the members were in agreement with the proposal.
请把窗子弄干净,我几乎看不到外面。 Please clean the window as I can hardly see out.
我一整天围着火热的炉子辛辛苦苦地做出这顿饭,可是他们现在几乎一点儿也没有吃。 I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal, and now they've hardly eaten any of it.
在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。 Few people know Danish in our school.
他几乎破产了。 He is practically ruined.
我们几乎来不及赶火车. We barely had time to catch the train.
他几乎连一个英文单词都不会说。 He spoke scarcely a word of English.
不论你到哪里,语言几乎是相同的。 The language is almost the same wherever one goes.
在年终联欢会季节,晚上是几乎不可能叫到计程车的。 It's next to impossible to catch a taxi at night during the year- end party season.
现在有一百多家美国大专院校和几乎同样多的中国大专院校建立了教育上的交流关系。 More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions.
她的头发几乎垂到了腰部. Her hair nearly reached down to her waist.
这座山向北的一面几乎是垂直的。 The northern face of the mountain is almost vertical.
她的儿子死去时,她悲伤得几乎疯了。 She was almost mad with grief when her son died.
这两块粘合得真好, 几乎看不出接缝. The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.
一位太太用一辆手推车送来一块饼干,这块饼干几乎有500磅重。 One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. It weight nearly500 pounds.
罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。 At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe.
埃尔顿把他在夜里睡不着时所记熟的故事,几乎一字不错的复述了一遍。 Almost word for word, Elton repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night.
难怪她病了,她几乎什么都没吃。 No wonder she's ill. She eats next to nothing.
他们几乎被水淹死。 They came near being drowned.
昆虫几乎都有触角。 Almost all insects have feelers.
她泪眼蒙蒙,几乎不能认出自己的儿子。 She could hardly recognize her son through the mist of tears that filled her eyes.
风暴带有强风或狂风但很少或几乎无雨的一种风暴 A storm with high winds or violent gusts but little or no rain.
空袭几乎把这座城镇夷为平地。 The bombing raid practically leveled the town.
他哪里是在赔钱,他几乎无法计算其利润呢! Far from losing money, he can hardly count his profits.
奥布赖恩,埃德纳生于1932爱尔兰作家。作品包括孤独的姑娘和约翰我几乎认不出你了(1977年),探索今日爱尔兰的女性生活 Irish writer whose works, including The Lonely Girl(1962) and Johnny I Hardly Knew You(1977), explore the lives of women in modern-day Ireland.
苏联外长谢瓦尔德纳泽星期五来华盛顿。他将带给里根一封戈尔巴乔夫的亲笔信……。你尽可以打赌一定是有关几乎吹的高峰会。 Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze is coming to Washington on Friday. He'll be bringing Ronald Reagan a letter from Mikhail Gorbachev himself…But you can bet the rent it'll be about the summit that almost wasn't.
对任何一件东西都要以正确的名称来称呼的人,几乎不可能走过马路而不被人作为共同的敌人来打倒的吧。 A man that should call everything by its right name, would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy.
北极星第二星的光度中的一颗星,位于小熊星座把柄的末端,几乎位于北天极 A star of the second magnitude, at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper and almost at the north celestial pole.
我的小小捐献在巨大的总额中小得几乎看不见。 My small contribution was lost in the grand total.
平峒通往矿井的几乎水平的入口 An almost horizontal entrance to a mine.
她的追求者几乎是争先恐后向她献殷勤。 Her admirers almost fell over each other with offers of hospitality.
所有的家畜都赶到厩里,因此我们几乎不会蒙受损失。 All the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little.
的确,新闻媒介及公众对法国橄榄球队选拔员的尊重,几乎同法国政治家受到的尊重不相上下,当然,那也并非多大的荣耀。 Indeed French rugby selectors receive just about the same respect from their Press and public as do French politicians, which, of course, isn't saying much.