
1 New HSK word(s): HSK2 准备 + zhun3bei4 preparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund)
1 Old HSK word(s): A v;n * zhun3bei4 prepare/ get ready (for)/ intend



Sẵn sàng +
Grade E word(s):

准备 [zhun3 bei4] planen, vorbereiten,beabsichtigen, Bereitschaft (V)

Häufigkeit: 85.94 Komposita

他们正在准备考试。 They were girding for the exam.
我正准备打电话给你。 I was just about to call you.
妈妈准备了好吃的东西给我。 Mother has something delicious in store for me.
我为准备英语考试的人做辅导。 I coach people for English exams.
那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。 The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.
在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。 There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country.
宴会的准备工作现在都已就绪。 Everything is ready now for the party.
我们准备把多余的苹果全部送人。 We are giving away all our surplus apples.
他们正准备上演新的歌舞喜剧。 They are preparing for the presentation of a new musical.
他考试前没做任何准备,所以不及格。 He didn't do any preparation for this exam, so he failed.
他们对即将到来的选举作了充分的准备。 They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections.
他们上了当, 以为我们还没有作好进攻准备. They were bluffed into believing we were not ready for the attack.
他精神抖擞准备出发. He's full of sap and ready to start.
早饭后,我就准备去上班。 After breakfast, I'll get ready to go to work.
她坐在那里努力集中思想准备发言. She sat trying to gather her thoughts before making her speech.
我已来不及做准备了. I had no time in which to prepare.
部队已准备发起攻击。 The troops took up offensive positions.
她打扮停当准备去参加晚会。 She dressed up for the party.
士兵们随时准备粉碎敌人的进攻。 The soldiers are ready at all times to smash the enemy's attacks.
他们为穷人准备了米,面及其它各种食物。 They prepared rice, flour and sundry other items of food for the poor.
留点力气准备攀登吧. Reserve your strength for the climb.
那女孩随时都准备着去参加聚会。 The girl is ready at all times to go to parties.
防御工事已筑好,准备对付敌人进攻。 The defences are kept in readiness for any enemy attack.
新娘的男亲属们聚集在一起为婚礼做准备。 The bride's kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding.
我们藏在灌木丛后,准备向来犯者发起突然袭击。 We hid behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.
预先测试为衡量学生是否已有足够的准备去进行更高一级的学习而举行的初步考试 A preliminary test given to determine whether students are sufficiently prepared for a more advanced course of studies.
这套房间本来是准备给5口人住的。 The apartment was originally meant for five.
玛丽留下几块布准备做一床被子。 Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.
他已准备好应付任何事。 He stands ready for anything.
背书小学生将已准备好的课文口头背出来 Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.
把你们的器材准备好,开始行动的时刻到了。 Get your equipment ready, it's coming up to zero hour.
如果我们准备采用新工序的话,我们将只得吸取那些已有这方面工作经验的人们的成果。 If we are to start the new process, we shall have to pick the brains of those who have had some experience of doing the job.
部队恰恰在这时准备开进城去. The troops are even now preparing to march into the city.
你若预先通知我, 我就能给您准备好了. If you warn me in advance, I will have your order ready for you.
我准备做一次咽喉细菌培养,以便确诊。 I am going to take a throat culture so we'll know for sure.
她忙着温习美国宪法, 准备明天的考试. She's busy getting up the American constitution for tomorrow's exam.
我希望你们中能有足够的人手准备协助这场演出. I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show.
那计划的构想倒是十分宏伟, 但终因准备不足而告吹. The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation.
他并没有准备讲话, 但在会议结束时现凑了几句. He hadn't prepared a speech but he managed to string together a few remarks at the end of the meeting.
举行典礼的大厅尚未完全布置好, 但到时候定能准备就绪. The hall isn't quite ready for the ceremony yet, but it will be all right on the night.
犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备 A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
该国正进行备战[准备打仗]. The country is making preparations for war/to go to war.
我准备到汉普敦的苗圃去买些花草. I'm going to the nursery/nurseries in Hampton to buy some plants.
这些新来者准备承担一部分我们突然间感到很沉重的那些负担吗? Are the newcomers prepared to shoulder some of the burdens which we have suddenly discovered to be oppressive?
草案准备好了。请审核一下细节内容,看看是否全部条款都合适好吗? The draft is prepared. Will you please check the particulars and see if everything is all right?
新闻广播员正在为八点钟的播音节目作好准备。 The news announcer is standing by for the broadcast program at8.
政府准备提高利率。 The government is going to drive interest rates up.
六点钟我们站好队准备操练。 At six we were fallen in for drill.
我已经准备好与你较量力气。 I'm ready to match my strength against yours.
我准备花多少钱是有限度的. There's a limit to how much I'm prepared to spend.
他们为远航的船只准备了食品和必需品。 They provisioned the ship for a long voyage.
父亲说我可以上大学,因此我认为我要准备入学考试。 Father say I may enter a university, so I think I will prepare for the entrance examination.
资方准备谈判工资问题,并且充分利用谈判带给他们的机会,提出劳动生产率的问题。 The employers were prepared to discuss wages, and they pressed home the advantage this gave them by raising the matter of productivity.
询问就餐者是否准备点菜了。 Asking if a diner is ready to order.
为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达。 Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.
这位律师正在为明天法庭审理的案件做准备。 The solicitor is preparing a case in the court tomorrow.
垫版印刷过程中的一个准备步骤,即通过调理和平整版面以确保印刷清晰 The operation of preparing a form for printing by adjusting and leveling the plates to ensure a clear impression.
他振作精神准备全力以赴。 He braced every nerve for a supreme effort.
请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。 Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.
比尔的母亲为比尔所属的俱乐部会员们准备热狗当点心,汤姆的母亲因此说她要招待得更好,除了给你们热狗外,另再加冰淇淋。 Bill's mother gave the boys in Bill's club hot dogs for refreshments, so Tom's mother said that she would go her on better next time by giving them ho dogs and icecream.
摄影机准备好了吗? 好, 开拍! Cameras ready? OK, shoot!
承办殡葬者准备埋葬尸体。 The corpse was laid out by the undertaker.
我们已经准备好拍摄(舞厅的连续镜头). We're ready to shoot (the ballroom sequence).
那律师装上笔尖;摊开纸张,准备缮写。 The lawyer nib his pen, spread out his paper, and prepared to write.
幻灯胶片,电影胶片为静止投影而准备的含有相片、图表或其它图表性东西的一段胶片 A length of film containing photographs, diagrams, or other graphic matter prepared for still projection.
贴花转印法把印在(尤指)准备好的纸张上的图画或图案转印到玻璃或金属等材料上的程序 The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.