
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * nong2zuo4wu4 crops/ cultivated plants


Grade E word(s):

农作物 [nong2 zuo4 wu4] landwirtschaftliche Kulturen (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.45 Komposita

农作物需要雨水。 The crops need rain.
好天气使农作物长得很好。 The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.
今年夏季农作物成熟得早. The summer crops were forward this year.
他一向是不厌其烦地尝试各种播种农作物的方法。 He was never weary of experimenting with different ways of planting his crops.
干旱造成农作物歉收。 The crops failed because of the drought.
洪水毁坏了大量农作物。 The flood did a lot of damage to the crops.
由於乾旱, 农作物歉收. The crops failed because of drought.
农业生物学;土壤生物学关于植物养分和与土壤条件相关的生长的研究,尤其是对判定如何增加农作物产量方法的研究 The study of plant nutrition and growth as related to soil condition, especially to determine ways to increase crop yield.