
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * yang3zhi2 breed/ raise


Grade E word(s):
养殖 [yang3 zhi2] etw. in Kulturen züchten ( Wassertiere, Wasserpflanzen, z.B. Fische, Muscheln, Seetangs ) (V)

Häufigkeit: 0.16 Komposita

养殖对动物的饲养或植物的种植,尤指为了产生改良品种 The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock.
采牡蛎者捉、养殖或专卖牡蛎的人 One who gathers, cultivates, or sells oysters.
海上养殖在海洋生物的天然栖息地养殖这些生物,通常是出于商业目的 Cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats, usually for commercial purposes.
水产养殖在控制条件下,科学、艺术及商业性培植海水或淡水食用鱼或介壳类,如牡蛎、蛤、鲑及鳟鱼 The science, art, and business of cultivating marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish, such as oysters, clams, salmon, and trout, under controlled conditions.