
10 New HSK word(s): HSK3 其他 + qi2ta1 other; (sth or sb) else; the rest HSK3 其实 + qi2shi2 actually; in fact; really HSK4 其中 + qi2zhong1 among; in; included among these HSK4 其次 + qi2ci4 next; secondly HSK4 尤其 + you2qi2 especially; particularly HSK5 其余 + qi2yu2 the rest; the others; remaining; remainder; apart from them HSK5 极其 + ji2qi2 extremely HSK5 与其 + yu3qi2 rather than...; 与其/与其yu3 qi2A 不如bu4 ru2B (rather than A, better to B) HSK6 莫名其妙 + mo4ming2qi2miao4 unfathomable mystery (idiom); subtle and ineffable; unable to make head or tail of it; boring (e.g. movie) HSK6 名副其实 + ming2fu4qi2shi2 not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
14 Old HSK word(s): A Adv * you2qi2 especially/ particularly B Adv * qi2ci4 next/ secondary B pron * qi2ta1 other (people) B pron * qi2ta1 other (things) B pron * qi2yu2 the others/ the rest/ the remainder B N * qi2zhong1 among B Adv * ji2qi2 most/ extremely/ exceedingly C pron * qi2 it/ they/ she/ he/ its/ their/ her/ his/ that/ such C Adv * qi2shi2 in fact/ actually/ as a matter of fact C Conj * yu3qi2 with-such/ rather than/ better than D N * qi2jian1 meantime D * ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2 be worthy of the name/ the name matches the reality D * mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 without rhyme or reason D * qia4 ru2 qi2 fen4 just right/ appropriate


Khác +


Trong thực tế, +


Trong đó +


Thứ hai +


Đặc biệt +

Phần còn lại +

Rất +

Khác +

Bằng cách nào đó +

Một sự thật +
Grade E word(s):
不计其数 不厌其烦 充其量 出其不意 各行其是 果不其然 含糊/胡其词/辞 及其 卡其布 夸大其词 夸夸其谈 两全其美 其乐无穷 其貌不扬 亲历其境 确有其人 确有其事 取其精华 任其自然 若无其事 三缄其口 适得其反 首当其冲 顺其自然 听其自然 投其所好 土耳其 突如其来 徒有其名 微乎其微 言过其实 有其父必有其子 自食其果 自食其力 自食其言 自行其是 自圆其说 坐享其成
其 [qi2] da, dasderart, derartigihr, ihresein, seine

Häufigkeit: 30.29 Komposita

他们讨论了气候和其他的话题。 They discussed the weather and other topics.
她的小说我都喜欢, 最新的一部尤其好. I like all her novels, but her latest is particularly good.
这其中含有真正的危险。 Herein lies the real danger.
这些项目是根据其重要性排列的。 The items are listed in order of importance.
他历史考试不及格,其他科目都通过了。 He got a fail in history and passes in other subjects.
你与其要他减价还不如求助于一棵树。 You might as well ask the tree for help as request him to reduce the price.
我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。 I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.
她自称精通计算机,其实她是假充内行。 She claims to know all about computers but really she's a sham.
她并不聪明,但在其他方面,她倒是个好姑娘。 She is not very clever, but otherwise she's a nice girl.
就翻译训练而言我认为这是一本无出其右的好书。 This is a book, which I dare say, is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned.
音乐学生学习给一个现有的调子配上其他音部,还要学习怎样转成和声调。 Music students learn how to add other parts to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.
与其说她善良不如说她单纯。 She is not so kind as simple.
我与其嫁给他,倒不如去死算了。 I may as well die as marry him.
峡谷常常有河流经过其中。 A canyon usually has a river flowing through it.
整顿饭都很好, 尤其是葡萄酒更好. The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.
从资料库借磁带是退而求其次的办法。 Borrowing tapes from the library would be the next-best thing.
在日本,棒球比其他任何运动都受人欢迎。 Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
许多富商靠极其残酷地践踏别人而爬了上去。 Many a rich businessman reached the top by trampling on others in the most brutal way.
抵押款提高了,其中一部分可由免税额增加而抵消。 Higher mortgage rates are partly offset by increased tax allowances.
她的考试成绩令人失望,但却装出若无其事的样子。 Her exam result was disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it.
她很害羞,不敢和其他旅行者交谈。 She was too timid to talk with other travelers.
肖邦的乐曲唤起了她极其复杂的感情。 Chopin aroused very complicated emotions in her.
这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著名。 The parks of this city are famous for their ornate fountains.
噪音令人讨厌,尤其当你想睡觉的时候。 Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.
其他地方更优厚的薪金待遇诱使他离开了公司。 He was seduced into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.
圆的轴线是其直径. The axis of a circle is its diameter.
你的意见是否代表其他学生的意见? Are your opinions representative of the other students?
你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类? Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?
储存的 物经常受损坏, 尤其是老鼠为患最甚. Stores of grain are frequently attacked by pests, especially rats.
她比其它人到得早。 She arrive earlier than the others.
学生中许多人来自其他国家。 Many of the students came from other countries.
我首先是一个教师, 其次才是一个作家。 I am a teacher in the first place and a writer in the next place.
就像其他老人一样,我祖父也老喜欢讲他当年的故事。 As is often the case with old people, my grandfather is fond of talking about good old days.
军队是极其复杂的组织。 The army is an extremely complex organism.
与其给折扣,不如减价。 Better reduce the price than allow a discount.
编词典是一种极其吃力的苦差。 Compiling a dictionary is an awful sweat.
一个人的衣著可反映出其个性. Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.
铜比其他材料导电性能好。 Copper conducts electricity better than other materials.
我对会议的结果感到极其满意. I was most gratified at/by/with the outcome of the meeting.
那些出席者中有首相及其丈夫. Among those present were the Prime Minister and her husband.
这房间就其高度的比例而言是很宽的. The room is wide in proportion to its height.
她和他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名. She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way.
她最喜爱的运动是滑雪, 其次是冰球. Next to skiing her favourite sport was ice-hockey.
除掉金星以外其他的星星全都消失了。 All but the morning star have disappeared.
她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。 Her good look gave her a pull over other girls.
使我感到极其好笑的是他的假胡子掉下来了. To my great amusement his false beard fell off.
要想赶上其他同学, 我得特别努力才行。 I have to work hard to catch up with the other students.
植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。 Plants absorb minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
这个国家的经济在很大程度上依靠其旅游业。 The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.
没表示否定, 其含义可能理解为是肯定的. Failure to say `No' may, by implication, be taken to mean `Yes'.
我能使用文字处理机, 但不了解其运转机制. I can use a word processor but I don't understand its operation.
既然雨下得这么大,你与其离开倒不如待在这儿。 Since it is raining hard, you may as well stay here as leave.
气候学对气候及其引起的现象进行的气象研究 The meteorological study of climates and their phenomena.
他们为穷人准备了米,面及其它各种食物。 They prepared rice, flour and sundry other items of food for the poor.
她丰富的经验使她比其他求职者具有有利条件。 Her rich experience gave her an advantage over other applicants for the job.
其实用不着在清晨3点钟就把我叫醒吧. I could have done without being (ie I wish I hadn't been) woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning.
我们每人各据一间小小的办公室,与其他人分隔开。 Each of us is boxed off( from the others)in his own little office.
他把空余时间都用在园艺上了, 没有任何其他爱好. He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.
一些年青人喜欢流行音乐, 但仍有其它人喜欢古典音乐。 Some young people like pop music, while still others like classical music.
扇形体形状似四分之一圆圈的机器零件或其他机械设备 A machine part or other mechanical device that is shaped like a quarter circle.
原生的出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的 Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.
我卖给你一本新的地理书,其余的钱你可以能够还的时候还我。 I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay me the remainder of the money.
我们班上有三十位学生,只有一位通过考试,其余都不及格。 We have 30 students in our class; one passed the exam, and the others (=the rest) all failed.
这两种体系只是在表面上有某种相似之处, 其实根本不同. There is only a formal resemblance between the two systems; they are in fact radically different.
政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。 Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.
年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时间,也用作其年代系统的根据 A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
那影片招致许多人的反感, 尤其是工人不满其中对工人生活的描写. The film caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described.
很多交际上的访问,你以为是来拜会你本人的,其实是来拜会你的酒瓶子。 Many social visits that you think pay to yourself is paying to your bottle.
学校教育的最大用处,与其说是教你事物,不如说是教你学习的方法。 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.
秘密的调情动作调情动作,其中一方在桌下偷偷地用脚或腿磨擦对方的腿或脚 The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.
那老太太每天去买报纸, 不多时便觉乐在其中, 因为她主要是想和店主聊天. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
俄国于是对土耳其宣战。 Russia thereupon declared war upon Turkey.
声波是根据其振幅来测量的. Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.
牧师在船离港之前为其祝福。 The priest blessed the ship before it left port.
西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称. Spain used to be famous for its strong armada.
他继承了那片庄园及其一切特权. He inherited the manor and all its appurtenances.
他超过了同时期的所有其他作曲家。 He excels all other composers of his period.
我们的狗别看样子凶,其实很温顺。 Our dog may look fierce but he wouldn't hurt a fly.
这个分裂出去的派别受到其他宗教团体的蔑视。 The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups.
飞机在大西洋中部飞行时, 其中一个发动机出了故障. One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
抗毒素是抵抗有毒物质并防止其产生有害作用的物质。 Antitoxin is substance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect.
大都市外面的生活步调往往是缓慢得多,这在其他国家也是真的那样。 Often life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.
坏死因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死 Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.
我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。 I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops.
其中之一就是允许地方教委在国家教学大纲的指导下选择合适自身的教材。 One of the reforms allows the local education department to choose their own textbooks based upon the national teaching guideline.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
往往日本人以自创的方法改良我们的机器。就像所有其他半导体公司一样,我们也陷于困境。 And often the Japanese have added proprietary engineering to improve our machines. Like all the other semiconductor firms, we are in a box.
把铝和其他金属混合,科学家们能够制造出各种合金,其中一些具有钢一样的强度,但其重量只是钢的三分之一。 By mixing aluminium with other metals, scientists have been able to produce a variety of alloys, some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much.
印象主义一种文学风格,其特征是利用对细节和感情的描述而不是通过对客观的现实的再创造,来唤起主观的或感觉的印象 A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality.
艾伯塔平原极其肥沃. The plains of Alberta are extremely fertile.
这件衬衫是用乔其纱做成的。 The shirt is made of georgette.
我正写一封郑重其事的回信. I'm composing a formal reply to the letter.
她不断修改自己的小说以使其趋于完善。 She matured her novel by constant revision.
这一产品非常成功, 其名称已经家喻户晓. The product was so successful that its name became a household word.
分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权. Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.
大吉岭茶一种上等的红茶,尤其生长在印度北部地区 A fine variety of black tea grown especially in the northern part of India.
他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果, 被控以诽谤罪. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.
一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。 One of the gang create a diversion in the street while the others rob the bank.
布道一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演 A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse.
缓刑对已被认定犯有某罪的人实行暂缓执行其刑罚,并在其保证良好行为的基础上给予暂时的自由 The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.
盐作用於冰而使其融化. The action of salt on ice causes it to melt.
我最喜欢吃桔子,其次才是香蕉。 Next to orange I like banana best.
她落选後其影响力大为降低. Her influence declined after she lost the election.
代我向琼斯夫妇及其子女问好. Give my regards to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.
所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。 The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor.
【谚】与其补救于已然,不如防止于未然。 Prevention is better than cure.
除工作以外,你有其它的特别爱好吗? Do you have any special interest other than your job?
代我向玛丽、约翰,尤其向爷爷问好。 Give my regards to Mary, John and by especial to Grandpa.
齐平地使其均匀、在一个平面上或留边排版 So as to be even, in one plane, or aligned with a margin.
她将其全部积蓄都花在了去埃及有这趟旅行上了。 She spend all her savings on a trip to Egypt.
突出的高于所有其他的或比所有人都显著的;杰出的 Superior to or notable above all others; outstanding.
孩子们在河边玩耍, 突然其中一个滑了一跤跌进河里. The children were playing by the river when one of them slipped and fell in.
重叠的,交叉的某些昆虫休息时其翅膀重迭的或交叉的 Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest.
王先生与州长感情甚笃,常被邀请与其一同用餐。 Mr Wang is in the good graces of the governor, and is often invited to dine with him.
由喙部为红色这一特点可以辨认出其为雄性(以区别於雌性). The male is distinguished (from the female) by its red beak.
流感是一种传染病,其特征是发热、全身疼痛和疲乏无力。 Flu is an infectious disease characterized by fever, aches and pains and exhaustion.
光度计用来测量光的性质、尤其是光的强度和通量的仪器 An instrument for measuring a property of light, especially luminous intensity or flux.
剂量需要产生特定效应的疫苗、浆液、药物或其他剂的量 The quantity of a vaccine, serum, drug, or other agent necessary to produce a specific effect.
必须把滥竽充数的科研人员调到其他工作岗位上去。 The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post.
结婚,是一本第一章以式写成、其余各章则以散文写就的书。 Marriage is a book of witch the first chapter being written in poetry and remained chapter in prose.
灵魂出窍,亡魂显现活着的人在其临死前出现的作为预兆的鬼魂 An apparition of a living person that appears as a portent just before that person's death.
玛丽一点也没有其他兴趣,她的全部生活都围绕着丈夫和孩子转。 Mary has no outside interest at all.Her whole life revolves around her husband and the children.
添加剂,添加物少量加入其他物质以使其提高、增强或改变的物质 A substance added in small amounts to something else to improve, strengthen, or otherwise alter it.
他以前从未做过这种工作, 我不知道他是否能(与其他雇员)配合好. He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in (with the other employees).
自耦变压器一种电力变压器,其初级线圈与次级线圈部分或全部共用 An electrical transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have some or all windings in common.
派来调查的警察说,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理给撬开来的。 The policeman who is sent down to examine, says my house has been broken open on the most scientific principle.
格雷厄姆,肯尼思1859-1932英国作家,以其散文和儿童文学著名,著名的有杨柳风(1908年) British writer known for his essays and children's books, notably The Wind in the Willows(1908).
在远庄园欢度周末,使弗雷德和我极感高兴,我简直不知道眼前还有什么其他事情能比得上它。 I can't think of anything Fred and I would enjoy more right now than a weekend at Far Acres.
美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听。 Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring.
贴在窗上的海报写着:所有的电冰箱、洗衣机和吸尘哭降价5%,许多其它家用电器也赔血本出售。 The poster on the window read:5% reduction on all refrigerators, washing-machines and vacuum cleaners. Many other household appliances at cut-throat prices.
生物学生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含植物学和动物学及所有的分支 The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions.
翼剖面;机翼;翼面一个部件或平面,如机翼、螺旋桨叶、方向舵等,其形状或方位控制稳定性、方向、抬升、冲击或驱动 A part or surface, such as a wing, propeller blade, or rudder, whose shape and orientation control stability, direction, lift, thrust, or propulsion.
约翰内斯堡南非最大的城市,位于该国的东北部,在德班西北。在其附近发现金矿后于1886年建立,为主要的工业中心。人口703,980 The largest city of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country northwest of Durban. Founded in1886 after the discovery of gold nearby, it is a major industrial center. Population, 703,980.
寓言,讽喻一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力,从而使表面含义含有或表达一种对等的,但更深刻的象征意义 A literary, dramatic, or pictorial device in which characters and events stand for abstract ideas, principles, or forces, so that the literal sense has or suggests a parallel, deeper symbolic sense.
诗以生动的和充满想象的方式来表达经验、思想或情感的口述文学作品,以运用其声音和暗示力而选用浓缩的语言为特征,并运用如节奏、暗喻和音韵等文学手法 A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
铅因其重而常派上用场. Lead is often used because of its weight.
旅游可以使人增长见闻,尤其对年轻人。 Travel is an edifying experience, especially for young people.
他的死讯已电告其家属。 News of his death was cabled to his family.
事实不容许有其它的解释。 The facts permit no other explanation.
其它与此相关或相似的一种瓜 Any of several other related or similar melons.
我喜欢这乡村,尤其是在春天。 I love the country, especially in spring.
无论如何我们也只能听其自然。 Be that as it may, I'll leave it as it is.
杂草越来越多,有取代其他植物之势。 Weeds tend to displace other plants.
植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料. Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
领先者在其余赛跑者加速时就逐渐失去了优势。 The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.
对这件事我就知道这些, 至于其他情况, 你可以问别人。 This is all I know about it; for the rest, you may ask others.
他一向是不厌其烦地尝试各种播种农作物的方法。 He was never weary of experimenting with different ways of planting his crops.
市政会向房主施加了压力, 促使其改善房子的居住条件. The council brought pressure to bear on the landlord to improve his property.
他总是对园艺工作发号施令,其实他只是一知半解。 He's always laying down the law about gardening but he really doesn't know much about it.
与其说是海洋分割这个世界,不如说是统一这个世界。 The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. (=The oceans do not divide the world so much as unite it.)
飞地一个国家的与其主要部分分离的并被外国领土包围的一部分 A part of a country that is isolated from the main part and is surrounded by foreign territory.
把他跟他们党内的极端分子等同看待是不对的--他的观点其实很温和. It's wrong to bracket him with the extremists in his party his views are very moderate.
正是在一定温度下塑料所具有的塑性使它比其他许多材料更优越。 It is their plasticity at certain temperatures that gives plastics their main advantage over many other materials.
这项活动尤其会使黑人妇女受益,对她们来说高等教育机会已被极大地限制 The program will particularly benefit Black women, for whom higher education opportunities have been severely limited.
一种处理过程,其间由控制器将一条指令分解成为它的执行所必须的微码操作。 A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit.
在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。 In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location.
她的文体极其清晰明白。 Her style is clear as crystal.
他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。 He screwed the others out of their share of the money.
她的勤奋为其他人树立了榜样。 Her diligence has set an example to the others.
她的细致工作使得其余所有的人自愧不如。 Her careful work put all the rest to shame.
我其实是个教师,写作只是我的兼职。 Actually I'm a teacher, my writing is just a sideline.
与其说成功在于运气不如说是辛勤努力。 Success lies not so much as in luck as in hard work.
她在协会中借助图片讲述其印度之行. She gave the society an illustrated talk on her travels in India.
圣诞节是个快乐的日子,尤其是对孩子们。 Christmas is a time of mirth, especially for children.
在实验室能够繁殖细菌和其他生物. It is possible to multiply bacteria and other living organisms in the laboratory.
山山峰或丘陵,尤其用在山名的正式名字中 A mountain or hill. Used especially as part of a proper name.
他似乎是个万事通。其实他是再愚蠢不过了。 It seems as if he knew everything, but in reality, he is as stupid as can be.
政府害怕罢工可能在其他行业产生连锁反应. The Government fear the strike may produce a chain reaction in other industries.
其中一个男人侮辱了另一个男人,于是他们就打了起来。 One of the man insulted another, whereupon a fight broke out.
他演讲中配上幻灯片, 比其他演讲人更吸引听众. He upstaged the other speakers by illustrating his talk with slides.
五氧化物由五个氧原子和其它元素或基组成的化合物 A compound having five atoms of oxygen combined with another element or radical.
他又来这一套了, 夸夸其谈, 像往常一样谈来谈去都是废话. There he goes, blah blah blah, talking nonsense as usual.
有效的防卫是不待对方导弹击中我们而先行将其拦截. Effective defence is a matter of intercepting their missiles before they can reach us.
与其说给人面包很有帮助,倒不如说教导他如何谋生才重要。 It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to make a living.
一个人的伟大与其说是由他的财富来判断,倒不如说是由他的品德来判断。 One's greatness lies not so much in his wealth as in his character.
世界性的饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题,我恐怕人们在我这一辈子都找不出解决的办法。 The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack. I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime.
此人极其狂妄自大。 The man's full of conceit.
她因其技术奇货可居,故可以主宰自己的薪金待遇。 Her skill is in such demand that she can dictate her own salary.
汞齐,汞合金各种汞和其它金属,如锡或银的合金 Any of various alloys of mercury with other metals, as with tin or silver.
老妇人和她孙子间有种莫名其妙的心灵相通的感觉. There is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson.
挽救该公司的唯一办法是彻底改变其经营方式. The only thing that will save the company is a thorough shake-up of the way it is run.
不要被他那副讨人喜欢的外表所迷惑, 其实他冷酷无情. Don't be taken in by his charming manner; he's completely ruthless.
和可能打仗相比,所有其他忧虑都变得微不足道了。 All other anxieties paled into insignificance besides the possibility of war.
蒸发器蒸发的器具,尤其是用于蒸发吸入药剂的装置 One that vaporizes, especially a device used to vaporize medicine for inhalation.
有许多中国人住在唐人街,其人数比中国本土之外世界其他任何地方的华人都多。 More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China.
水晶一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上 A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.
就模拟输入而言,使模数转换器不能区别其变化的超范围的绝对电压值。超载值对于正输入和负输入可能不同。 For analog inputs, any absolute voltage value above which the analog-to- digital converter cannot distinguish a change. The overload value can be different for plus and minus inputs.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
【谚】与其锈坏,不如用坏。 Better to wear out than rust out.
他不但不承认,反而支吾其词。 Instead of admit his guilt, he prevaricate.
金属铸模金属锭在其中被铸的模子 A mold in which such metal is cast.
【谚】与其夸夸其谈,不如埋头苦干。 It is better to do well than to say well.
整体大於其任何一部分是公理. It is axiomatic (to say) that a whole is greater than any of its parts.
别看种菜没啥,其实大有学问。 Growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning.
他装作若无其事, 藉以掩饰内心的不安. He conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance.
他哪里是在赔钱,他几乎无法计算其利润呢! Far from losing money, he can hardly count his profits.
他在写一部关於其种族所受迫害的历史书. He is writing a history of the persecutions endured by his race.
一组某物被分割后其部分、区域或群组之一 One of the parts, sections, or groups into which something is divided.
那个众人眼中的乞丐,其实是化了装的警察。 The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise.
他装著不认识她, 其实他们暗中勾结(在一起). He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league (together).
彗星和其他的行星同样是太阳家族的成员。 Comets are just as much members of the sun's family as (are) the other planets.
往炖煮的食物上加一匙麦麸,以增加其纤维含量。 Sprinkle a spoonful of bran onto the stew to increase the fibre content.
自治的与其他国家或政府的法律相独立的;自我管理的 Independent of the laws of another state or government; self-governing.
羊羔皮革用绵羊皮制成的柔软皮革,尤其用来制作手套 Soft leather made from sheepskin, used especially for gloves.
甜椒的果实其果,用来烧菜,做色拉或绿橄榄的佐料 The fruit of this plant, used in cookery, salad, and as stuffing for green olives.
酒椰纤维这种植物的叶片纤维,可用作席子、篮子和其它产品 The leaf fibers of this plant, used for mats, baskets, and other products.
彗星象行星一样绕太阳运转,然而其轨道呈狭长的椭圆形。 Comets move around the sun like planets, but in long oval course.
迂回管道用于引导气体或液体绕过其它管道或装置的一种管道或渠道 A pipe or channel used to conduct gas or liquid around another pipe or a fixture.
法官的本分是执行法律(主持正义),惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。 The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delay it.
洗矿槽,淘汰盘一个倾斜的槽,在其中被碾压的矿石被流水冲刷以冲走杂质 An inclined trough in which crushed ore is washed with running water to flush away impurities.
烟斗,烟筒抽烟用具,由木头、粘土或其他物质组成的管子,一头带有小吹嘴 A device for smoking, consisting of a tube of wood, clay, or other material with a small bowl at one end.
一次成像相机的问题在于没有底片,而其相片在数年内就会明显褪色。 The problem about the instant camera is the lack of negative, and their print can fade considerably within a few years.
合作社(组织)由使用其便利设施或服务项目的人共同拥有或管理的企业或组织 An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services.
蚀天体的部分或全部受到其他天体的遮掩而变得晦暗,这种现象与特定观测者相关 The partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one celestial body by another.
蔬菜因其可食部分而种植的植物,如甜菜根、菠菜叶或者椰菜、花椰菜的花蕾等 A plant cultivated for an edible part, such as the root of the beet, the leaf of spinach, or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower.
每次使用时,必须先使其中某些部分(诸如地址等)完备起来或详加规定才能运行的一组指令。 A set of instructions in which some parts such as addresses must be completed or specified in detail each time the set is used.
娱乐场,游乐场在商品交易会、狂欢节、马戏团或展览会所在地提供杂耍表演和其它娱乐活动的地方 The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
蒙塔古,阿什利生于1905英裔美国人类学家,其著作如女性的自然优越性(1953年),促进了人类学的普及 British-born American anthropologist whose books, such as The Natural Superiority of Women(1953), helped popularize anthropology.
嗜中性染料的不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞 Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells.
化合价,原子价原子或原子团与其它原子反映时由所失、增加成共享的电子数目决定的化合能力 The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms.
印度支那半岛东南亚的一个半岛,包括越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸和马来西亚的大陆部分。历史上这一片地区曾受印度(尤其是印度教文化)和中国的影响 A peninsula of southeast Asia comprising Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and the mainland territory of Malaysia. The area was influenced in early times by India(particularly the Hindu culture) and China.
食物,粮食通常是源于植物和动物的物质,包含有人体营养物的必不可少物质或由其组成如:糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维他命和矿物质等,由产生能量、促进发育和维持生命的组织消化和吸收 Material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life.
沙漏;滴漏用于计时的仪器,由两个玻璃盒组成,中由一细颈相连,盒内装有一定量的沙子,水银或其他流动物质,这些物质在一固定量的时间里,通常为一个小时,从上方的盒内慢慢流入下方的盒子中 An instrument for measuring time, consisting of two glass chambers connected by a narrow neck and containing a quantity of sand, mercury, or another flowing substance that trickles from the upper chamber to the lower in a fixed amount of time, often one hour.
每一种教条都必定自有其得意之时。 Every dogma must have its day.
同其他车辆相比,汽车确实很方便。 Compare to other vehicle, car is really quite convenient.
我听懂了他们谈话的大意,但没有听懂其中的细节。 I understood the tenor of their conversation but not the details.
牛和其它牵引重物的动物 Oxen and other draft animals.
她充其量是个二流歌手。 She is at best a second-rate singer.
他尽其所能去赢得他的好感。 He did all he could to win his favor.
她以其秀丽的书法而使我惊异。 She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting.
他是一位名副其实的好领袖。 He is a good leader in deed as well as in name.
他多处受伤,其中三处骨折。 He had several injuries, including three fractures.
他们设下圈套, 他果然落入其中. They set a trap for him and he walked right into it.
把担子换到另一肩上可其管用。 It works to shifted the load to the other shoulder.
如果其他手段均告失败,我们将诉之武力。 If other means fail we shall resort to force.
首相在其助手陪同下访问我国。 The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.
他发现任何一种学习都是名副其实的苦差使。 He finds any kind of study a real grind.
她追问那小孩让其说出把包放到了何处。 She pumped out of the little boy where he had put the bag.
我们的外交政策是和其它国家和平共处。 Our foreign policy is to coexist with other countries.
总统生病时, 其职务交由副总统代理. When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President.
这次旅行使我们了解了其他土地上的风土人情。 The travel has acquainted us with the customs of other lands.
小教堂附属于大教堂的比其小的做礼拜的地方 A place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church.
根据社会工作者的建议把那孩子与其父母隔离了. The child was taken away from its parents on the recommendation of social workers.
纸张盒,文具盒一种用于装文具和其它书写用具的盒子 A box used to hold stationery and other writing materials.
她真心实意地在信上签了字, 没意识到其中另有含义. She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications.
仅仅经过几天的训练,她的打字技术就达到极其出色的程度。 After only a few day's instruction, she got typing off to a fine art.
统治人民十分严格的政府,它不允许任何人反对其决策。 Government which rules its people strictly and do not allow anyone to oppose its decision.
半场某些体育比赛被划分成两个阶段,其中之一被称为半场 One of the two playing periods into which certain games are divided.
但是我们不必象对待其他矿藏那样把人送下去将油取出。 But we do not need to send men down to get the oil out, as we must with other mineral deposits.
上流社会的上流社会的或适合于上流社会的,尤其是在语言用法上 Of or appropriate to the upper class, especially in language usage.
要射中飞行中的小鸟,尤其是高空飞行的小鸟,非常困难。 It is difficult to shoot a flying bird, especially a small bird flying high up in the sky.
原始人,未开化的人被其他民族或群体视为拥有原始文化的人 A member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization.
指一个其价格已包含在计算机或产品的价格中的软件或硬件产品。 Pertaining to a software or hardware product that is included in the price of a computer system or product.
小汽车的优点是能够在其它车辆间穿行,并且常常比大客车先到达。 The advantage of a little car is that it can weave through the traffic and often get there faster than the big buses.
交错书写方法一种古代的书写方法,其中每一行交替地自右至左和自左至右书写 An ancient method of writing in which the lines are inscribed alternately from right to left and from left to right.
由终端操作员或计算机发送的字符或其它的短报文,用以指出已经收到前一报文。 By a terminal operator or computer;to send a character or other message to indicate that the previous message has been received.
向导们把我气死了,所以嘛,我今天杀掉了其中一个,还叫人给做成标本摆在我们的纪念品室。 Guides have annoyed me so, that today I kill one and am had him stuffed for our trophy rooms.
靠自己刻苦奋斗而后成功的人,其所完成的工作,没有一个好到令女性不想给他稍加修改的程度。 No self-making man ever do such a good job that some woman do not want to make a few alteration.
综合命题由和或其符号所连接的子句组成的复合命题,只有当所有子句为真时,该句才为真 A compound proposition that has components joined by the word and or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true.
在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。 In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number.
假牙师一种牙科技术师,其专长在于制造和安装假牙,他可以直接为公众服务,而不必通过有执照的牙科医生 A dental technician specializing in making and fitting dentures as a direct service to the public rather than through a licensed dentist.
密码一种密码系统,其中固定长度的明文里的单元,通常为字母,被任意倒置或按事先确定的符号系统替换 A cryptographic system in which units of plain text of regular length, usually letters, are arbitrarily transposed or substituted according to a predetermined code.
在系统中等待处理的一组或一队列新信息,主调度程序对该队列及其它队列进行扫描,使之顺序进入处理状态。 A queue of new messages(or a group) within a system that are awaiting processing. The main scheduling routine will scan them along with other queues and order them into processing in order.
她倾倒众生, 他是其中之一. He is one of her many conquests.
与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋。 He is not so clever as diligent.
与其撤约还不如延期装运。 Better to postpone the shipment than to cancel the contract.
六个月监禁的判决极其不公。 The sentence of six months imprisonment was most unjust.
她未曾想到这计谋反倒使她自食其果. The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected.
灌木丛中突如其来的响声把她的马吓惊了. The sudden noise in the bushes startled her horse.
在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。 The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln.
政府拨款给这家公司使其免于破产。 The government has rescued the firm from bankruptcy by giving them a grant.
那孩子已死去多时, 我对其面容仍记忆犹新. The image of the dead child's face stuck in my mind for ages.
我们大家可以一起走--假定其他人不耽搁的话. We can all leave together assuming (that) the others aren't late.
该独裁者发布命令,将其生日定为公众假期。 The dictator decreed that his birthday would be a public holiday.
国际法这一领域, 不熟悉其复杂性则寸步难行. International law is a minefield for anyone not familiar with its complexity.
行政国家在行使其权力或义务过程中的活动 The activity of a sovereign state in the exercise of its powers or duties.
这些新的事实连同其他证据已证明在押者无罪. These new facts, together with the other evidence, prove the prisoner's innocence.
欣赏意识或灵敏的感知力,尤其指审美品质或价值 Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
他把所有的时间都用在做纵横填字游戏和其他无聊的活动上. He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles.
由于海关征收繁重的紧急关税,使得我们处于极其困难的境地。 The imposition of heavy emergency custom duties have render our position exceedingly difficult.
串联一系列部件或网络,其中每个部件的输出传递到下一个的输入 A series of components or networks, the output of each of which serves as the input for the next.
然而,其他的同事们却听信了青年就业新闻发布官员的那一番明智的劝告。 And the rest of the fellows fell for the Youth Employment Officer's words of wisdom.
若要老婆留意自己所说的话,作丈夫的只要把话向其他女性说便成了。 If a man want his wife to pay attention to what he say, he address his remarks to another woman.
音轨一独立的轨道,如沿着一段胶片或磁带的,可将声音或其它信息记录在上面 A distinct path, as along a length of film or magnetic tape, on which sound or other information is recorded.
假如施予比接受更受到祝福的话,我们大多数都情愿让其他的人得到更大的祝福。 If it is more blessed to give than to receive, then most of us are content to let the other fellow have the greater blessing.
脚踏旋转平台一种由一圆形小平台组成的游乐场设备,当推动它或踩其踏板时能够转动 A piece of playground equipment consisting of a small circular platform that revolves when pushed or pedaled.
质量密集月球上的阴暗部,其内部岩石比周围地区的岩石的密度大,因此产生略大些的引力 A mare on the moon having rock of greater density than that of the surrounding area, thus exerting a slightly higher gravitational force.
模态逻辑命题的限制条件,建立在其内容的肯定或否定其可能性,不可能性,偶然性或必然性基础之上 The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.
神判法让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定 A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.
一种重要的处理过程,其中最高优先权处理任务常常由具有优先度的实时任务形成,经过使用中断而进入较低优先权任务或后台处理任务。 An important processing procedure in which top-priority processing most often results from real-time entries which usually have precedence, through the use of interrupts into lower-priority or background processing.
在分时系统中,终端和其它设备进行一次数据交换,从而完成一个特定的动作或产生一个特定的结果。例如,输入客户的存款金额并修改客户的余额。 In systems with time sharing, an exchange between a terminal and another device that accomplishes a particular action or result; for example, the entry of a customer's deposit and the updating of the customer's balance.
伪钞钱,尤其指伪造的钱币 Money, especially counterfeit money.
那篇长篇演说很郑重其事。 The harangue is very serious.
她行为古怪我感到莫名其妙. I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour.
我就是觉得这件事莫名其妙。 I was just wondering about that myself.
商店连同其商誉一并出售. The goodwill is being sold together with the shop.
她需要改进阐述其论点的方式。 She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments.
钳形的形状象钳子的或与其极为相似的 Shaped like or resembling forceps.
加利福尼亚有许多来自其他州的移民。 California has many immigrants from other states.
罗马的喷泉以其建筑之美而著称. The fountains of Rome are famed for their architectural beauty.
这篇报道不是颠倒黑白就是含糊其辞. The report was full of lies and prevarications.
对于非授权用户其意义是隐蔽的数据。 Data whose meaning is concealed from unauthorized users.
风笛的调旋律管其上能弹奏曲调的风笛管 The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played.
那孩子因其母带他回家而生气地捶打著母亲. The child pummelled his mother angrily as she carried him home.
华丽的服装使他那极其英俊的外貌更为增色. Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.
这蛾子停在树枝上, 其颜色和树枝几不可辨. Its colour makes the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on.
你们无谓将友情保密--其实已尽人皆知了. It's pointless trying to keep your friendship secret it's common knowledge already.
警察分局位于管区内并对其行使管辖权的警察局 The police station situated in and having jurisdiction over such a district.
这位部长慷慨陈词为其政策辩护, 反驳批评他的人. The minister countered his critics with a strong speech defending his policies.
他很快就领悟到了其中的幽默,于是和大家一起欢笑起来。 He saw the joke quickly and joined in the general merriment.
他诱惑他们买了一辆新汽车, 其实他们并不真正需要. He inveigled them into buying a new car, even though they didn't really want one.
愚昧像个妖嫩奇异的水果,稍一触摸,就会失去其清新。 Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit: touch it, and the bloom is gone.
模子一种框架或模型在其周围或在其上某物被塑造或成形 A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped.
覆面固定到一座建筑物或其它结构上的保护层或绝缘层 A protective or insulating layer fixed to the outside of a building or another structure.
肥皂与教育并不像大屠杀般突如其来,但结果是更要命的。 Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more deadly in the long run.
他经常说他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,其实这不过是附庸风雅而已。 He is always talking about his deep interest in literature, but it's just a pose.
零星共同凑集的一笔钱一笔钱,尤其指很多人为了设计的目的捐献的钱 A pool of money, especially one to which a number of people have contributed for a designated purpose.
杰克在赛跑中的名次排在其他两名运动员之后,而他原来是希望得第一名的。 Jack was placed behind two other runners in the race that he had hoped to win.
杏树属植物其它几种植物,如印度杏树,尤指果实和种籽类似杏树的 Any of several other plants, such as the Indian almond, especially those with fruits or seeds suggestive of the almond.
横向性某些植物或其器官安排他们自己以正确的角度而得到一种刺激的趋向 The tendency of certain plants or their parts to arrange themselves at right angles to a stimulus.
您只要把我们的报价与其他供应商的开价相比较就会知道我方价格多么优惠。 If you compare our quotation with those offer by other supplier, you'll see how favorable ours be.
地方法官拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员 A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases.
管辖区城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻 A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force.
德拉就这样做了。你知道,人生是由呜咽,抽泣和徽笑组成的,而其中主要的是抽泣。 So Della did. You see, life You see, life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles- but mainly of sniffles.
扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁 Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
毁船打劫者引诱船只失事的人,如通过在多岩石的海岸线上打信号灯,以掠夺其财物 One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.
水合物结晶中有一定比例水分子成分的固体化合物,其中水分子与晶体的含量为一固定比例 A solid compound containing water molecules combined in a definite ratio as an integral part of the crystal.
纳粹主义纳粹党的意识和实施,尤其是种族国家主义,国家扩张,政府控制经济的政策 The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.
这位下级行政官员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人死后或退休后才能步其后尘,谋取其职。 The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man's shoes.
重力天体如地球,所施加的自然吸引力,如地球,对处于或接近其表面的物体有将它们拉向其中心的趋势 The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of the body.
用暴力威胁侵犯他人身体犯罪行为应与殴打罪区别开来。其区别是,前者是用暴力相威胁而后者是实际上的使用暴力。 Assault shall be distinguished from battery, in that assault is the threat of violence, whereas battery is actual violence.
水闸用门关住的水道的一部分,如运河。其中通过升高或降低这部分的水位可以抬升或压低运输中的船只 A section of a waterway, such as a canal, closed off with gates, in which vessels in transit are raised or lowered by raising or lowering the water level of that section.
鉴别器,鉴频器一种将输入信号的某一特征,如频率或相位转变为幅度变化装置,其变化大小因信号与标准或参考信号的不同程度而异 A device that converts a property of an input signal, such as frequency or phase, into an amplitude variation, depending on how the signal differs from a standard or reference signal.
也许最重要的是,这些选举将使大众认识新面孔,尤其是来自反对党阵营的。这样投石问路将会测如候选人的影响力,建立知名度,并过滤问题。 Perhaps most important, these elections will put new faces before the public, especially from the opposition camp. This testing of the waters will measure the impact of the candidates, build name recognition and sift the issues.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
【谚】蓄物必有其用。 Lay things by, they many come to use.
迪克因野心勃勃而自食其果。 Dick fell a prey to his ambition.
丰富极其丰富的状态;充沛 The state of being profuse; abundance.
他煽动其他的男孩子调皮捣蛋。 He stirred the other boys to mischief.
胸脯其它哺乳动物的相应器官 A corresponding organ in other mammals.
声誉——主要是死得其时的问题。 Fame- it is chiefly a matter of die at the right moment.
他引用莎士比亚的话是恰如其分的。 His quotation from Shakespeare is appropriate.
恣意挥霍的毫不在意地浪费的;极其奢侈的 Recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant.
孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏真是乐得其所. The children are really in their element playing on the beach.
水灾过後无家可归的人不计其数. It's impossible to put a figure on the number of homeless after the flood.
面包、土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨。 Bread, potato and other staple continue to rise in price.
面包、 土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨. Bread, potatoes and other staples continue to rise in price.
他供认抢劫银行案後, 又坦白了其他罪行. He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.
货物船舶、飞机或其它交通工具运载的货物 The freight carried by a ship, an aircraft, or another vehicle.
破绽,失效可能导致其无效的法律文件的漏洞 A defect in a legal document that can render it invalid.
塔斯曼尼亚岛是以其发现者塔斯曼的名字命名的. Tasmania was named after its discoverer, A. J. Tasman.
两步舞节拍为2/4拍的舞厅舞,其特点是长的滑步 A ballroom dance in2/4 time, characterized by long, sliding steps.
公司发布了新闻稿以期遏止对其股票的投机活动. The company issued a press release to try to stop speculationin its shares.
花花公子在服饰和举止方面极其文雅的人;纨绔子弟 A man who affects extreme elegance in clothes and manners; a fop.
公司被迫裁员, 恐怕我是其中之一(冗员). The company is being forced to reduce staff and I fear I'm a likely candidate (for redundancy).
在字(词)处理技术中,书信和其它文献的主要部分。 In word processing, the main text of a letter or other document.
当其他人走了之后,玛丽留下来,将家具放回原处。 When the others had gone, Mary remained and put back the furniture.
水上体育活动驾舟、游泳或其它与水有关的运动的技术 Skill in boating, swimming, or other water-related sports.
链,带系在表或手镯上以防其丢失的小链子或带子 A small chain or band attached to a watch or bracelet to prevent loss.
贵方所订购货物之其余部分, 一俟我方进货即可供应. The balance of your order will be supplied when we receive fresh stock.
杂志一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊 A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.
他由於仪表堂堂而当选,但他尚须证明决非徒有其表。 His good looks won him the election but he has still to prove that he's not just a pretty face.
"他记住了那一系列日期,但却忽略了与其有关的主要事实。" "He memorized the list of dates, but neglected the main facts corresponding to them."
植物学家栽培、采集草或专门研究(尤指药草)其用处的人 One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
我们每个人都以其独特的、有局限性的判断标准来看待这个问题。 Each of us views the problem from his particular and limited frame of reference.
铜合金铜与锡、锑、磷或其物质构成的一种合金,含锡,也可不含锡 Any of various alloys of copper, with or without tin, and antimony, phosphorus, or other components.
他所执教是一所规模很小的大学, 他想摆脱存在於其中的地方主义桎梏. He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught.
他没有足够的肉体来大大方方地遮掩其精神;他的才智突出得不像样子。 He has not body enough to cover his mind decently; his intellect is improperly exposed.
循环,周而复始结束在其起点或持续重复其自身的系列或过程;循环 A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle.
警察发现琼斯躲在鸦片馆里,和那里的其他人一样被毒品熏得昏昏沉沉的。 Police found Jones hiding in an opium den, among other men all hopped up with the drug.
生物卫星设计用于运送和搭载人、动物或其他生物的、人造可返回式卫星 An artificial, recoverable satellite that is designed to carry and support humans, animals, or other living organisms.
假如你正确地选取了其他念头,假如这个念头的确受到别的领域的情趣的启迪。 And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest.
概要用简明的形式,并通过减少或保留其要点来对资料内容进行的描述;摘要 A presentation of the substance of a body of material in a condensed form or by reducing it to its main points; an abstract.
昼盲(症)一种视觉缺陷,其特点是在明亮的光线中和在阴暗的光线里一样无法看清东西 A visual defect characterized by the inability to see as clearly in bright light as in dim light.
幻灯胶片,电影胶片为静止投影而准备的含有相片、图表或其它图表性东西的一段胶片 A length of film containing photographs, diagrams, or other graphic matter prepared for still projection.
在计算机程序设计中,将主存某些单元的内容复制到同一主存中的其它单元中去。同transfer。 In computer programming, to copy from locations in main storage into locations in the same main storage.
擦抹于球杆顶端的粉块用来擦弹子球棒梢或落袋台球棒梢以增加其与球的摩擦的一小方块白垩 A small cube of chalk used in rubbing the tip of a billiard or pool cue to increase its friction with the cue ball.
贝特,汉斯·阿尔布雷希生于1906德裔美籍物理学家。因其对恒星能量产生的研究而获1967年诺贝尔奖 German-born American physicist. He won a1967 Nobel Prize for research on the energy production of stars.
色质干的着色物质,通常是一种可与水、油或其他固定剂混合的粉末,可制成漆和类似的产品 Dry coloring matter, usually an insoluble powder to be mixed with water, oil, or another base to produce paint and similar products.
动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。 Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
重组父母没有表现而其子嗣自然形成基因重组之现象,这是由于采用了杂交或独立分类的方法而出现的 The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents, by the processes of crossing over or independent assortment.
悲剧式作品刻画或描写灾难性事件的剧作、电影、电视节目或其它叙事作品,有不幸的但意味深长的结局 A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending.
其功能可以利用程序建立或改变的,有时也称智能的(例如“一个可编程终端”,“一个可编程的机床”)。 Also, sometimes, intelligent. With a function that can be established or changed by means of a program;("a programmable terminal";"a programmable machine tool").
其他共和国现在公开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。 Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism, while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights."
英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;英国式语言现象 A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism.
农业生物学;土壤生物学关于植物养分和与土壤条件相关的生长的研究,尤其是对判定如何增加农作物产量方法的研究 The study of plant nutrition and growth as related to soil condition, especially to determine ways to increase crop yield.
链球由重16磅(7。2千克)的金属球和一条长链或木把手组成,人手持链端或把手在田径比赛中将其投远以争高低 A metal ball weighing16 pounds(7.2 kilograms) and having a long wire or wooden handle by which it is thrown for distance in track-and-field competition.
印刻作用,烙印社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式 A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model.
谵妄一种暂时精神混乱和神志不清的状态,由高烧、酒醉、休克、震惊或其它原因导致。其症状是:焦虑、迷失方向、发生幻觉、妄想、颤抖和说胡话 A temporary state of mental confusion and clouded consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, trembling, and incoherent speech.
"父母们所了不解的是,脂肪提供非常宝贵的热量,并且每个细胞都需要脂肪和胆固醇才能生长,"她说。"胆固醇的名声太坏,我们从来看不到它好的一面,但是它对孩童,尤其两岁以下的,极为重要。" "What parents don't understand is that fat provides very valuable calories and that every cell needs fat and cholesterol to grow, " she said. "Cholesterol has gotten such bad press that we never see it in a good light, but it is essential for children, especially those under2."