
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * xing1jian4 build/ construct


Grade E word(s):

兴建 [xing1 jian4] konstruieren

Häufigkeit: 0.27 Komposita

兴建新剧院的计画因资金短缺只好搁置起来. The plans for a new theatre have had to be shelved because of lack of money.
我们把钱用在兴建灌溉工程上了. We used the money to set up an irrigation project.
整个城市到处都在兴建新楼房。 New buildings are sprouting up all over the city.
在对兴建一家新饭店的计划取得一致意见之后,我们就着手筹集资金。 Having agreed on the plan for building a new hotel, we began to raise funds.
他为父母亲兴建了一楝新房子。 He has built his parents a new house.