
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 关怀 + guan1huai2 care; solicitude; to show care for; concerned about; attentive to
1 Old HSK word(s): C VA 怀* guan1huai2 care for/ show solicitude for/ be concerned about


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Grade E word(s):

关怀 [guan1 huai2] Anteilnahme zeigen (S)

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那位体贴的丈夫对妻子的关怀使她感觉很不高兴。 The solicitude of the caring husband for his wife made her feel unhappy.
如果病人住在公用病房里。很少有护士经过时不为他们做点小事情。这是护士的一项传统,即提供“亲切关怀护理”(TLC),亦即为病人提供持续不断的细小服务。 If patients are in an open ward, few nurses will pass them by without doing some little thing for them. It is in a nurse's tradition to give what is called"TLC", tender loving care, some constant little service to the sick.
妈妈对我总是关怀备至。 Mother always cares about my studies.
在妻子体贴入微的关怀下,他很快就痊愈了。 He recovered soon under his wife's tender loving care.
现在大多数国家的儿童受到无微不至的关怀。 The children have the best of care in most of the countries now.
慈爱的关怀;温和仁慈的心灵 A kindly interest; a gentle, kindly soul.