
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 公主 + gong1zhu3 princess
0 Old HSK word(s):


Công chúa +
Grade E word(s):
公主 [gong1 zhu3] Prinzessin, Königstochter (S)

Häufigkeit: 8.22 Komposita

从前有一个公主. Once upon a time there was a princess.
从前有个美丽的公主.... Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess...
魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。 The magician transformed the frog into a princess.
那位公主赢得了全体国民的心。 The princess captured the hearts of the nation.
公主光彩照人地穿着一身雪白的新礼服来了。 The princess arrived, resplendent in a new white dress.
皇后要求儿子娶邻国的公主。 The empress asked his son to marry the princess of the neighboring kingdom.
公主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。 The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.