
7 New HSK word(s): HSK4 巧克力 + qiao3ke4li4 chocolate (loanword); CL:块/块kuai4 HSK5 麦克风 + mai4ke4feng1 microphone (loanword) HSK5 + ke4 to be able to; to subdue; to restrain; to overcome; gram; Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares HSK5 + kei1 to scold; to beat HSK5 克服 + ke4fu2 (try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure HSK6 攻克 + gong1ke4 to capture; to take; to overcome; to solve HSK6 克制 + ke4zhi4 to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control
8 Old HSK word(s): A M * ke4 gram B VA * ke4fu2 overcome/ conquer B N * ma3ke4 mark (German or Finnish monetary unit) C N * tan3ke4 tank C M * qian1ke4 kilogram C N * ma3ke4si1zhu3yi4 Marxism C VA * gong1ke4 capture/ take/ seize/ overcome D N * pu1ke4 poker/ playing card


Sô cô la +

Microphone +

G +

G +

Để vượt qua +

Để vượt qua +

Kiềm chế +
Grade E word(s):
爱克斯光 奥林匹克 巴洛克 毫克 夹/茄克 夹克衫 克己奉公 克扣 克拉 克隆 克制 麦克风 纳斯达克 朋克 皮夹克 扑克牌 巧克力 萨克斯管 休克 伊拉克 以柔克刚
克 [ke4] Gramm (S)
克 [ke4] bändigen, unterwerfen

Häufigkeit: 19.7 Komposita

如果我们要克服困难,我们就要有进取精神。 We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to overcome our difficulties.
她在约克上学. She went to school/university/college in York.
有些啤酒和巧克力有苦味。 Some beer and chocolate taste bitter.
只要我们紧密团结就能克服困难。 We can surely overcome these difficulties as long as we are closely united.
这家公司必须克服对采用新技术的阻力. The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology.
一旦迈克采取了防卫态度,就很难使他相信没有什么可怕的。 Once Mike's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that's nothing to be afraid of.
杰克不仅是个好学生,而且还是名篮球队员。 Jack is not only a good student but also a basketball player.
他把派克大衣兜帽两边都绑得紧紧的来挡住雪。 He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow.
吉姆在物理考试中作弊却逃避了惩罚, 麦克则受到责备。 Jim got away with cheating in the physics test, while Mike was scolded.
你有一件黑夹克吗? Do you have a black jacket?
这瓶咖啡净重180克。 The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams.
克莱尔, 那板上的画儿是你的大作吗? Is that drawing on the board your handiwork, Clare?
克里斯托弗·哥伦布是伟大的探险家。 Christopher Columbus was one of the great explorers.
中间休息时有些点心(如冰激凌、 炸土豆片、 巧克力). Light refreshments (eg ice-cream, crisps, chocolate) are available during the interval.
世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。 There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot overcome.
一公斤等于一千克。 One kilogram equals 1000 grams.
他设法克制住了阵阵愤怒。 He managed to subdue his mounting anger.
他从盒子里偷拿了一块巧克力。 He sneaked a chocolate from the box.
真羡慕麦克,他的车子真漂亮。 I envy Mike, whose car is fancy.
马克曾在密西西比河上当过领航员。 Mark used to be a pilot on the Mississippi River.
你们克服了这么大的困难, 值得表扬。 It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.
这个商店专门出售巧克力。 This shop specializes in chocolates.
你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了. All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke.
他用冰凉的手捧起一杯滚热的巧克力饮料。 He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot chocolate.
警察因麦克超速行驶而将他拦下,但警告了他一下就将他放了。 The police stopped Mike for speeding but let him off with a caution.
马克是个不听话的孩子, 我看他们现在对他的培养方面做得不错. Mark's a difficult child and I think they're making a good job of bringing him up.
她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。 She always takes a Marxist line.
麦克插手阻止两个小伙子打架,结果他俩都迁怒于他。 Mike stepped in to stop a fight between two lads and they both turned on him.
伊卡罗斯代达罗斯的儿子,他乘着他父亲做的人工翅膀逃离克里特时,由于离太阳太近以致粘翅膀用的蜡溶化了,而掉进了爱琴海 The son of Daedalus who, in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father, flew so close to the sun that the wax with which his wings were fastened melted, and he fell into the Aegean Sea.
她曾经写信给马克吗? Has she ever written a letter to Mark?
马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少? How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin.
我宁愿约翰打网球而不玩扑克牌。 I prefer John's playing tennis to his playing cards.
他的几个朋友来了, 比如本、 卡罗尔、 麦克. Several of his friends came: Ben, Carol and Mike, for instance.
(牵引时所用的)力量在拉时所施的力或要克服的阻力 Force exerted in pulling or required to overcome resistance in pulling.
在自己的影片里短暂露面是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的特点。 Appearing briefly in his own films was a trademark of Alfred Hitchcock.
我想用迈克尔·杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷唱片集. I'll swap (you) my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album.
在那次战役中,坦克常常用来起支援作用;像机动炮那样掩护步兵。 In that campaign, the tanks were often used in a support role, shooting-in die infantry as mobile artillery.
"杰克,你和我们一起来吗?""不。不过,管它呢,反正我一到家就会遇到麻烦。" "Are you coming on with us, Jack? ""I shouldn't, but what the hell. I'm going to get into trouble when I get home, anyway."
炮台公园曼哈顿岛南端的公园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。1808年为保护港口而建,早期荷兰和英国的防御工事及克林顿城堡就在此地 A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York. It is the site of early Dutch and English fortifications and of Castle Clinton, built in1808 for the defense of the harbor.
共产主义是以马克思主义为基础. Communism is based on Marxism.
克文病得严重以致无法来上课。 Kevin is so sick that he can't come to class. (=Kevin is too sick to come to class.)
整风就是全党通过批评和自我批评来学习马克思主义。 Rectification means the whole Party studying Marxism through criticism and self-criticism.
马克思主义认为世界存在于我们之外,而且独立于我们而存在。 Marxism believes that the world exists outside us and independently of us.
我们需要多调些坦克到前线. We need to bring up more tanks.
我方坦克突破了敌人的防线. Our tanks have breached the enemy defences.
列车在约克又挂上了两节车厢. Two extra carriages were joined onto the train/joined on at York.
装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克 The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles, such as tanks.
经过长时间包围之后,这个小镇已被起义军攻克。 After a prolonged siege, the town was rendered up to the insurgents.
坦克陷入泥沼之中. The tank (got) bogged down in the mud.
由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。 Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn.
杰克匆匆脱下衬衫和长裤,跳进凉水中。 Jack threw off his shirt and trousers and plunged into the cool water.
幸亏他体质好,杰克才得以平安度过了最近这场大病。 Thanks to his strong constitution, Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness.
杰克试图警告她,可是风怒浪吼,他无法让她听见她说的话。 Jack tried to warn her but couldn't make his voice heard above the roar of wind and water.
阿克巴湾红海的一个海湾,在西奈半岛及沙特阿拉伯西北部之间。它长期以来在中东具有重要的战略性 An arm of the Red Sea between the Sinai Peninsula and northwest Saudi Arabia. It has long been of strategic importance in the Middle East.
杰克和安妮订婚了。 Jack and Anne are engaged.
迪克摊开了一幅地图。 Dick spread out a map.
克林伊斯威特的特徵是他眯眯眼。 Clint Eastwood's trademark is his squint.
桥牌、 扑克和惠斯特都是纸牌游戏. Bridge, poker and whist are card-games.
克鲁格金币南非共和国发行的一盎司金币 A one-ounce gold coin of the Republic of South Africa.
这位导演想让迈克尔·凯恩主演他的新片子. The director wanted to star Michael Caine in his new film.
先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适? Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
布莱克太太是个梦想者,而她的丈夫是个脚踏实地的人。 Mrs Black was a dreamer, but her husband was a man with his feet on the ground.
纽卡斯尔英格兰中西部的一个市级自治区,位于斯图克西南偏南。拥有制砖业、制瓦业和纺织服装工业。人口74,200 A municipal borough of west-central England south-southwest of Stoke. It has brick, tile, and clothing industries. Population, 74,200.
擒获布里尔不仅在荷兰历史上而且在世界历史上都应视为一个转折点—一个和攻克巴斯底狱或绞死查理士一世一样的重大事件。 The capture of Brill must rank as a turning-point not only in Netherlands history but in world history: an event of the order of the fall of the Bastille, or the execution of Charles I.
温彻斯特区英格兰中南部一自治区,位于伦敦西南。是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期西撒克斯王国的首府。在诺曼征服(1066年)以后,成为一个吸引了众多宗教学者的重要学术中心。人口32,100 A municipal borough of south-central England southwest of London. The capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was an important center of learning that attracted many religious scholars after the Norman Conquest(1066). Population, 32,100.
克林顿就职美国总统。 Mr. Clinton was inaugurated as the President of the U.S.A.
这些巧克力真正是入口即化。 These chocolates really melt in your mouth.
请试试这个巧克力。有三种不同风味的巧克力供应。 Please try this chocolate. There are three different flavors available.
马克曾想谋求秘书的职位,但因提出太迟,错过了被考虑录用的时机。 Mark tried for the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.
考克斯兄弟雇了一个尽职的鬼魂替他们干了大部分事情,这件事终于变成了公认的事实。 In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.
马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
马克捶胸顿足,痛不欲生。 Mark beat his breast in agony.
她掰下一块巧克力给我. She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.
杰克曲意巴结,赢得了她的欢心。 Jack insinuated himself into her favour.
爆竹响了,吓了杰克的狗一跳。 The firecracker went off and scared Jack's dog.
杰克打算勤工俭学读完大学。 Jack planned to work his way through college.
爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。 The fire cracker went off and scared Jack's dog.
我把巧克力掰成两半--这一半给你. I broke the chocolate into halves here's your half.
她禁不住诱惑, 又吃了一块巧克力. She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate.
杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。 Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China.
抽头扑克牌戏中每一次赌注的一部分凑集成的钱 A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game.
杰克不小心出了差错,老板狠狠训了他一顿。 Jack's boss jumped all over Jack because he made a careless mistake.
那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。 A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker.
杰克袖中总有妙策,因此,当他第一个计划失败后,他又试行第二个计划。 Jack always has a card up his sleeve, so when his first plan failed he tried another.
杰克在赛跑中的名次排在其他两名运动员之后,而他原来是希望得第一名的。 Jack was placed behind two other runners in the race that he had hoped to win.
不久克里特将接纳收容你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。 So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be.
巴鲁克先生讲述了他所认为的禁止抽鸦片烟的最好方法,大家都热烈赞同。 Mr Baruch stated what he thought the best method of suppressing opium smoking and the people heartily entered into his views.
杰克太爱吹牛了,当教练说他并不是他所想像的那么好时,他感到很惊讶。 Jack brags too much and it set him back on his heels when the coach told him he wasn't as good a player as he thought he was.
遭遇伊拉克上校的最初片刻,目睹他令士兵在我们面前劫掠我们车里的物件,我们的生命似乎危在旦夕。 For the first few moments, confronted by an Iraqi colonel who had his soldiers loot our vehicle in front of us, it seemed as if our lives hung by a precarious thread.
卢·格里克打一垒 Lou Gehrig played first base.
迪克因野心勃勃而自食其果。 Dick fell a prey to his ambition.
斯克鲁奇是多麽可恶的吝啬鬼呀! What a miserable old devil Scrooge was!
小职员迪克很快就被排挤出了这家店铺。 Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop.
在克丽丝汀欺骗了他後,比尔评估一下现状。 Bill take stock of the situation after Christine cheat on him.
迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。 Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anything in between.
资产阶级在马克思的理论中,所有者阶层的一员;资本家 In Marxist theory, a member of the property-owning class; a capitalist.
一位老式汽车收藏家要弗兰克留神1906年产的煤气前灯。 A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a1906 gas head lamp.
"与此同时,两小时前放进去了一只麦克风,使这些人能与他们最亲近的亲属保持联系。" "Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives."
迪克一开始舍不得花钱去看医生,如果,他的心脏病日趋严重。这真是贪小失大,得不偿失。 Dick's heart trouble became worse because he wouldn't spend money to see a doctor at the beginning; he was indeed penny wise and pound foolish.
链球由重16磅(7。2千克)的金属球和一条长链或木把手组成,人手持链端或把手在田径比赛中将其投远以争高低 A metal ball weighing16 pounds(7.2 kilograms) and having a long wire or wooden handle by which it is thrown for distance in track-and-field competition.
盖鲁萨克,约瑟夫·路易斯1778-1850法国化学家和物理学家,析出硼元素(1809年),并且确切陈述了解释气体在固定压力下的表现方式的定律 French chemist and physicist who isolated the element boron(1809) and formulated a law that explains the behavior of a gas under constant pressure.
谵妄一种暂时精神混乱和神志不清的状态,由高烧、酒醉、休克、震惊或其它原因导致。其症状是:焦虑、迷失方向、发生幻觉、妄想、颤抖和说胡话 A temporary state of mental confusion and clouded consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, trembling, and incoherent speech.
猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。 It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.