
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): B Adv * tou1tou1 covertly/ secretly/ stealthily


Grade E word(s):
偷偷 [tou1 tou1] heimlich, unter der Handverstohlen (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 9.21 Komposita

那两个情人只是偷偷地会面。 The two lovers had met only by stealth.
在他们讨论我的前途时,我恨不得能偷偷旁观。 I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.
秘密的调情动作调情动作,其中一方在桌下偷偷地用脚或腿磨擦对方的腿或脚 The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.
他偷偷溜进了电影院而没有被人逮着。 He stole into the cinema without being caught.
窃贼偷偷进入那所房子。 The burglars had entered the house by stealth.
秘密地;偷偷地 In secret; stealthily.
那个贼偷偷钻进黑胡同里. The thief slunk down the dark alley.
那个贼偷偷(从後门)溜出去了. The thief slipped out (by the back door).
这孩子偷偷摸摸地溜出了屋子, 走向游泳池。 The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool secretly.
他偷偷瞥了她一眼. He cast a furtive glance at her.
他偷偷塞给侍者一镑,以求得到好的桌位。 He slipped the waiter£1 to get a good table.
被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。 The defeat army slinked back to its stronghold in the mountain.
公主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。 The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.