
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 值得 + zhi2de5 to be worth; to deserve
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * zhi2de be worth/ deserve



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Grade E word(s):
值得 [zhi2 de5] verdienen, würdig sein, sich lohnen, es wert sein (V)

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学英文是值得的。 It is worth while to learn English.
任何值得做的事就值得做好。 Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
一般人都相信努力是值得的。 It is generally believed that it pays to work hard.
试验没有成功,尽管如此,还是值得做的。 The experiment failed. It was, nevertheless, worth making.
伦敦是值得参观的城市。 London is a city worth visiting.
我们认为他值得信任。 We esteem him to be worthy of trust.
值得做的事没有容易做的。 Nothing worth doing is easy.
恢复谈判的任何做法都值得欢迎。 Any renewal of negotiations will be welcomed.
为致富而牺牲原则是不值得的. Getting rich isn't worth the sacrifice of your principles.
你们克服了这么大的困难, 值得表扬。 It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties.
社会上的罪恶是值得思考的。 The society's evils are worth meditative.
医生说:“和护士们一起喝茶休息是十分值得的。我们总是谈本行。实际上我们只有这个时候才能一起聊聊我们病人的情况。” The doctor says,"a tea break with the nurses in immensely valuable. We always talk shop. It's the only real chance we get to chat about our patients."
以牺牲健康来求得工作上的成功是不值得的。 Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health.
那没有什么值得夸耀的。 That nothing to boast of.
灾难中丧失亲人的幸存者很值得同情. Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied.
值得嘉奖的值得奖励或称赞的;具有价值的 Deserving reward or praise; having merit.
年高德劭的具有与年纪,智谋或长久使用相关的品质的;值得尊敬的 Having the qualities associated with age, wisdom, or long use; venerable.
那事件是值得记忆的。 The event is worthy of being remembered.
夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就. Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap.
她沉住气没发脾气,这是值得称赞的。 It do her credit that she manage not to get angry.
不值得我去乞求 It was beneath me to beg.
我女朋友唠叨着要我去理发,因此我今天终于去理了。只要能保持安宁,那还是值得的。 My girlfriend keeps on nagging me to get a haircut so I finally had one today; it was worth it if only to keep the peace.
在树林中走了一个小时而没有见到什么值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?
掩护表面值得尊敬的人、团体或企业,实际上用阴谋或不法活动做掩盖 An apparently respectable person, group, or business used as a cover for secret or illegal activities.
正因如此,今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突。而这本身就能就好作品。因为这是唯一值得写、值得呕心沥血地去写的题材。 Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.