
5 New HSK word(s): HSK5 风俗 + feng1su2 social custom; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 习俗 + xi2su2 custom; tradition; local tradition; convention HSK6 通俗 + tong1su2 common; everyday; average HSK6 俗话 + su2hua4 common saying; proverb HSK6 庸俗 + yong1su2 filthy; vulgar; debased
6 Old HSK word(s): B N * feng1su2 custom C N * su2hua4 popular-saying/ folk adage/ colloquialism D VS * yong1su2 philistine/ tacky D N * xi2su2 habitude D n;VS * su2 custom/ tacky D VS * tong1su2 popular

Hải +

Hải +

Phổ biến +

Tiếng lóng +

Thô tục +
Grade E word(s):
不落俗套 粗俗 愤世嫉俗 还俗 民俗 奇风异俗 入境随俗 入乡随俗 伤风败俗 世俗 俗不可耐 俗称 俗名 俗气 俗人 俗语 通俗易懂 厌世嫉俗 雅俗共赏 移风易俗 约定俗成
俗 [su2] gewöhnlich, abgeschmacktSitte, Gebräuche

Häufigkeit: 2.26 Komposita

战争迫使我们不得不违背旧习俗。 The war forced us to depart from the old customs.
我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保存下去。 I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.
她拒绝遵从正常的社会习俗。 She refused to conform to the normal social conventions.
部落的知识和风俗口耳相传保存下来. Tribal lore and custom have been passed down orally.
此风俗在有些村里至今犹存. The custom still lingers (on) in some villages.
这本书有庸俗的味道。 This book has plebeian tastes.
年轻女子被举荐入宫(觐见君主)的风俗已不复存在. The custom of young ladies being presented at court (ie formally introduced to the monarch) has disappeared.
在新年这一天下决心是一个依然流行的习俗。 Making resolution on new year's day is a custom that still prevail.
今天,人们已经摆脱了一些习俗的束缚。 Nowadays, people have shaken off the shackles of some conventions.
你有过圣诞节的习俗吗? Do you observe Christmas?
这使我想起那句俗话,“三思而后行”。 Remind me of the old saying,"look before you leap".
人间,俗世世间凡人凡物居住的地方;凡尘世界 The realm of mortal existence; the temporal world.
任何知名人士都要冒风险,会成为通俗刊物的众矢之的。 Any public figure risks being made an Aunt Sally by the popular press.
马林诺团体斯基,布伦尼斯洛·卡斯佩1884-1942波兰裔英国人类社会学家,坚持认为习俗和信仰具有特定的社会功能 Polish-born British anthropologist who maintained that customs and beliefs have specific social functions.
"告诉你的朋友们你一天吃不了三大餐。""我可不想使他们不高兴,最好还是入乡随俗-何况只有一周的时间。" "Just tell your friends you can't eat three enormous meals a day." "I wouldn't like to offend them. When in Rome, better do as the Romans do-especially as it's only for a week."
坏习惯败坏好风俗。 Bad habit corrupt good manners.
惯例符合习俗的社会行为举止之准则 The rules of conventional social behavior.
我们必须知道别的国家的习俗,免得他们会认为我们是没有礼貌的。 We must find out the customs of other countries, so that they will not think us ill mannered.
教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。 The Pope has no temporal power in modern society.
伤风败俗的与公认的正派的或谨慎的标准有冲突的 Offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty.
鄙俗的心胸不宽大的 Lacking liberal culture.
庸俗,粗俗庸俗的品质或环境 The quality or condition of being vulgar.
立法机关颁布了一项新的酒业法,措辞通俗易懂。 The legislature has enacted a new liquor law, and he that runs may read.
我们的男主人远远看到有个外表不俗的绅士站在大厅的尽头。 Our host descried a gentleman of unusual appearance standing at the far end of the hall.
礼仪,礼节彬彬有礼的行为的习俗 The conventions of polite behavior.
直接从碗里咕嘟咕嘟地喝汤是粗俗的 Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar.
在除夕唱`美好的往日'是传统风俗. It's a tradition to sing `Auld Lang Syne' on New Year's Eve.
时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被?上的假斯文。 Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtake.
他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端(语言粗俗难登大雅之堂). His comment when he heard the news was not printable! ie was too rude to be printed.
现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原则来为自己的存在辩护。 Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.
牟利罗,巴托洛米奥·埃斯特巴1617-1682西班牙风俗、肖像和宗教题材的画家,比如圣灵怀胎1668 Spanish painter of genre scenes, portraits, and religious subjects, such as Immaculate Conception(1668).