
11 New HSK word(s): HSK2 便宜 + pian2yi5 small advantages; to let sb off lightly; cheap; inexpensive HSK3 方便 + fang1bian4 convenient; to help out; to make things easy for people; convenience; suitable; having money to spare; (euphemism) to go to the toilet HSK4 随便 + sui2bian4 as one wishes; as one pleases; at random; negligent; casual; wanton HSK4 顺便 + shun4bian4 conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort HSK5 便 + bian4 ordinary; plain; convenient; as convenient; when the chance arises; handy; easy; informal; simple; so; thus; to relieve oneself; to urinate; to defecate; equivalent to 就jiu4: then; in that case; even if; soon afterwards HSK5 便 + pian2 advantageous; cheap HSK6 即便 + ji2bian4 even if; even though; right away; immediately HSK6 以便 + yi3bian4 so that; so as to; in order to HSK6 便于 + bian4yu2 easy to; convenient for HSK6 便利 + bian4li4 convenient; easy; to facilitate HSK6 便条 + bian4tiao2 (informal) note; CL:张/张zhang1,个/个ge4
15 Old HSK word(s): A VS 便* fang1bian4 convenient/ make convenient A VS;n 便* pian2yi cheap/ inexpensive/ small gains B Adv;Conj 便* bian4 then/ in that case/ even if B N 便* bian4tiao2 informal note B Adv 便* shun4bian4 conveniently/ in passing B VS 便* sui2bian4 informal/ random C VS 便* jian3bian4 simple and convenient/ easy C VS 便* bian4li4 convenient/ easy/ facilitate C VA 便* bian4yu2 be easy/ be convenient C N 便* da4bian4 excrement/ stool/ feces/ shit C N 便* xiao3bian4 little-excrement/ urine of human beings C Conj 便* yi3bian4 so as to make it convenient to/ so that/ in order to D VS 便* qing1bian4 light/ portable D N 便* bian4dao4 pavement D Conj 便* ji2bian4 even if



Giá rẻ +


Thuận tiện +


Chỉ +


Bằng cách này +

Nó +

Nó +

Thậm chí cả +

Để +

Dễ dàng +

Thuận tiện +

Chú ý +
Grade E word(s):
便餐 便车 便池 便当 便饭 便服 便壶 便笺 便捷 便秘 便民 便盆 便签 便是 便士 便条本 便条纸 便鞋 便血 便携式 便宴 便衣 便装 不便 趁便 搭便车 大小便 方便面 粪便 家常便饭 客随主便 灵便 便 便宜货 请便 贪便宜 听便 小便宜 行方便 占便宜 自便
便 [bian4] bequem (Adj)vorteilhaft (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 19.09 Komposita

这方便得多了。 It's much more convenient.
有了它真是方便。 It really comes in handy.
住寄宿舍比住旅馆便宜. It's cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel.
宴会结束时,我们谢了主人后便回家去了。 At the end of the party, we thanked our host and went away.
这个虽然不便宜, 但我觉得我们还是应该买. It's not cheap but I think we should buy it none the less.
散装运送货物更方便。 It is more convenient to transport the goods in bulk.
儿童的鞋并不便宜--反而更贵. Children's shoes aren't cheap quite the reverse.
这些冷冻食品是最为方便。 These frozen foods are the most convenient of all.
俱乐部会馆提供这样方便的建筑物 A building housing such facilities.
他听到身后有响声,便转过身来。 He turned around as he heard a noise behind him.
他搭乘便车往南去意大利,然后从那里进入法国。 He hitched south towards Italy, and thence into France.
他把文件使劲扔在我的桌子上便怒气冲冲地走了出去。 He slammed the papers down on my desk and angrily walked out.
我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.
他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。 As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.
乘长途汽车唯一可取之处就是旅费便宜. The cheapness of coach travel is its only recommendation.
他给马装上鞍子便骑马离去了。 He saddled up his horse and rode away.
【谚】一朝得了利,痛苦便忘记。 Pain is forgotten where gain follows.
我可以搭乘你的便车到车站吗? Can I hitch a lift with you as far as the station?
她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可能把它变成有礼貌与客气。 She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
剪贴簿,影集,签名薄有空白页以便插入或存放收集品,如邮票、照片或签名的本子 A book with blank pages for the insertion and preservation of collections, as of stamps, photographs, or autographs.
我在他桌上留了张便条。 I leave a note on his desk.
便条简短的便条或备忘字条 A brief note or memorandum.
她的第一部小说一问世,便使她一举成名。 She won her overnight fame by her first novel.
那次宴会很轻松, 随随便便. The dinner was a relaxed, unceremonious occasion.
他顺便提到他有一辆新汽车。 He mentioned in passing that he had a new car.
人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。 Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful.
我修改一下计划以便和你的计划相适应. I will accommodate my plans to yours.
我们发现可折叠的桌子使用非常方便。 We find our folding table a great convenience.
她简化了指令以便于儿童理解。 She simplified the instructions so that the children could understand them.
图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
请务必使这张便条落到可靠的人手里。 Please see that this note gets into the right hands.
我这是信口开河,随便谈谈脑子里想的东西。 I'm talking offhand, simply speaking my mind.
我们很早就动身去车站以便赶上头班火车。 We left for the station so early as to catch the first train.
我们的部队已经退下来重新整编,以便发动新的进攻。 Our armies have retired to regroup for a fresh attack.
那老太太每天去买报纸, 不多时便觉乐在其中, 因为她主要是想和店主聊天. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
土豆每磅20便士. Potatoes are 20 pence a pound.
我们趁便参观了皇宫. We took the opportunity of visiting the palace.
这些圆珠笔零售价为70便士. These biros retail at/for 70p.
随便摘花的人会被罚款。 They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at will.
吃早饭时,做稀粥是很方便的。 Gruel is convenient to make in the morning for breakfast.
我很匆忙, 所以随便地把衣服穿上了。 I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhow.
当他跌倒时, 便往一条悬挂的绳子抓去。 As he fell, he caught hold of a hanging chain.
男孩子大学毕业后开始赚钱时,便可独立生活了。 When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money he can live a life of independence.
任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。 If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown.
勾搭上的人随便结识的陌生人,通常是在期望性关系中结识的人 A stranger with whom casual acquaintance is made, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.
销售开始下跌,公司财务不久便出现赤字,他们只得把那幢大楼卖掉。 Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red. They had to sell the building.
回针缝在先前缝的一针中间加缝的一针,以便使针脚的交错重叠为原来长度的一半 A stitch made by inserting the needle at the midpoint of a preceding stitch so that the stitches overlap by half lengths.
一接到敌人要来的消息,我们便纷纷将各自家里的东西打成包裹,连忙撤到附近的山里去了。 At the new that the enemy was approaching, we parceled up our belongings and hurried to the nearby mountains.
家庭医生都迫切希望为病人提供适当的服务,但他们若为日常抄抄写写的工作所束缚,便不能给病人必需的关心。 Family doctors are anxious to provide a proper service for their patients, but they can't give them the attention they need if they've shackled with paperwork.
在公共场合随便吐痰是不礼貌的。 It's rude to spit in public.
我听音乐,以便在烦恼时得到安慰。 I found solace from troubles in listening to music.
他们在他床的四周放上屏风,以便医生给他检查。 They put a screen around his bed so that the doctor could examine him.
图形记录便显示了在短的间隙内先后到达的三种波。 The graphic record shows three waves arriving one after the other at short intervals.
录音磁带一种相对狭长的磁带,用于录下声音以便日后重放 A relatively narrow magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback.
我们作了一次战略性退却,以便我们能积蓄力量再次进攻。 We made a strategic withdrawal, so that we could build up our forces for a renewed attack.
穿衣随便,穿着邋遢 Casual or lounging attire.
到伦敦时顺便来看我。 Drop in and see us when you're next in London.
跨着以便跨过或横过;横跨 So as to straddle or bridge; astride.
还好。顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样?她好吗? Not bad. By the way, how is your mother? Is she all right?
医生认为必要时便动手术--但可能不致如此。 The doctors will operate if it proves necessary but it may not come to that.
便秘有困难的、不完全的或不经常从肠道排泄干燥且硬的大便 Difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry, hardened feces from the bowels.
它具有操作灵活简便、功能强大、多任务、多线程、以及即插即用等特性。 It is well established for its flexible operations, powerful functions, multitasking, multithreading and plug and play.
我花了50英镑在商场上买了一件所谓的便宜瓷器,结果却是一文不值。我只得把此事引以为训。 I paid fifty pounds in the market for a so-called bargain piece of porcelain which turned out to be worthless; I'll just have to chalk it up to experience.
起先,大厅里挤得满满的,但是他一开始讲话,人们便陆陆续续离去,不一会儿,剩下听他发言的人便寥寥无几了。 At first the hall was full, but people began to trickle out soon after the beginning of his speech, and soon there were very few left to hear the speaker.
他每天大便两次。 He goes to stool twice a day.
我想我找到了简便方法,给钱而不是花时间。 I think I'll take the easy way out and give money instead of time.
糕饼每块20便士. The cakes are 20p each.
也许就是路过顺便来看看。 Maybe he just came by to drop in.
目光远大的人便也心胸开阔。 Those who take long views are broad-minded.
我留下了张条子以便与她取得联系。 I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.
他们使河流改道以便向城市供水。 They diverted the river to supply water to the town.
大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快抢购一空. The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up.
他在水龙头下面冲洗茶壶, 以便把茶叶冲掉. He rinsed the teapot out under the tap, to get rid of the tea-leaves.
眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物。 The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.
我虽已退休, 但仍做些义务工作, 以便了解当前的情势. Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things).
一群人很快便聚集在他的周围。 A crowd soon gathered round him.
动物的粪便可以作为肥料使用。 Animal dung may be used as manure.
我觉得有人扯我的袖子, 便转过身来. I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round.
铸铁是一种比钢便宜得多的材料。 Cast-iron is a much less expensive material than steel.
我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的。 I have had to work for every single penny I earned.
政府对每包香烟额外提价十便士. The Government has clapped an extra ten pence on a packet of cigarettes.
我准备做一次咽喉细菌培养,以便确诊。 I am going to take a throat culture so we'll know for sure.
老太婆一个个地数出三十便士给了售货员. The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.
我决定学摄影以便更能欣赏自然的美。 I've decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.
这些拖拉机均具有结构紧凑,操纵简便,转向灵活,耗油省等特点。 The tractors are featured by compact construction, convenient operation, high maneuverability and low fuel consumption.
我们经过好多小时的辩论以后,谈判有了转折,没用多久便达成了协议。 After all those hours of arguing, the talks began to head out and it was not long before we were able to reach an agreement.
堆肥腐烂有机体的混合物,如树叶或粪便,用来改善土壤结构并增加土壤养分 A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients.
银行经理说,为了使我从幻想中清醒过来并控制我的开支,将不给我有透支的便利,并还将收回我的支票卡。 The bank manager said that, in order to bring me down to earth and control my spending, I would have no overdraft facility and my cheque card would be withdrawn.
文件已经被输入到一台便携式电脑里了。 The documents have been typed into a portable computer.
如果你们能多给我们一些佣金,就可以便于我方推销。 It will be easier for us to push the sale if you can give us more commission.
如果贵公司愿意,我们将乐于提供样品,便于您向有购买潜力的顾客展示。 If you agree we shall be glad to supply you with our samples for you to show to the potential customers.
你的大便里有血或粘液吗? Be there any blood or mucus in your stool?
`小便'是`排尿'的委婉语. `Pass water' is a euphemism for `urinate'.
假若便秘就应该多吃粗糙食物. If you're constipated you should eat more roughage.
不知道这附近有没有便利商店? I wonder if there is a convenience store nearby.
她连给最穷的乞丐一个便士都舍不得。 She will grudge a penny even to the poor beggar.
我憋不住了(要小便), 得找个厕所. I can't hold out (ie retain my urine) much longer; I must find a toilet.
後面的门是在顶部铰接上的, 以便可以向上开. The rear door hinges/is hinged at the top so that it opens upwards.
要是你在晚上加足煤,炉子便通宵不会熄灭。 The stove will remain in all night if you put enough coal on in the evening.
耶稣对佣人说:“往缸里倒满水。”他们便把缸灌满了水。 Jesus said to the servants,"Fill the jars with water", and they filled them to the brim.
为便于编写计算机辅助教学的课程软件而发展的一种专用语言。参阅authorlanguage。 A special language for easily developing software of computer-aid courses.
合作社(组织)由使用其便利设施或服务项目的人共同拥有或管理的企业或组织 An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services.
在源文件中,打印在相同栏内的若干正文行的集合。在当前栏内所剩余的纵向空间放不下既定一段正文时,则这段正文从下一栏开始打印[或印刷]。在单栏格式的情况下,下一栏便是下一页。 In a source document, a collection of lines of text to be printed in the same column. When the vertical space remaining in the current column is insufficient for the block of text, the text is printed in the next column. In the case of single-column format, the next column is on the next page.
真是的,这叫人非常不便。 Well, this is most inconvenient.
应该看报以便 解时事. You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs.
他上学迟到已是家常便饭了。 He was late for school, as was often the case with him.
机器出了毛病, 工作便停顿下来. Work was brought/came to a halt when the machine broke down.
同其他车辆相比,汽车确实很方便。 Compare to other vehicle, car is really quite convenient.
他上学迟到,但这对他而言已是家常便饭了。 He was late for school, as (which) was often the case with him.
明年做小生意将比去年更加困难,我们得更加努力工作,以便度过难关。 Next year will be more difficult for small business than last year, and we will have to work even harder to weather the storm.
淡季旅游机票较便宜。 Air fare is cheaper in the off- season.
食物尽管不好,但起码很便宜。 The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap.
他排队买了一张20便士的地铁车票。 He queued up to by his subway ticket of20 penny.
我即便听了他的解释, 仍然不明白. Even after listening to his explanation I'm none the wiser.
我队要求暂停,以便商讨新的对策。 Our team asked for time out to discuss a new plan.
这样的便服不宜在正式的场合穿. Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.
她和母亲坐着轻便双轮马车去购物。 She and her mother got on the gig to go shopping.
人们一桶又一桶传递著水以便把火扑灭。 Bucket of water is passed from hand to hand to put the fire out.
此后不久,她便成为一名全国闻名的流行歌手。 Not long after that, she made a national name as a pop singer.
在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多. A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities.
即便是在管理最好的家庭,事故有时也会发生的。 Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families.
这位著名的戏剧演员即便是在死后,也仍受到人们的喜爱。 This famous comic actor is loved by the people even after his death.
她一定要孩子们穿得暖暖的,他们有点小毛小病便提心吊胆,她对他们实在关心得太过分了。 She does fuss the children about so-making sure they're well wrapped up, and worrying about minor illnesses.
作曲者把这个曲子随便哼了一会儿,看看行不行。 The composer kicked the music around for a while, trying it out.
他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为公平的社会. They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.
申请人请求司法检查以便废除责令某人守法的命令。 The applicant seek judicial review to quash the bind-over order.
折叠式婴儿浴盆一种商标名,用于婴儿的轻便洗澡用具 A trademark used for portable bathing devices for infants.
若要老婆留意自己所说的话,作丈夫的只要把话向其他女性说便成了。 If a man want his wife to pay attention to what he say, he address his remarks to another woman.
假若贵方愿意接受我们的建议,请通知我们,以便进一步商讨合作的细节。 If this proposal is acceptable to you, please let us know so that we can discuss details.
新牧师访问了他教堂所属的各个家庭的每个成员,以便更好地了解他们。 The new minister called on each of the families of his church in order to become better acquainted with them.
便道上满是狗屎. The pavement was covered in dogs' excrement.
便道上满是狗屎。 The pavement was covered with dogs' excrement.
她一见路上有个小孩, 便猛踩刹车. As soon as she saw the child in the road, she jammed on her brakes.
这个普普通通的指挥见到这样的乐谱便认输了。 The average conductor, faced with such a score, throws up his cards.
只因为莫尔不能为自己辨护,米尔便乘机攻击他,这是不公正的。 It was unfair for Mill to attack More just because the latter could not answer( him) back.
及时反馈自己的意见和建议,以便不断提高我们节目的质量和促进俱乐部的发展。 Meanwhile, you are allowed to feedback your thoughts and opinions regularly to develop our program and the club.
在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。 In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled.
即便是天涯海角我也要跟随他。 I will follow him to the uttermost parts of the earth.
他们失去了首领以後便丧失了斗志. Losing their leader took all the fight out of them.
士兵在列队行进之後,很快便解散了。 The men fell out quickly after their march.
她有财富便於她在社会各界造成巨大影响。 Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles.
思考,推理便运智力的行为过程;思考或推理 The act or process of using the intellect; thinking or reasoning.
"请给电脑编制一个程序,以便进行这项工作代替手工操作。" Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation.
印花薄织物由羊毛、棉花或人造纤维做成的一种轻便柔软的通常印花的织物 A soft, lightweight, usually printed fabric made of wool, cotton, or rayon.
千斤顶,起重机通过杠杆、螺丝钉或水的压力把重物提起的便携式装置 A usually portable device for raising heavy objects by means of force applied with a lever, screw, or hydraulic press.
玛丽错把老师的书拿回了家,第2天一早她便在无人知晓的情况下将它归还了。 Mary took the teacher's book home by mistake, but early the morning she returned it with nobody the wiser.
彼得将他的那部新小说搁置了一年,与此同时,他给杂志撰写一些稿件以便赚点钱用。 Peter set his new novel aside for a year while he wrote some magazine articles to make a bit of money.
许多医生推荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。 Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is always better than cure.
他的妻子琼是一个健壮、浅薄的女人,也是孩子们随和的母亲。当她一听说自己高贵的地位时,便立刻想入非非,暗自打算为她的年轻漂亮的女儿找一个显赫、门当户对的婆家。 And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.