
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 侵略 + qin1lu:e4 invasion; encroachment HSK6 侵犯 + qin1fan4 to infringe on; to encroach on; to violate
7 Old HSK word(s): B VA * qin1lve4 aggress C VA * qin1fan4 intrude upon/ encroach on/ violate/ invade C VA * qin1ru4 invade/ make incursions into/ enter by force D VA * qin1hai4 encroach on/ aggrieve/ infract D VA * qin1shi2 corrode/ encroach D VA * qin1zhan4 invade and occupy D VA * ru4qin1 invade


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Grade E word(s):
悍然入侵 侵夺 侵略主义 侵权 侵扰 侵吞 侵袭

Häufigkeit: 0.51 Komposita

她挣扎著想摆脱那个侵犯她的人. She struggled to get away from her attacker.
细菌会侵入有机体。 Germs may invade the organism.
他的新房子侵占了我的土地。 His new house encroached on my land.
美国入侵这个国家一定是出于不可告人的政治目的。 America's invasion of the country must be done for unspeakable political purpose.
他们侵犯了她的权力。 They infringed on her rights.
我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。 We will never yield to invaders.
细菌能从许多途径侵入我们。 The bacillus can attack us from many ways.
入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。 The town was pillaged by the invading army.
我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。 We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders.
侵略者妄图攻打我们国家。 The invader wanted to attack our country.
违反一项合同;侵犯专利权 Infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
屡次侵占我的闲暇时间, 我很反感. I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.
不管侵略者什麽时候来,都必被消灭。 No matter when the invader comes, they will be wiped out clean.
领土被侵占者瓜分. The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.
他给他们出主意怎样制止侵略。 He advised them how to stop the invasion.
它组织了一个反对侵略者的起义。 It organized an insurrection against the aggressors.
她投诉这些问题侵犯了她的个人自由. She complained that the questions were an invasion of (her) privacy.
我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。 I'm sure he took my parking space just to spite me.
侵占,泛滥,超过限度 An act of overrunning.
出版社侵犯了他的版权。 The publishing house infringed his copyright.
入侵者把村镇变为废墟。 The invader laid towns and villages in ruins.
他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。 He screwed the others out of their share of the money.
这种植物不容易受病害侵袭。 The plant is not susceptible to disease.
侵犯的就要侵入或侵犯,如隐私的 Tending to intrude or encroach, as upon privacy.
看我的日记是一种不可原谅的侵犯个人隐私的行为。 Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy.
私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动 One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.
侵略者在沿海城乡抢劫食物和贵重物品. The invaders plundered food and valuables from coastal towns and villages.
侵蚀,风化,风蚀受日晒雨淋的岩石发生特征的变化甚至崩溃的过程中的任何一化学或物理变化 Any of the chemical or mechanical processes by which rocks exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and break down.
你熟悉关于侵入私人领地的法律吗? Are you familiar with the laws relating to trespass?
潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体内组织中 A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.
片害共栖有机体之间共生的作用关系,一个物种受另一个物种侵害或抑制,而后者不受前者的影响 A symbiotic relationship between organisms in which one species is harmed or inhibited and the other species is unaffected.
全民抗击侵略者. The whole country resisted the invaders.
入侵者打败了土著居民. The invaders prevailed over the native population.
我们对入侵之敌采取牵制的方针, 以备组织好兵力将之击退. Until we'd built up sufficient forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a policy of containment.
海水渐渐地侵蚀了陆地。 The sea is gradually encroaching on the land.
我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。 I object to our privacy being invaded.
他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。 His army never came under the yoke of invaders.
亚历山大大帝曾率领大军入侵印度. Alexander the Great invaded India with a large army.
法庭裁定那个人犯了侵犯人身罪。 The court determined that the man was guilty of assault.
违法,犯罪对于别人法律权利的侵犯或侵害 An invasion or a violation of another's legal rights.
一种尚未搞清的病虫害突然侵袭了这一带的庄稼。 An unknown disease suddenly attacked the crops in this area.
准平原一种因晚期侵蚀作用而形成的近似平坦的地面 A nearly flat land surface representing an advanced stage of erosion.
曾有两位年轻人非法侵入了大学网络,创建了一个公告牌,并在上面装入了流行的商业软件,还邀请因特网上的用户下载这些软件包。 Once two lads broke into the university network, created a bulletin board, loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.
律师论辨说这一裁决侵害了他的委托人。 The attorney argue that the decision involve prejudice to his client.
经过几小时的激烈战斗,我们赶走了入侵的匪徒。 After a few hours of fierce fighting, we saw the intruding bandits off.
侵略军在那里横行霸道,杀人放火,抢劫财物。 The invading troops rampaged about in the area, killing, burning and looting.
北约对这个独立的国家的侵略是对人权的野蛮侵犯。 NATO's invasion of this independent country is a brutal violation of human rights.
用暴力威胁侵犯他人身体犯罪行为应与殴打罪区别开来。其区别是,前者是用暴力相威胁而后者是实际上的使用暴力。 Assault shall be distinguished from battery, in that assault is the threat of violence, whereas battery is actual violence.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
针对人或财产的民事不规行为称之为“侵权”。 Civil wrong against persons or property is called"torts".
即使在国家被击败之後,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。 Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill.
豚脊丘,陡峻的山脊由于对高斜层破碎山背的侵蚀而形成的陡峭的山背 A sharp ridge with steeply sloping sides, produced by erosion of the broken edges of highly tilted strata.
(用以护堤、坝等的)柴排,沉排,沉床荆棘和杆子的密织席,用于保护堤、坝,使不受侵蚀 A closely woven mat of brush and poles used to protect an embankment, a dike, or a dam from erosion.
精神变态者一个有反社会人格病症的人尤指有侵犯性、变态、犯罪或不道德行为的人 A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.
流胶现象,流胶病某些植物上,如甘蔗及一些果树,形成胶质斑块的病理现象,由病虫害、微生物或恶劣的气候条件侵袭而引起 The pathological formation of patches of gum on certain plants, such as sugar cane and some fruit trees, resulting from attack by insects, microorganisms, or adverse weather conditions.