
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 何况 + he2kuang4 let alone; to say nothing of; besides; what's more
1 Old HSK word(s): C Conj * he2kuang4 let alone (used in rhetorical questions)


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Grade E word(s):

何况 [he2 kuang4] geschweige dennerst recht

Häufigkeit: 3.27 Komposita

但我们懂得事情并非如此,更何况我们资金不足。 But we have learned that is not so. And in any case, our funds are low.
"告诉你的朋友们你一天吃不了三大餐。""我可不想使他们不高兴,最好还是入乡随俗-何况只有一周的时间。" "Just tell your friends you can't eat three enormous meals a day." "I wouldn't like to offend them. When in Rome, better do as the Romans do-especially as it's only for a week."