
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * ti3zhi4 system


Grade E word(s):

体质 [ti3 zhi2] Konstitution (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 0.45 Komposita

你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质. You need more protein to build you up.
他的迅速康复是由于他的健全的体质。 His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution.
幸亏他体质好,杰克才得以平安度过了最近这场大病。 Thanks to his strong constitution, Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness.
他饥饿与疾病交加,体质已削弱。 Hunger and disease had weakened his constitution.