
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * ti3zhi4 physique/ constitution


Grade E word(s):

体制 [ti3 zhi4] Methode, System (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.93 Komposita

很难弄清楚他们那套官僚体制全部细微的层次分别。 It was hard to understand all the minute gradations of their bureaucracy.
由于过剩的人力, 这一体制使公司处境不利。 The system puts the firm at a disadvantage because of its overmuch manpower.
英美两国的政府体制有什么不同? What are the difference between the American and British systems of government?
有五个国家实施这种体制. The system operates in five countries.
教育体制要作许多改革。 Many reforms must be made to the education system.
反对党领袖答应提供一个有效力的政治体制。 The leader of the opposition is promising to provide effective government.
不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸. People should not be regarded as subservient to the economic system.
对于这种新体制,你看会有什么问题吗? Do you foresee any problems with the new system?