
4 New HSK word(s): HSK4 伤心 + shang1xin1 to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt HSK5 伤害 + shang1hai4 to injure; to harm HSK5 受伤 + shou4shang1 to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident etc); harmed HSK6 伤脑筋 + shang1nao3jin1 knotty; troublesome; bothersome
11 Old HSK word(s): B v;n * shang1 hurt/ wound B * shang1 xin1 sad/ grievous/ brokenhearted C VA * shang1hai4 hurt/ harm/ damage/ injure/ wound C N * shang1kou3 wound/ cut/ laceration C * shang1 nao3jin1 troublesome/ knotty/ bothersome D * shou4 shang1 be injured D N * shang1hen2 scar D N * shang1yuan2 the wounded D VS * bei1shang1 heartbroken/ sorrowful D VA * sun3shang1 injure/ harm D * fu4 shang1 be wounded


Buồn +

Làm tổn thương +

Bị thương +

Căng thẳng +
Grade E word(s):
遍体鳞伤 擦伤 创伤 出口伤人 刺伤 挫伤 冻伤 工伤 刮伤 救死扶伤 砍伤 劳民伤财 两败俱伤 内伤 扭伤 碰伤 破伤风 轻伤 晒伤 伤疤 伤兵 伤残 伤风 伤风败俗 伤感 伤寒 伤面子 伤神 伤势 伤天害理 伤痛 伤亡 伤心事 烧伤 杀伤 杀伤力 死伤 烫伤 外伤 误伤 无伤大雅 忧伤 中伤 重伤 中伤 抓伤
伤 [shang1] Verletzung; Wunde (S, Med)schaden, verletzen, verwunden (V)verletzt, verwundet, geschädligt (Adj)

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他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。 His left arm was hurt in an accident.
他在抬沉重的家具时扭伤了腰。 He did his back in lifting heavy furniture.
她踩着他受伤的脚,他疼得缩了回去。 He winced as she stood on his injured foot.
他伸出手去,保护他的孩子免受伤害。 He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.
他的歌充满了忧伤。 His songs are full of dirge.
他悲伤地绞紧双手。 He wrung his hands in sorrow.
血液在她的膝盖伤口周围凝固了。 The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee.
我觉得你嘲笑他说英语的方式刺伤了他的自尊心。 I think you hurt his pride by laughing at the way he speaks English.
他遍体鳞伤。 He was black and blue all over.
他跳远时扭伤了左踝。 He hurt his left ankle in the broad jump.
她踩到一块松动的石头上,扭伤了脚踝。 She stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle.
摩托车手必须戴头盔保护自己免受伤害。 Motorcyclists must wear helmets to shield them from injury.
从三楼掉下而没有受伤,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt?
他割破和擦伤了几个地方。 He suffered a few cuts and scrapes.
她的手指叫针给扎伤了. She pricked her finger on/with a needle.
这名士兵胸部受了重伤。 The soldier received a serious wound on the chest.
他们仍在为决赛失败而伤心. They're still smarting from their defeat in the final.
有人关照我,要我小心别伤害他。 I was told to beware lest I injure him.
护理工作既是职业又是救死扶伤的责任。 Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.
这名伤员由于失血过多而昏迷不醒。 This wounded soldier was unconscious from his loss of blood.
你在这样弱的光线下看书会损伤视力的。 You will strain your eyes by reading in such poor light.
常去教堂的英国人更喜欢严格的布教者,因为他认为一些深刻的真理不至于伤害他的邻居。 The british churchgoer prefer a severe preacher because he think a few home truth with do his neighbour no harm.
伤口渐渐愈合。 The wound gradually scarred over.
这是治疗烧伤和烫伤的药膏。 This is an ointment for burns and scalds.
你离家不归, 你母亲极为伤心. Your mother is very grieved by your refusal to return home.
他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗。 He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns.
她的儿子死去时,她悲伤得几乎疯了。 She was almost mad with grief when her son died.
看见他的健康情况这样不佳,我很伤心。 It grieves me to see him in such bad health.
伤残人士在治疗中, 自助自立是个重要因素. Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped.
坏死因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死 Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.
伤口仍在渗血。 Blood was still oozing from the wound.
伤口用绷带包扎着。 The wound was bound up by bandage.
护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。 The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound.
心理创伤;心理能量 Psychic trauma; psychic energy.
把那刀子放下,以免伤人! Put down that knife before you hurt somebody!
他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。 He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down.
他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。 He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.
她受伤後获得保险公司的赔偿. She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries.
发现斑疹伤寒以後, 医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒. The hospital wards were fumigated after the outbreak of typhus.
她写道:亲爱的詹姆斯,刚听说你妻子过世了,我真不知道该怎样表达我的悲伤之情。 Dear James, she wrote, I have just heard of your wife's death. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
他被子弹伤着了。 He was hurt by a bullet.
鲜血从伤口中流出. Blood was welling(out) from the wound.
她不想伤害孩子的感情。 She hesitated to hurt the child's feelings.
他的言语伤害了读者的感情。 His words hurt the reader's sensibility.
它不会伤害你,但是农药会。 It won't hurt you, but chemicals will.
我决不会有意伤害你的感情. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.
汽车打滑时伤了两个行人和一个骑自行车的. Two pedestrians and a cyclist were injured when the car skidded.
他很容易受伤, 因为他很轻易就相信别人。 He is likely to get hurt because he always trusts people easily.
救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救那位受伤的女子。 An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.
我不去问他求职面试的情况, 这是他现在的伤心事. I wouldn't ask him about his job interview; it's rather a sore point with him at the moment.
他把事故的经过告诉了她,但赶紧随即补充说没有人受伤。 He told her about the accident, but hastened to add that no one was hurt.
伤口愈合得很快。 The wound is healing fast.
血从伤口中涌出. Blood was pouring from the wound.
这首歌曲的曲调悲伤。 The song has plaintive melody.
锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。 She was scalded when the boiler exploded.
生理伤残会引起心理苦闷. Physical disability causes mental anguish.
桃儿容易碰伤--要轻拿轻放. Don't drop the peaches they bruise easily.
裹在他伤口上的纱布脏了。 The gauze patch applied to his wound is dirty.
他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈. He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash.
这一问题此刻使我们很伤脑筋. This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment.
护士在缝合伤口前先清洁一下伤口。 The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it.
它常被用作治疗蛇咬伤的民间药物。 It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bite.
她尽管受了伤却没有失去生存的毅力. Despite her injuries, she hasn't lost the will to live.
对乡村的掠夺给他们造成严重创伤。 The rape of the countryside had a profound ravage on them.
那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。 The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.
你必须非常小心地护理,以免伤口沾上污物。 You must take the most scrupulous care to keep the wound free from the dirt.
英格兰队某些主力运动员受伤而使攻球削弱. England's attack has been weakened by the injury of certain key players.
他的伤口在溃烂。 His wound became festering.
他用剑柄碰伤她了。 He hurts her with the hilt.
她头部受伤以致终身耳聋. The head injury deafened her for life.
葬礼是一个令人忧伤的场合。 A funeral is a melancholy occasion.
法院判给伤者5000英镑损害赔偿费. The court awarded 5000 (in) damages to the injured man.
把你受伤的手指浸在消毒剂里,把毒浸泡出来。 Dip your injured finger in the disinfectant to soak out the poison.
哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。 Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet.
她的经历很悲惨, 我们都深受感动[我们都很伤心]. Her tragic story touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow.
他说他受过折磨拷打, 从他身上的伤疤看来倒也可信. The scars on his body lent colour to his claim that he had been tortured.
昨天一位男子在火车上胡作非为—他打伤了两名铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。 A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
他说他的工会——运输工会504分会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航空公司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。 He said his union, Local504 of the Transport Workers Union, made"massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles."It was all to no avail, " he lamented.
耳鸣一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起 A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.
她的心因悲伤而麻木。 Her heart was numbed with grief.
悲伤的往事令人断肠。 The sad past is heartbroken.
他在火灾中伤了左手。 He injured his left hand in a fire.
他的去世使我们非常悲伤。 His decease made us very sad.
把伤员安置在农家住宿. The wounded were bedded in the farmhouse.
当心别伤了她的感情. Be careful not to/that you don't hurt her feelings.
这严重地伤害了她的自尊心。 It was a severe hurt to her pride.
他就是那个多处受伤的人。 He is the person with multiple injuries.
许多伤员死在去医院的途中了. Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital.
他多处受伤,其中三处骨折。 He had several injuries, including three fractures.
许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。 Many of the wounded die on their way to hospital.
医生在他受伤的腿中植入了一块钢板。 The doctor inserted a steel plate into his damaged leg.
伤口慢慢愈合了. The wound was healing slowly.
它于桌面上留下伤痕。 It made a scar on the table.
我们的新汽车很让人伤脑筋. We're having trouble with our new car.
这种药膏能治疗轻微烧伤。 The salve will heal slight burns.
这只受伤的狗要予以人道毁灭. The injured dog had to be destroyed.
伤亡太大, 我们不得不撤退。 We have to draw off because of losses of forces.
双方宣布停战以避免再有伤亡。 The two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed.
伤风败俗的与公认的正派的或谨慎的标准有冲突的 Offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty.
当他们的祖父去世时,巨大的悲伤笼罩了他们的生活。 When their grandfather died a great sadness filled their lives.
外伤身体的严重损伤或刺激,常由暴力或事故造成 A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
想到我们把所有的钱都花在儿子的教育上,而他却所想去一家沉闷的工厂工作,我感到很伤心。 It breads my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do is work in a dreary factory.
超声波心动描记器一种用来显示详细的大脑图象的仪器,利用超声波发送和反射的差异来测试并无伤无痛 An instrument that in a painless and noninvasive manner uses the differential transmission and reflection of ultrasonic waves to create a detailed visual image of the brain.
他因负伤而退役. He was invalided out of the army because of the wounds he received.
身体的损伤,发炎或损伤 A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma.
在轰炸期间许多人受了重伤. Many people were fatally wounded during the bomb attacks.
伤口不久就愈合了, 但却留下了伤疤. The cut soon healed over/up, but it left a scar.
美元突然贬值, 财经专家无不大伤脑筋. The sudden fall in the value of the dollar has puzzled financial experts.
卡尔整天带着一副愤恨不平的样子,好像大家都有意怠慢或伤害他。 Carl was a man with a chip on his shoulder. Everyone seemed in a conspiracy to slight or injure him.
这伤口能留下疤痕吗? Will the cut leave a scar?
她手臂上有一块显眼的伤痕. She had a dilly of a bruise on her arm.
那次事故後她的腿上留下了伤疤。 The accident left a scar on her leg.
裸露的伤口很快就受到了感染。 The open wound soon became infected.
护士给我受伤的胳臂裹上绷带。 The nurse wound a bandage round my wounded arm.
我伤害了你的感情,该怎样来弥补我的过错呢? How can I atone for hurting your feelings?
他身上的一处处伤痕证明他曾受到严刑拷打。 His scars bore witness to the torture he had suffered.
黎明前,这个负伤的男人被神秘地带出了庄园宅邸。 Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house.
为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。 After nearly40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida.
变性特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质 Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.