
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 会晤 + hui4wu4 to meet; meeting; conference
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * hui4wu4 contact


Cuộc họp +
Grade E word(s):

会晤 [hui4 wu4] Treffen

Häufigkeit: 0.53 Komposita

我们做了非正式的会晤。 We had an informal meeting.
他们会晤了各行各业的人。 They interviewed people from all walks of life.
两国首相昨天在日内瓦会晤。 The premiers of the two countries met in Geneva yesterday.
报纸上满是关于世界政治三巨头会晤的报道。 The newspaper was covered with reports of the meeting of the three political titans in the world.