
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * yi2biao3 instrument-meter/ meter/ instrument/ appearance


Grade E word(s):
仪表板 仪表盘 仪表堂堂
仪表 [yi2 biao3] Messeinrichtung, Messinstrument (S)

Häufigkeit: 1.03 Komposita

个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。 Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.
仪表标明为5500单位. The meter reads 5500 units.
你应该多注意一点仪表. You should take more pride in your appearance.
就我而论,注重仪表使我自信。 For my own part, being nice about appearance keeps me confident.
他由於仪表堂堂而当选,但他尚须证明决非徒有其表。 His good looks won him the election but he has still to prove that he's not just a pretty face.