
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D pron * ta1ren2 others


Grade E word(s):

他人 [ta1 ren2] andere, andere Personen

Häufigkeit: 11.04 Komposita

我们每人各据一间小小的办公室,与其他人分隔开。 Each of us is boxed off( from the others)in his own little office.
他习惯于发号施令,而不是恳求他人。 He was accustomed to command, not to entreat.
这笔钱委托他人代管, 到他二十一岁才能使用. The money is being held in trust for him until he is twenty-one.
他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。 He screwed the others out of their share of the money.
她的勤奋为其他人树立了榜样。 Her diligence has set an example to the others.
体贴的体谅他人感情的 Considerate of the feelings of others.
请把这份文件依次传递给他人。 Please hand on the document to others.
他人极聪明,毫无诚意的花言巧语骗不了他。 He was too wise to be imposed upon by fair words spoken without sincerity.
执行者通过执行特定的命令或起特定作用而充当他人的代理人的人 A person serving as an agent for another by carrying out specified orders or functions.
安慰的话,宽心的话某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人 Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.
那个吸血鬼依附于他人希望获得钱财。 The leech hangs about other people hoping to obtain money.
将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。 The transfer of property usually land to someone else.
我们大家可以一起走--假定其他人不耽搁的话. We can all leave together assuming (that) the others aren't late.
俘获者捕获他人作为俘虏的人 One that takes another as a captive.
他认为向他人乞求救济是耻辱。 He thinks it's a shame to beg others for alms.
他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。 He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties.
他被警察拘捕,控以强行进入他人住宅的罪名。 He was held by the police or a charge of breaking and entering.
用暴力威胁侵犯他人身体犯罪行为应与殴打罪区别开来。其区别是,前者是用暴力相威胁而后者是实际上的使用暴力。 Assault shall be distinguished from battery, in that assault is the threat of violence, whereas battery is actual violence.
告密者检举他人的人;告密的人 One who informs against others; an informer.
不体贴的不考虑他人感情的;不得体的 Lacking in consideration for the feelings of others; tactless.
确认确认他人的存在、有效性、权威或权力 Recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right.
当其他人走了之后,玛丽留下来,将家具放回原处。 When the others had gone, Mary remained and put back the furniture.
如果我连年努力工作,最后会得到什么呢?金钱、地位和他人的尊敬? If I work hard for years, what will I wind up with? Money, position and respect?
警察发现琼斯躲在鸦片馆里,和那里的其他人一样被毒品熏得昏昏沉沉的。 Police found Jones hiding in an opium den, among other men all hopped up with the drug.