
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D Adv * cong2wei4 never


Grade E word(s):

从未 [cong2 wei4] noch nie

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他的秘密至死也不为人知,因为他从未告诉过别人。 His secret died with him, for he never told anyone.
我以前从未听到过这个词语,是最近新造的吗? I hadn't heard that expression before ; is it a recent coinage?
我从未用过人民币付款。 I've never made payment in Renminbi before.
他承认以前从未见过她。 He confessed that he had never seen her before.
我从未怀疑过他的诚实。 I never doubted his honesty.
这个奴隶从未体验过自由的快乐。 The slave has never experienced the sweetness of freedom.
我从未答应过把汽车借给你: 你是在做梦吧! I never promised to lend you my car: you must be dreaming!
他以前从未做过这种工作, 我不知道他是否能(与其他雇员)配合好. He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in (with the other employees).
前年夏天它就坏了。虽然我早就许诺过我自己修,但是我从未腾出空来。 It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it.
尽管我以前从未为银行工作过,但我觉得在银行工作非常舒适自在,因为我曾为一位会计师工作过,而且我习惯于同数字打交道。 Although I've never worked for a bank before, I feel quite at home there because I used to work for an accountant and I'm used to dealing with figures.
我得说我对他真是敬佩--我从未想到他能参加甲队. I must say I take my hat off to him I neverthought he would get into the first team.
玫瑰花从未如此盛开过。 The rosebush was never so flowery before.
他从未忘记过自己出身卑微. He never forgot his humble origins.
我们已(互相)通信多年了, 可是我从未见过他本人. We've corresponded (with each other) (ie written to each other) for years but I've never actually met him.
我从未见过北极熊。 I have never seen an arctic bear.
我曾经犯过不少错误,但从未犯过宣称自己未犯过错误的错误。 I have made mistakes, but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I never made one.
有的祸事, 像她的汽车被盗之类, 以前从未发生过. Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happened before.
万勿对人类失去信心:要想到美国国内那些从未以卑鄙的手法欺骗过你的人啊。 Do not lose faith in humanity: think of all the people in the united state who have never play you a single nasty trick.