
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 报仇 + bao4chou2 to take revenge; to avenge
3 Old HSK word(s): C N * chou2 hatred/ enmity C v;n * chou2hen4 hate/ hatred/ animosity/ rancor C N * bao4chou2 reward/ pay

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Grade E word(s):
抱仇雪耻 成仇 仇/雠敌 仇人 仇/雠视 恩仇 反目成仇 反目为仇 复仇/雠 记仇 刻骨仇恨 苦大仇深 千仇万恨 深仇 世仇 同仇敌忾 新仇旧恨 血仇 冤仇

Häufigkeit: 2.59 Komposita

他的话激起了我的仇恨。 His words stirred up my hatred.
他对敌人有强烈的仇恨。 He has a strong animosity against his enemy.
所有这些都使他充满了对剥削阶级的仇恨。 All this filled him with hatred for the exploiting classes.
他移居到一个遥远的国家,在那里他觉得能摆脱仇敌,可以平平安安地生活。 He emigrated to a distant country, where he felt he could live in safety from his enemies.
他们发誓要向敌人报仇. They vowed revenge on their enemies.
她说她要向汤姆报仇。 She said she would take her revenge on Tom.
他们发誓要向绑架者报仇. They swore to take their revenge on the kidnappers.
仇恨常常源於恐惧. Hatred often springs from fear.
他的仇人竭力想把他牵扯进谋杀案中. His enemies tried to implicate him (in the murder).
在这篇爱情背叛和复仇的故事中,表现了阴森可怖的想像力,真是刺激,棒极了。 A darker imagination is at work in this story of betrayed love and revenge. Strong meat and very good.