
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 不仅 + bu4jin3 not only (this one); not just (...) but also
3 Old HSK word(s): B Adv * jin3 only B Adv * jin3jin3 only/ merely/ barely B Conj * bu4jin3 not only


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Grade E word(s):
不仅仅 不仅如此 仅次于 仅够 仅限于 仅有 绝无仅有
仅 [jin3] lediglich, bloß, nur, erst

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有头脑不仅指受过教育。 Brains are more than just education.
这些动物仅在夜间才出来. These animals only come out at night.
我开始作画,仅仅是最近的事情。 It is only recently that I started painting.
他仅有的消遣是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。 His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden.
杰克不仅是个好学生,而且还是名篮球队员。 Jack is not only a good student but also a basketball player.
这仅仅是个大概数字。 This is just an approximate figure.
这些规定仅适用于儿童。 This regulation refers only to children.
这仅仅是调查的开始。 It's only the initiative of the investigation.
她是一位年仅二十岁的教师。 She is a teacher aged only twenty.
从几个例子中仅给你举出一例.... To give you only one example out of several....
他不仅以才能出名,而且是出名的好心。 He is famous not only for his talent but (also) for his kindness.
这项研究仅仅是重复别人已经做过的工作。 This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere.
要使这份报告包括最新资料,我仅有几点事实需补充。 I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.
他仅仅是涉足政治而已。 He just dabbles in politics.
这骚乱仅仅是人们不满的一种表露而已。 This riot is only one manifestation of people's discontent.
公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇. The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
他仅把结婚当作达到目的的手段, 他只是想要妻子的财产. He regarded his marriage merely as a means to an end: he just wanted his wife's wealth.
首先,我站在一个热闹的角落,仅仅是看着人们,试图以审视他们来理解他们生活的某些东西。 First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their live.
她不仅很会演奏, 而且还会作曲. She not only plays well, but also writes music.
他们不仅抢夺你的财物,还要把每样东西都捣毁。 Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too.
当时有关新市政大厅的计画还仅仅是那建筑师酝酿中的意念。 The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect's eye.
她仅超过年龄限制一天,因此组织者通融了一下,接受她入会。 She was only one day over the age limit so the organizers bent the rules and accepted her entry.
这一卷涉及的时间仅至1945年. This volume only goes down to (ie only deals with the period up to) 1945.
他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。 Instead of pressing forward, then drew back.
他不仅请我进屋,而且竟然还请喝了一杯。 He not only invited me into his house but he actually offered me a drink.
我们的部队仅受到表面上的抵抗. Our troops encountered only token resistance.
他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明。 He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart.
我会让你分享我所搜集的仅有的一些资料。 I'll let you share what little information I have collected.
暴力犯罪仅仅是危害社会的弊病之一。 Violent crime is only one of the maladies afflicting modern society.
擒获布里尔不仅在荷兰历史上而且在世界历史上都应视为一个转折点—一个和攻克巴斯底狱或绞死查理士一世一样的重大事件。 The capture of Brill must rank as a turning-point not only in Netherlands history but in world history: an event of the order of the fall of the Bastille, or the execution of Charles I.
我所能担保的仅此而已。 That's all I can engage for.
这片建筑还只是仅有主梁的骨架. The block is still just a skeleton of girders.
他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。 His book is the best on the subject after mine.
这两兄弟仅外表相似,本性却很不一样。 There is only a formal likeness between the two brothers, for their natures are very different.
两个小男孩和一条狗成了街头艺人仅有的观众. Two small boys and a dog comprised the street entertainer's only audience.
他的工作不仅要处理难题而且也要应付突来的挑战。 His job is not only to dispose of problems but (also) to meet unexpected challenges.
仅仅经过几天的训练,她的打字技术就达到极其出色的程度。 After only a few day's instruction, she got typing off to a fine art.
安慰的话,宽心的话某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人 Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.
当你不再仅仅限于文字和静止图片时,网上生活会丰富多彩得多。 Life on-line can be a much richer experience when you aren't restricted to just written words and still pictures.
他的行动不仅没有缓和局势,反而加剧了局势。 Rather than relieving the situation, his action aggravated it.
特命全权公使派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使 A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.
那把刀刃仅仅刺破皮肤 The blade barely broke the skin.
老虎的踪迹仅依稀可见. Only faint traces of the tiger's tracks could be seen.
莫扎特毕竟不仅是作曲家,而且是空前的最大戏剧天才之一。 Mozart was, after all, not a mere purveyor of music but one of the supreme dramatic geniuses of all time.
燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。 Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
我的目光没有聚焦,以致我没有看到特别的目标,仅仅是那川流不息的彩色万花筒。 I throw my eyes out of focus, so that I see no particular object but only a seething kaleidoscope of colors.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
短暂的仅限于一个插曲持续的时间;短暂的 Limited to the duration of an episode; temporary.
事情的真相是:这样一种工作不仅存在,而且极易招致行贿受贿事件。 It emerged not only that such a job existed, but that it was particularly subject to bribery.
参议院编写税法的人对众议院的提案,迟疑不愿同意,因为他们顾虑这仅是帐篷底下一只骆驼的鼻子。 Senate tax writers were hesitant to agree to the House proposal because of concerns that it represented the camel's nose under the tent.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.