
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 人才 + ren2cai2 talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * ren2cai2 talent


Tài năng +
Grade E word(s):
人才辈出 人才济济 人才流动 一表人才/材
人才 [ren2 cai2] Talent, qualifiziertes Personal

Häufigkeit: 6.01 Komposita

他们最需要的是管理人才。 What they need most is managerial talent.
我得大嚷大叫别人才能听见,我为此十分不快。 It irritated me to have to shout to be heard.
今日的许多电影明星最初都是由人才发掘者发现的。 Many of the great movie stars of today were originally discovered by talent scouts.
好莱坞的演艺人才。 Hollywood talents.
我的新秘书很好,确实是难得的人才。 My new secretary is very good; quite a find, in fact.
这个国家最优秀的人才在不断外流。 This country is being drained of its best talents.